Smith is a close confidant of Dr. Chris Martenson. So you can see that behind closed doors Martenson is very, very worried about the potential for global sickness and death from coronavirus. Ever since Martenson has been warning that we are not getting the full story on coronavirus, government and those beholden to government for their existence, including the likes of wiki have been trying to shut him down.
For example, here is is the brief that a google search brings up for Martenson. This shows he once had a wiki page and that page showed he had a doctorate in disease pathology.
But he left the medical field long ago because he was not a go along to get along kind of guy and so the fact the he did not owe his living to the medical field AND YET he was a highly trained person in the nature of disease transmission moved him from the ranks of conspiracy theorist to informed outsider. Conspiracy theorists do not have to be shut down because government knows the herd has a built in aversion to following sources that have not been anointed. But with the conservative wave comes more critical thinking by the herd which is why Hillary lost and Trump won. Trump won as an informed outsider who was telling tales out of school.
They tried like Hell to shut him down but the conservative wave has gained escape velocity and people are now waking up in exponential numbers. You can see it everywhere from Trump having teflon Don status (no shit sticks to him even when flung by the best shit flingers ever to have walked the Earth) to droves of people getting the fuck out of disgusting California and even the likes of Oracle moving their major trade show out of San Fran. These are major things, they cannot be undone easily and so they were not done on a whim. Enough just got to be too much.
But I digress, back to Martenson whose Wiki page has been deleted suddenly. This is not a theory. It's a conspiracy. Wiki was told to stop helping this guy spread information. Having a wiki page that informs people that Martenson is a trained medical pathologist (i.e. one who studies the transmission mechanism for disease) was not good. It gave the man fair credit for what he knows and the powers that be do not want their systems being used to spread truths that would expose the official propaganda.
It's just more evidence that government doesn't give a fuck about you or me or anyone but itself. Knowing the truth would cause people to hunker down and consume less for a while, perhaps months. They worry that this could be enough to collapse the fake money system. If half the people died of coronavirus but the oligarchs were left in power, they would all have some fake bullshit emotional memorial in order to act like they care and then they would get right back to the business of extracting value from the enslaved population.
As George Carlin clearly stated, THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. AT ALL. AT ALL. AT ALL. They want obedient workers. They want slaves.
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