Each time they throw a punch at him he dodges the worst of the impact and then like a political Bruce Lee, that same punch comes back at the attacker twice as fast. Forget the headlines and look at what is happening under the covers. He has so angered the leftists that it has caused them to do very stupid, crazy looking things in public. Centrist dems are openly questioning the left. Look, here is AOC telling people not to go back to work when the lockdown ends. How does she propose to feed them? It looks like she is setting them up for the next crisis before the last one is even over. It looks like she is setting them up to riot. Any they just might do it unless she gets her demand for $2000 free dollars per person. PER MONTH. Once that starts, how can it stop? It will just distance people from work even more. Nobody cares where all this new money is coming from. Nobody cares that it will cause massively rising prices. Nobody alive in the US has been through hyperinflation (except those who escaped it when it happened in other countries). I hope the centrist dems are rolling their eyes at this bullshit. I Really do.
Hillary has not been forgotten for email gate and for Benghazi. The Trump administration is hunting her down and shutting off her attempts to evade testimony under oath. She appealed the first court order but the appeal fell flat.
The FBI is not out of the woods yet as everyone from FISA judges to inspector generals have come forward detailing the massive corruption of this once proud law enforcement unit. The DOJ has been retaken by Trump's forces and they are now expanding the count of inspector generals who will be used to ferret out other deep state abuses.
All the while, gold marches upward. Here's one for you. It's a model that allows for gold to ramp up to over $2400 in the next 2 weeks.
Impossible you say? Did you see the collapse of oil coming? I did. I have a chart when USO was at $13 telling my subscribers to be on the look out for a generational low. Do you even know what is happening right now? Have you made any preparations? Have you noticed that events are happening closer and closer together, like a woman in labor? That, as I have explained for a long time, is the sign of an exponential function at work. We might have a bit longer before this shit show collapses, but we don't have forever. 2-3 years is the best case and we will be lucky to get that much time.
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