The liberal hit job on General Flynn was simple: attack every appointee of Trump and make it clear that siding with Trump was signing up for an ass whupping. That was the real message that the corrupt FBI was trying to send in "investigating" (railroading) Flynn.
Well, like all other attacks on Trump, this too has ultimately failed. Barr has ordered the release of formerly sealed documents which clearly show collusion and conspiracy on the part of the FBI to bring Flynn down simply because he had accepted a position on Trump's staff.
Trump's response may seem typical Trump but there is more to it. If you and I are having a war of words in front of an audience, name calling will ensue. Accusations will ensue. There will be people on my side and people on yours because it's he said she said, your word against mine. That standoff continues until it is no longer your word against mine. Once it turns into your lies against my truths, something happens that is very important. Prior supporters of the lying side begin to realize that they themselves have been lied to. They have been used by the liar in order to backstop their cause and to give breadth to the words of the liar. And when that happens, especially to a liberal, their intelligence is insulted. They end up very upset not at the injustice done to the real victims, Flynn and Trump, but more so at having to admit they were gullible fools and that someone pulled a fast on on them.
This will NOT be forgiven at the voting polls. And the next time Trump calls someone fake, or he calls something a hoax or calls someone scum, those who have just awakened to the stupidity of their liberal bias will not just write it off as the ranting of the red hair man. They will begin to look with open eyes and think for themselves....
.... Finally.
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
9-11 is not dead. More resources for those that don't have head up a$$ syndrome.
Let me be clear. I am no conspiracy theorist. I am an engineer with significant experience in debugging problems and that requires attention to every detail and the ability to let the data take me where it is going because real data is very hard to fabricate. The truth is like a beach ball in the ocean. You can submerge it for awhile but it always wants to surface and it takes energy to keep it down. In the case of the GDP, Global Debt Ponzi, that energy source is fake money, and fake money is dying as I write this.
The fed's balance sheet is clearly telling us this. Wave 1 up will occur at about 9-10 trillion and then there will be a short period where the balance sheet will come back down a-b-c. After that, it will literally explode to the upside in wave 3 of 3 and nobody on the planet will doubt that all the things I have been writing for the past 10+ years are true, even if they never heard of me before. Wave 3 of 3 will be the moment of mass awakening and the knife in the heart of the liberal establishment. They may appear to be winning on this front or that but when 3 of 3 transpires, all of that goes by the wayside and everyone and their dog knows the truth.
Until then, you might want to check out some more resources that are popping up in order to wake up the herd.
Here is pilotsfor911truth. They have clearly rejected the government story.
Here is another huge resource, a 4 hour documentary on 911 being the new pearl harbor.
I tell you that a mass awakening is months and years away, not decades.
The fed's balance sheet is clearly telling us this. Wave 1 up will occur at about 9-10 trillion and then there will be a short period where the balance sheet will come back down a-b-c. After that, it will literally explode to the upside in wave 3 of 3 and nobody on the planet will doubt that all the things I have been writing for the past 10+ years are true, even if they never heard of me before. Wave 3 of 3 will be the moment of mass awakening and the knife in the heart of the liberal establishment. They may appear to be winning on this front or that but when 3 of 3 transpires, all of that goes by the wayside and everyone and their dog knows the truth.
Until then, you might want to check out some more resources that are popping up in order to wake up the herd.
Here is pilotsfor911truth. They have clearly rejected the government story.
Here is another huge resource, a 4 hour documentary on 911 being the new pearl harbor.
I tell you that a mass awakening is months and years away, not decades.
Well well well. And people thought that 9-11 was a dead issue.
I'm on record many times in these pages predicting that when the energy source of leftism, which is fake money, collapses and the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) crumbles, all the past skeletons will come flopping out of the closets into full view of the herd and then everyone will know what I have known for many years, which is that 9-11 was an inside job. All you have to know is that WTC7 collapsed at freefall speed of gravity into a cloud of pulverized concrete along with the fact that it was not hit by any plane and was in fact barely on fire when it just suddenly fell to the ground. It's just amazing to me how many fools will ignore their own eyes just to avoid having to step out of the herd and think independently.
Well, the next step in the coming 9-11 disclosures is happening right now and it is being championed by none other than Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch. In his latest disclosure on this matter, Fitton tells us that the FBI lied and hid evidence. Gee, I wonder why. Mark my words, the truth will come out eventually. Not because anyone really wants to say it but rather because honesty is the first step toward regaining confidence. And without confidence, the herd is going to stop following the corrupt government. This is coming as sure as I type it. There are just too many like me who will never, ever trust government again until there is a full and truthful accounting of 911. I will never trust their fake money, their daily lies or their long term motives. I will work against them in any way I can and I will continue to speak against them at every opportunity. I can never be silenced, not without a gunfight. Never going to happen. And if they want a gun fight then they can have one. I am completely unafraid of them. Quite the contrary. I will never start anything, but anyone they send to shut me up using any kind of force should be deathly afraid of me. I'd likely die in the deal but ohh, would it be public and expensive for them. Besides, in 15 maybe 20 years TOPS I will be dead of natural causes anyhow. How can you intimidate someone who understands this essential truth. In short, you can't.
Well, the next step in the coming 9-11 disclosures is happening right now and it is being championed by none other than Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch. In his latest disclosure on this matter, Fitton tells us that the FBI lied and hid evidence. Gee, I wonder why. Mark my words, the truth will come out eventually. Not because anyone really wants to say it but rather because honesty is the first step toward regaining confidence. And without confidence, the herd is going to stop following the corrupt government. This is coming as sure as I type it. There are just too many like me who will never, ever trust government again until there is a full and truthful accounting of 911. I will never trust their fake money, their daily lies or their long term motives. I will work against them in any way I can and I will continue to speak against them at every opportunity. I can never be silenced, not without a gunfight. Never going to happen. And if they want a gun fight then they can have one. I am completely unafraid of them. Quite the contrary. I will never start anything, but anyone they send to shut me up using any kind of force should be deathly afraid of me. I'd likely die in the deal but ohh, would it be public and expensive for them. Besides, in 15 maybe 20 years TOPS I will be dead of natural causes anyhow. How can you intimidate someone who understands this essential truth. In short, you can't.
Centrist dems are speaking out against the double standard
Whenever a whiff of impropriety has been brought up (or made up) against a conservative, the left has gone insane with immediate accusations and piling on. That goes double when the accusation concerned sexual misbehavior. A major tactic in this propaganda war has been repetitive stressing that we should blindly believe the accuser despite clear evidence of mental instability, Trump derangement syndrome, inconsistent reporting of the wrongdoing and lack of any corroborating evidence. Centrists dems might not have been completely comfortable with the approach but they took the the stance that if really innocent, the accused would prevail. While this was weak of them, it was not corrupt IMO. Those who acted this way still retained their intellectual honesty even if they did not speak publicly. In the end, this tactic by centrist dems was vindicated as every wild leftist accusation about Trump, Kavanaugh, etc. was batted down in a very public and bipartisan way.
But a line has to be drawn somewhere between being silent and being complicit. If that line is crossed and nothing is said then centrist dems can no longer realistically consider themselves to be good or honest in any way. There has to be some kind of line that separates real people from fake people. I believe that line has been called out by the recent corroborated sexual allegations against creepy Joe Biden. In case you have been living under a rock, Biden is accused of pushing an aid up against a wall and finger f--king her. The victim had been in a state of hero worship of Biden and he used her sheeple state to take advantage of her. The fact that he did it to her clearly suggests that she was not the first. Others might have welcomed the advances but this particular person was shocked and horrified by it. In fact, she spoke to her mother about it and friends as well. We now even have footage of where her mom called into Larry King Live and asked for advice about it.
The left leaning USA Today allowed the posting of this article which calls out in no uncertain terms that Biden is being treated with a double standard. This is a very important thing because centrist dems were all thinking it but here is one of them just saying it. Catherine Cherkasky is a women's sexual assault lawyer and so this cannot be viewed as a political attack on the left by some right wing operative. At the same time she's a centrist dem and she is speaking to others like herself. We know she is centrist (honest) dem because she clearly called bullshit on Christine B. Ford's completely fabricated attack on conservative Brett Kavanaugh. Had there been one shred of real evidence apart from the ramblings of an unhinged educator there is NO WAY Kavanaugh would have been confirmed into SCOTUS. It was just too public, too closely scrutinized.
This is creepy Joe Biden. Pictures do not lie. There is not just one case, the evidence piles so high that the stench of it jumps off the computer screen. This is a man who thinks all women love him and cannot resist him. He's a legend in his own mind. Look at the pictures. He's just a creepy old man who clearly sees a pretty thing and then takes what he wants while his fucked up sycophants smile all around him and turn a blind eye to his groping hands.
This is creepy Joe Biden:
And so is this:
And so is this:
Look at all the useless fucks standing around while Biden "innocently" gropes a child. All of them know this is wrong but they are constrained by their herd think. Someone should have pulled that little girl out of that situation and at the very least, given creepy Joe the stink eye if not just outright confronted him loudly about it.
Bottom line is that the dems have again shot themselves in the head. They think that their ranks are just going to fall in line in November to push the party agenda but I don't see it that way. I think too many centrist (i.e. honest and non delusional ones) cannot un-see and un-know all that is so obvious about this creepy old elitist bastard.
But a line has to be drawn somewhere between being silent and being complicit. If that line is crossed and nothing is said then centrist dems can no longer realistically consider themselves to be good or honest in any way. There has to be some kind of line that separates real people from fake people. I believe that line has been called out by the recent corroborated sexual allegations against creepy Joe Biden. In case you have been living under a rock, Biden is accused of pushing an aid up against a wall and finger f--king her. The victim had been in a state of hero worship of Biden and he used her sheeple state to take advantage of her. The fact that he did it to her clearly suggests that she was not the first. Others might have welcomed the advances but this particular person was shocked and horrified by it. In fact, she spoke to her mother about it and friends as well. We now even have footage of where her mom called into Larry King Live and asked for advice about it.
The left leaning USA Today allowed the posting of this article which calls out in no uncertain terms that Biden is being treated with a double standard. This is a very important thing because centrist dems were all thinking it but here is one of them just saying it. Catherine Cherkasky is a women's sexual assault lawyer and so this cannot be viewed as a political attack on the left by some right wing operative. At the same time she's a centrist dem and she is speaking to others like herself. We know she is centrist (honest) dem because she clearly called bullshit on Christine B. Ford's completely fabricated attack on conservative Brett Kavanaugh. Had there been one shred of real evidence apart from the ramblings of an unhinged educator there is NO WAY Kavanaugh would have been confirmed into SCOTUS. It was just too public, too closely scrutinized.
This is creepy Joe Biden. Pictures do not lie. There is not just one case, the evidence piles so high that the stench of it jumps off the computer screen. This is a man who thinks all women love him and cannot resist him. He's a legend in his own mind. Look at the pictures. He's just a creepy old man who clearly sees a pretty thing and then takes what he wants while his fucked up sycophants smile all around him and turn a blind eye to his groping hands.
This is creepy Joe Biden:
And so is this:
And so is this:
Look at all the useless fucks standing around while Biden "innocently" gropes a child. All of them know this is wrong but they are constrained by their herd think. Someone should have pulled that little girl out of that situation and at the very least, given creepy Joe the stink eye if not just outright confronted him loudly about it.
Bottom line is that the dems have again shot themselves in the head. They think that their ranks are just going to fall in line in November to push the party agenda but I don't see it that way. I think too many centrist (i.e. honest and non delusional ones) cannot un-see and un-know all that is so obvious about this creepy old elitist bastard.
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Socialist propaganda tells me they are trying to make their move
Liberal socialist tell us that they should never let a serious crisis go to waste. The ridiculous socialist oversteps that have been pulled during the covid shutdown are so obvious. While I live in TX, I live in an obviously liberal suburb. During elections my neighborhood is a sea of dem blue signage. I'm probably the only true conservative within gunshot range.
At the entrance to our neigborhood the socialists have put up a big sign thanking "essential" personnel. This a national socialist theme. You can tell the themes simply by the repetition. Socialists know that stupid people, who are their main target, are swayed by the power of repetition. If you say the same thing to a stupid person long enough, pretty soon they begin to think it is their own original thought. Look at what comes up in google if you search for "thank you essential".
What I want to say is this: if you are not labeled "essential" by the socialist establishment, what does that make you? In a word and by definition, non-essential. This is the same old liberal socialist game of picking winners and losers. If your business was considered essential, even if it was completely non-essential to the task at hand, then you got to stay open and conduct business while others were forced at what would eventually be gunpoint if you cared to press it that far, not to conduct business. If if most people can't conduct business for very long, their debts overwhelm them and they go out of business, thus enabling chosen people to take over.
I still don't know why people haven't begun shooting yet. I'm guessing that will change as soon as those who know they are screwed but think it is only temporary, begin to realize it is not temporary at all. Covid might not have been spread on purpose, but the liberal socialist democrats are absolutely trying to capitalize on the situation.
Don't be surprised to find that militias begin growing in strength, perhaps even recruiting overtly in the coming months and years. Battle lines are being drawn even if most people are not observant enough to see it.
At the entrance to our neigborhood the socialists have put up a big sign thanking "essential" personnel. This a national socialist theme. You can tell the themes simply by the repetition. Socialists know that stupid people, who are their main target, are swayed by the power of repetition. If you say the same thing to a stupid person long enough, pretty soon they begin to think it is their own original thought. Look at what comes up in google if you search for "thank you essential".
What I want to say is this: if you are not labeled "essential" by the socialist establishment, what does that make you? In a word and by definition, non-essential. This is the same old liberal socialist game of picking winners and losers. If your business was considered essential, even if it was completely non-essential to the task at hand, then you got to stay open and conduct business while others were forced at what would eventually be gunpoint if you cared to press it that far, not to conduct business. If if most people can't conduct business for very long, their debts overwhelm them and they go out of business, thus enabling chosen people to take over.
I still don't know why people haven't begun shooting yet. I'm guessing that will change as soon as those who know they are screwed but think it is only temporary, begin to realize it is not temporary at all. Covid might not have been spread on purpose, but the liberal socialist democrats are absolutely trying to capitalize on the situation.
Don't be surprised to find that militias begin growing in strength, perhaps even recruiting overtly in the coming months and years. Battle lines are being drawn even if most people are not observant enough to see it.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Dear centrist dems, I 'm so sorry.
If there is anyone getting a wake up call these days, it's the centrist dems. This group is well educated and hard working. Many are fiscally conservative. Many are not gay. But they are still liberals so they voted for Obama and then they voted for Hillary. But now they don't know what the frack to do because the dem party has turned into an open cesspool of insanity and stupidity.
The latest dem embarrassment is ex presidential wannabe Andrew Gillum. Police had to come to his hotel room last month after his drugfest of a gay orgy went wrong. Now the cops have released pictures. Oh, the humanity. What next, nude snaps of "Michael" Obama?
The latest dem embarrassment is ex presidential wannabe Andrew Gillum. Police had to come to his hotel room last month after his drugfest of a gay orgy went wrong. Now the cops have released pictures. Oh, the humanity. What next, nude snaps of "Michael" Obama?
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
There will eventually be a showdown and Trump is building his army
You can laugh at the stumblebum all you want. I laugh at him too. He's laughable in public speech. But in actions, for those who are intellectually honest, Trump has been quite effective at tearing away at the deep state. I don't like all this debt that he likes and I don't like all the currency printing either. But I look at the other things he is doing and it smells like swamp draining in many cases. His direct attacks and public dismissal of the main stream liberal media has been nothing short of legendary. No president has ever gone to war with the media before and made it out alive. But the Teflon Don is not only surviving, he's prospering.
Each time they throw a punch at him he dodges the worst of the impact and then like a political Bruce Lee, that same punch comes back at the attacker twice as fast. Forget the headlines and look at what is happening under the covers. He has so angered the leftists that it has caused them to do very stupid, crazy looking things in public. Centrist dems are openly questioning the left. Look, here is AOC telling people not to go back to work when the lockdown ends. How does she propose to feed them? It looks like she is setting them up for the next crisis before the last one is even over. It looks like she is setting them up to riot. Any they just might do it unless she gets her demand for $2000 free dollars per person. PER MONTH. Once that starts, how can it stop? It will just distance people from work even more. Nobody cares where all this new money is coming from. Nobody cares that it will cause massively rising prices. Nobody alive in the US has been through hyperinflation (except those who escaped it when it happened in other countries). I hope the centrist dems are rolling their eyes at this bullshit. I Really do.
Hillary has not been forgotten for email gate and for Benghazi. The Trump administration is hunting her down and shutting off her attempts to evade testimony under oath. She appealed the first court order but the appeal fell flat.
The FBI is not out of the woods yet as everyone from FISA judges to inspector generals have come forward detailing the massive corruption of this once proud law enforcement unit. The DOJ has been retaken by Trump's forces and they are now expanding the count of inspector generals who will be used to ferret out other deep state abuses.
All the while, gold marches upward. Here's one for you. It's a model that allows for gold to ramp up to over $2400 in the next 2 weeks.

Impossible you say? Did you see the collapse of oil coming? I did. I have a chart when USO was at $13 telling my subscribers to be on the look out for a generational low. Do you even know what is happening right now? Have you made any preparations? Have you noticed that events are happening closer and closer together, like a woman in labor? That, as I have explained for a long time, is the sign of an exponential function at work. We might have a bit longer before this shit show collapses, but we don't have forever. 2-3 years is the best case and we will be lucky to get that much time.
Each time they throw a punch at him he dodges the worst of the impact and then like a political Bruce Lee, that same punch comes back at the attacker twice as fast. Forget the headlines and look at what is happening under the covers. He has so angered the leftists that it has caused them to do very stupid, crazy looking things in public. Centrist dems are openly questioning the left. Look, here is AOC telling people not to go back to work when the lockdown ends. How does she propose to feed them? It looks like she is setting them up for the next crisis before the last one is even over. It looks like she is setting them up to riot. Any they just might do it unless she gets her demand for $2000 free dollars per person. PER MONTH. Once that starts, how can it stop? It will just distance people from work even more. Nobody cares where all this new money is coming from. Nobody cares that it will cause massively rising prices. Nobody alive in the US has been through hyperinflation (except those who escaped it when it happened in other countries). I hope the centrist dems are rolling their eyes at this bullshit. I Really do.
Hillary has not been forgotten for email gate and for Benghazi. The Trump administration is hunting her down and shutting off her attempts to evade testimony under oath. She appealed the first court order but the appeal fell flat.
The FBI is not out of the woods yet as everyone from FISA judges to inspector generals have come forward detailing the massive corruption of this once proud law enforcement unit. The DOJ has been retaken by Trump's forces and they are now expanding the count of inspector generals who will be used to ferret out other deep state abuses.
All the while, gold marches upward. Here's one for you. It's a model that allows for gold to ramp up to over $2400 in the next 2 weeks.
Impossible you say? Did you see the collapse of oil coming? I did. I have a chart when USO was at $13 telling my subscribers to be on the look out for a generational low. Do you even know what is happening right now? Have you made any preparations? Have you noticed that events are happening closer and closer together, like a woman in labor? That, as I have explained for a long time, is the sign of an exponential function at work. We might have a bit longer before this shit show collapses, but we don't have forever. 2-3 years is the best case and we will be lucky to get that much time.
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