The Guardian dropped its guard by allowing a blatant anti-Trump, Trump is Hitler, Trump is fascist "opinion piece" to print. The author, Jason Nobody, packed every liberal anti-Trump theme possible into the title, the lead section, and the caption of the main picture.
The whole thing would be laughable if it weren't so blatantly crazy. Trump has chosen to enforce laws that the left wanted to ignore in order to pad the polls with an immigrant demographic that it hoped would vote dem. And the constant references to Hitler are so over the top that even centrist dems are rolling their eyes. Does Trump set up official tattletale Nove-Stazi websites saying "if you see something say something"? MO! That bullshit was from the traitor Obama. As this open mic video confession suggests, if anyone "colluded" with communist Russia it was him.
Another joke in this hit piece is that Trump is colluding with Modi on his abuse of the downtrodden. Well, look at the picture. Does that look like Trump is any kind of friend of Modi? Trump looks like he is holding his breath as Modi tries to make it look like they are old buddies. The expression on Trump's face is clearly one of tolerance more than of some kind of close tie. You would have thought they could find a better photo to make their point than this, and I think if one existed then they would have used it. This is as good as it gets between Trump and Modi.
I'm not big fan of Trump. I think he is prolonging the Global Debt Ponzi by using more and more deficit spending. I think his communications are childish at best. But regardless of these shortcomings he's doing what he thinks is best for the USA regardless of what the globalists want, and he's in no way "Hitler". All those comments by the left will do is drive centrist dems to vote for Trump in November.
Leftists, get over yourselves.
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
MMT begins in Hong Kong
When the world is awash in cheap money, interest rates have to go down in order to entice people to keep borrowing so they can consume more than their income using debt. This is how we get negative interest rates. It is not a sign of health but rather a sign of the end of a system.
Likewise when the people have grown tired of listening to corrupt government they would rather riot than work and pay taxes. So what do you do? You institute negative taxation of course. And that is exactly what "modern monetary theory" is. It's a bribe to stay calm, stay quiet, don't break things, don't kill the elite in the streets.
And it Hong Hong it's now policy and government promises to give every adult $1284 USD (10k HKD) in order to lift spirits. Well let me tell you, life in Hong Kong is not cheap and $1284 is a joke. This is not going to appease anyone for very long. All it is likely to do is force Hong Kong to break the long standing peg of the HKD to the USD. And when that happens, the HKD will go into freefall such that the 10k HKD will only buy half as much as it used to.
Hongkongese, get your wealth out of the hong kong dollar ASAP. I don't know what else to tell you. Your government is signaling desperation and others will lose confidence in them. As a result the HKD will plunge. Get out while you still can. Get into gold and silver if possible. Time is quickly running out for you.
Likewise when the people have grown tired of listening to corrupt government they would rather riot than work and pay taxes. So what do you do? You institute negative taxation of course. And that is exactly what "modern monetary theory" is. It's a bribe to stay calm, stay quiet, don't break things, don't kill the elite in the streets.
And it Hong Hong it's now policy and government promises to give every adult $1284 USD (10k HKD) in order to lift spirits. Well let me tell you, life in Hong Kong is not cheap and $1284 is a joke. This is not going to appease anyone for very long. All it is likely to do is force Hong Kong to break the long standing peg of the HKD to the USD. And when that happens, the HKD will go into freefall such that the 10k HKD will only buy half as much as it used to.
Hongkongese, get your wealth out of the hong kong dollar ASAP. I don't know what else to tell you. Your government is signaling desperation and others will lose confidence in them. As a result the HKD will plunge. Get out while you still can. Get into gold and silver if possible. Time is quickly running out for you.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Air New Zealand makes smart, bold move
As someone who has been over seas about 70 times in the past 8 years I have been vocal in my view that airlines should allow people to lie down while flying. The only time you really need a normal seat belt is during take off and landing. Why? Because traditional seat belts were designed to stop you from continuing forward when your car stops suddenly. When flying, airplanes do not stop suddenly. They bump up and down during turbulence but the direction of force is not forward and thus you don't need a traditional seat belt. What would be good is a kind of cargo net draped over you when you sleep flat. But until now you had to fly first class in order to get that basic level of comfort.
When I was younger I could sit in a hard aircraft seat and still be OK after a long flight. But as I get older it just gets more and more uncomfortable and probably more and more dangerous. Older folks are prone to blood pooling in the lower legs and feet. This is mitigated by laying down. But you cannot lay down in cattle class even on cattle class plus and even on cattle class plus overseas.
But now Air New Zealand is changing all of that. Now that business is turning down they have figured out that they need to think outside the box a bit in order to compete better with other destinations. And in doing so they have announced lay flat sleeping bunk even for economy.
In first class the seats are expensive but they sit up and lie quite nicely flat. In traditional economy you just sit there and suffer the whole flight. But now, subject to approval by bureaucrats, for an extra charge which will have to be well below first class rates, they will allow you to rent a small bunk. You keep your normal seat, probably for take off, landing and meals but you can go to the bunk when the plane is in cruise mode.
This should just be the start and I predict it will be wildly popular. Sooner or later they just need to allow travelers to select a seat or a bunk and then come up with the proper restraints for those choosing the bunk. I bet they could even stack more passengers in like that.
When I was younger I could sit in a hard aircraft seat and still be OK after a long flight. But as I get older it just gets more and more uncomfortable and probably more and more dangerous. Older folks are prone to blood pooling in the lower legs and feet. This is mitigated by laying down. But you cannot lay down in cattle class even on cattle class plus and even on cattle class plus overseas.
But now Air New Zealand is changing all of that. Now that business is turning down they have figured out that they need to think outside the box a bit in order to compete better with other destinations. And in doing so they have announced lay flat sleeping bunk even for economy.
In first class the seats are expensive but they sit up and lie quite nicely flat. In traditional economy you just sit there and suffer the whole flight. But now, subject to approval by bureaucrats, for an extra charge which will have to be well below first class rates, they will allow you to rent a small bunk. You keep your normal seat, probably for take off, landing and meals but you can go to the bunk when the plane is in cruise mode.
This should just be the start and I predict it will be wildly popular. Sooner or later they just need to allow travelers to select a seat or a bunk and then come up with the proper restraints for those choosing the bunk. I bet they could even stack more passengers in like that.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Harvey will either die or go to the slam for the rest of his life now.
My oh my, how the mighty have fallen. Do you recall all those years ago when I clearly stated what we would see as Peak Liberalism brought with it the end of the Global Debt Ponzi? I have been very clear and unwavering the whole time: we would see mighty elite brought down by the herd. Skeletons would be falling out of closets and it would no longer be paid for with money by the elite. Instead, real jail time would result.
Well, its official now, Harvey Weinstein is now convicted of not one but two sex crimes, both major felonies, with a possible sentence of up to 29 years. And I can tell you right now he will be made an example of. They will hit him with enough time that it is effectively a death sentence in jail.
Truth be told, Harvey probably didn't commit any real crime. What he most likely did was use his power and influence to coerce women into consenting to sex otherwise they would be blackballed from access to Hollywood. Had he actually forcibly raped anyone they would have busted him a long time ago. The wiki on this matter say "As early as 1998, Gwyneth Paltrow said on Late Show with David Letterman that Weinstein "will coerce you to do a thing or two."" That's probably the stone cold truth of it. And in response many weak minded women went along with it because they wanted to be stars so badly. Had those women had any personal honor they would have told Harvey to go fuck himself.
Back then workplace laws were not as strict as today. Today the coercion portion of what Harvey did would certainly be illegal sexual harassment. And of that he is certainly guilty. But laws are not supposed to be retroactive. You should not be able to pass a new law and then point to pre-law behavior that is not repeated post law and then put a man in jail for life. And the whole rape narrative is bogus as well. It was only rape because those doing the complaining didn't become a star. They thought they paid their entry fee on the casting couch and it turns out that those with lack of talent still don't get acting jobs.
The main difference between then and now is that fake money is losing its power over the minds of humans. During the liberal heyday, people would have done absolutely anything for cash, even those who really didn't need it. It had become a contest of he who dies with the most toys wins, no matter the fact that when you have 30 cars in your collection most of them just sit there rusting and collecting dust.
And so this is the real take away for all my readers to understand. Who gives a shit that Harvey is going to jail? That is just a symptom of the bigger issue which is that all the liberal bullshit which has screwed this country over for the past 50 years is now on the verge of collapse. The markets are chief among them. It is a liberal notion that you can earn some money and put it in a magic box and come back later to assuredly find more money than was initially input. Also, government doing amoral things in direct opposition to the will and benefit of the people is also amoral behavior which is nothing more than organized crime. They want your stuff more than you do as Rocket Racoon would say. Workers and producers getting screwed over while posers and politicians and liars and gamblers get ahead is also liberal behavior. ALL of these things will now reverse.
And finally, fake money is the most liberal of all things. It is the open theft of working people's labor.
The reason you need to care about Harvey is because I was right and each month that goes by my world view is reinforced by unfolding events. And my world view necessarily requires that eventually the mass corruption will fail en masse. It will be exposed. We will know the truth about 911. Everyone will know what I have known for 20 years about what is and is not real money. There will be no room for the cockroaches to hide. The system will collapse into chaos before it can be reborn into something better. There will likely also be war and massive public unrest, food shortages and supply chain interruption of all kinds, including electricity and perhaps even clean water. This is the reason you should not look at my statements as braggadocio. I gain nothing by doing that. But unless I can get people to open their eyes and see the truth of what I have been saying, all of my insight and understanding is spent on me and mine alone. And that would be a truly sad thing for me because I don't have the means to do for everyone what everyone right now needs to be doing for themselves.
Well, its official now, Harvey Weinstein is now convicted of not one but two sex crimes, both major felonies, with a possible sentence of up to 29 years. And I can tell you right now he will be made an example of. They will hit him with enough time that it is effectively a death sentence in jail.
Truth be told, Harvey probably didn't commit any real crime. What he most likely did was use his power and influence to coerce women into consenting to sex otherwise they would be blackballed from access to Hollywood. Had he actually forcibly raped anyone they would have busted him a long time ago. The wiki on this matter say "As early as 1998, Gwyneth Paltrow said on Late Show with David Letterman that Weinstein "will coerce you to do a thing or two."" That's probably the stone cold truth of it. And in response many weak minded women went along with it because they wanted to be stars so badly. Had those women had any personal honor they would have told Harvey to go fuck himself.
Back then workplace laws were not as strict as today. Today the coercion portion of what Harvey did would certainly be illegal sexual harassment. And of that he is certainly guilty. But laws are not supposed to be retroactive. You should not be able to pass a new law and then point to pre-law behavior that is not repeated post law and then put a man in jail for life. And the whole rape narrative is bogus as well. It was only rape because those doing the complaining didn't become a star. They thought they paid their entry fee on the casting couch and it turns out that those with lack of talent still don't get acting jobs.
The main difference between then and now is that fake money is losing its power over the minds of humans. During the liberal heyday, people would have done absolutely anything for cash, even those who really didn't need it. It had become a contest of he who dies with the most toys wins, no matter the fact that when you have 30 cars in your collection most of them just sit there rusting and collecting dust.
And so this is the real take away for all my readers to understand. Who gives a shit that Harvey is going to jail? That is just a symptom of the bigger issue which is that all the liberal bullshit which has screwed this country over for the past 50 years is now on the verge of collapse. The markets are chief among them. It is a liberal notion that you can earn some money and put it in a magic box and come back later to assuredly find more money than was initially input. Also, government doing amoral things in direct opposition to the will and benefit of the people is also amoral behavior which is nothing more than organized crime. They want your stuff more than you do as Rocket Racoon would say. Workers and producers getting screwed over while posers and politicians and liars and gamblers get ahead is also liberal behavior. ALL of these things will now reverse.
And finally, fake money is the most liberal of all things. It is the open theft of working people's labor.
The reason you need to care about Harvey is because I was right and each month that goes by my world view is reinforced by unfolding events. And my world view necessarily requires that eventually the mass corruption will fail en masse. It will be exposed. We will know the truth about 911. Everyone will know what I have known for 20 years about what is and is not real money. There will be no room for the cockroaches to hide. The system will collapse into chaos before it can be reborn into something better. There will likely also be war and massive public unrest, food shortages and supply chain interruption of all kinds, including electricity and perhaps even clean water. This is the reason you should not look at my statements as braggadocio. I gain nothing by doing that. But unless I can get people to open their eyes and see the truth of what I have been saying, all of my insight and understanding is spent on me and mine alone. And that would be a truly sad thing for me because I don't have the means to do for everyone what everyone right now needs to be doing for themselves.
Sunday, February 23, 2020
If you trust government in a crisis, this is what you should expect
Recently passengers from the plague ship Diamond Princess were returned to the US by the government. Instead of putting the clearly infected on their own plane so that it could be managed, government created a medical theater using plastic sheets on the charter plane and then outfitted its employees in full hazmat gear while passing out cheap theatrical masks to those who had little choice but to fly Corona Class with the sick. These people would have done just as well with another kind of mask:
Worse still, 14 of those who were not showing symptoms at the time (and were thus seated in close proximity to other non-infected passengers) were in fact infected and contagious. So the odds are high that all on that plane will have been exposed to this ridiculously virulent and easily transmissible virus which is contagious without symptoms. And not just a little contagious, this is now being assigned an R0 ("R not") value of 6.7 by American scientists. That means each person will transmit to 6.7 others. It is why cases overseas are doubling overnight.
Pay attention to this and be prepared to look out for yourself because at the end of the day George Carlin was 1000% right: the government doesn't give a fuck about you. AT ALL. If it did then it certainly would have taken far better precautions with these people's lives than this childishly limp-wristed approach. What you see below would be criminal negligence if done by anyone but government.
Worse still, 14 of those who were not showing symptoms at the time (and were thus seated in close proximity to other non-infected passengers) were in fact infected and contagious. So the odds are high that all on that plane will have been exposed to this ridiculously virulent and easily transmissible virus which is contagious without symptoms. And not just a little contagious, this is now being assigned an R0 ("R not") value of 6.7 by American scientists. That means each person will transmit to 6.7 others. It is why cases overseas are doubling overnight.
Pay attention to this and be prepared to look out for yourself because at the end of the day George Carlin was 1000% right: the government doesn't give a fuck about you. AT ALL. If it did then it certainly would have taken far better precautions with these people's lives than this childishly limp-wristed approach. What you see below would be criminal negligence if done by anyone but government.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Joaquin Phoenix is an idiot and The Joker is an unwatchable flick
I recently traveled to Amsterdam for work. As part of that travel I obviously had to fly and during the flight they offered free movies one of which was The Joker with Joaquin Phoenix. To be honest I'd never seen anything that he starred in. Yes, I watched/enjoyed Gladiator but that was a Russel Crowe flick. Nothing else that Phoenix has played in ever caught my attention (or that of anyone else, really). The Joker was by far his biggest chance to show us something new and different and skillful.
So I start playing it on the plane and the first thing he begins doing is laughing the fakest, stupidest "gee I'm crazy even though I sound like I am trying to sound crazy" laugh which goes on and on. Now don't get me wrong. I like a good crazy act. I thought Heath Ledger was legendary in his portrayal of The Joker. Everything about it was perfect. The small mouth movements. The eye movements. The change of pace. Ledger was crazy cool personified. It wasn't just the best Joker ever done (easily beating the crap out of Jack Nicholson's Joker and even Nicholson's crazy character in The Shining and, dare I say it, One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest), it was one of the best acting jobs of any kind that I have witnessed.
But Phoenix? What a hack. That fake laugh went on and on throughout the movie. I watched 10 minutes of the start, couldn't stand it, and then jumped another 20 minutes in, couldn't stand it, another 20 minutes further in, couldn't stand it. I gave him every chance to catch his stride but he never did. There was nothing redeeming whatsoever about his horrible portrayal of the Joker. And for this crap act, the self congratulatory Hollywood crowd gave him a Golden Globe.
Now, we already know that these award ceremonies are largely political in nature. I suspect Joker got this award not so much for the performance but for the anti establishment message that it presented. Regardless, Phoenix stood up to give his acceptance speech and then acted (poorly again) like he actually deserved this recognition. And then he went on to whine about human impact on the planet, mea culpa for living and consuming, blah blah blah. And then with teary eyes he went on a PR mission to show he cares for living things, etc. by saving a cow (in front of the cameras, of course) and calf from the butcher (who he referred to as murderer multiple times on camera).
For my part I think the butcher should sue Phoenix for wanton defamation of character. Phony Phoenix is simply playing to the liberal masses and pulling on the heart strings of the stupid who, without benefit of the butcher, would be starving to death. This is ridiculous. I love a good steak and a quality hamburger. I know these animals can think to some degree. That is not the issue. The universe is hierarchical in nature; that is to say, it is intrinsically hierarchical. Shall a black hole be sorry that it devours solar systems? I think not. It is simply the way of things. It is natural.
And the way of things on Earth is that in order to live people have to eat. We cannot live from eating inanimate objects. Rocks and dirt will not sustain us. Sure we can eat just plants but plants are living things too. Do we hate them? If not, why pick on plants? And we can eat fish, but fish are intelligent as well. In my many hours of SCUBA and snorkeling I have seen many a grouper behave with clear intelligence, at times even running away behind a rock and then turning around and poking his head out to see if I saw him do it. Why should we pick on them? I think a grouper is as smart as a cow.
While the liberals want us to believe that we evolved from bacteria and slime mold, I laugh at this notion. In all my years of engineering I never saw anything evolve from nothing, and certainly not anything so masterfully complex and remarkable as human anatomy, human thought and human creativity. Each time we discover more about the building blocks of our life form I am even more blown away by the order and logic and precision that has to happen at the molecular level in order for us to exist. This is not random. This is not evolution from nothing or from a pile of raw chemicals. Even Darwinists are now admitting that Darwin himself would, with hindsight and based on current knowledge, disavow his own work. They are now abandoning Darwinism in droves based on the new data that we have about how our bodies work and how life itself works.
And so, let's consider the other side of the coin, the creationist side. Man was created by a superior being. Let's call him G_d. I don't know much about all the non-western creationist religions but many of them say similar things, just using different characters. In the case of Judeo-Christianity, The Bible is the historical accounting and rule book. In Genesis 9:3 it says, "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything." That seems pretty clear and unequivocal to me. Several other references exist as well and all of them indicate that all living things on Earth are fair game for use as food for humans.
So what Phoenix is really selling is the same old liberal bullshit that we should be ashamed of our nature and by extension ashamed of our creator. Sorry Joaquin, intelligent people aren't buying crazy. Sell crazy someplace else. We are all stocked up here.
So I start playing it on the plane and the first thing he begins doing is laughing the fakest, stupidest "gee I'm crazy even though I sound like I am trying to sound crazy" laugh which goes on and on. Now don't get me wrong. I like a good crazy act. I thought Heath Ledger was legendary in his portrayal of The Joker. Everything about it was perfect. The small mouth movements. The eye movements. The change of pace. Ledger was crazy cool personified. It wasn't just the best Joker ever done (easily beating the crap out of Jack Nicholson's Joker and even Nicholson's crazy character in The Shining and, dare I say it, One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest), it was one of the best acting jobs of any kind that I have witnessed.
But Phoenix? What a hack. That fake laugh went on and on throughout the movie. I watched 10 minutes of the start, couldn't stand it, and then jumped another 20 minutes in, couldn't stand it, another 20 minutes further in, couldn't stand it. I gave him every chance to catch his stride but he never did. There was nothing redeeming whatsoever about his horrible portrayal of the Joker. And for this crap act, the self congratulatory Hollywood crowd gave him a Golden Globe.
Now, we already know that these award ceremonies are largely political in nature. I suspect Joker got this award not so much for the performance but for the anti establishment message that it presented. Regardless, Phoenix stood up to give his acceptance speech and then acted (poorly again) like he actually deserved this recognition. And then he went on to whine about human impact on the planet, mea culpa for living and consuming, blah blah blah. And then with teary eyes he went on a PR mission to show he cares for living things, etc. by saving a cow (in front of the cameras, of course) and calf from the butcher (who he referred to as murderer multiple times on camera).
For my part I think the butcher should sue Phoenix for wanton defamation of character. Phony Phoenix is simply playing to the liberal masses and pulling on the heart strings of the stupid who, without benefit of the butcher, would be starving to death. This is ridiculous. I love a good steak and a quality hamburger. I know these animals can think to some degree. That is not the issue. The universe is hierarchical in nature; that is to say, it is intrinsically hierarchical. Shall a black hole be sorry that it devours solar systems? I think not. It is simply the way of things. It is natural.
And the way of things on Earth is that in order to live people have to eat. We cannot live from eating inanimate objects. Rocks and dirt will not sustain us. Sure we can eat just plants but plants are living things too. Do we hate them? If not, why pick on plants? And we can eat fish, but fish are intelligent as well. In my many hours of SCUBA and snorkeling I have seen many a grouper behave with clear intelligence, at times even running away behind a rock and then turning around and poking his head out to see if I saw him do it. Why should we pick on them? I think a grouper is as smart as a cow.
While the liberals want us to believe that we evolved from bacteria and slime mold, I laugh at this notion. In all my years of engineering I never saw anything evolve from nothing, and certainly not anything so masterfully complex and remarkable as human anatomy, human thought and human creativity. Each time we discover more about the building blocks of our life form I am even more blown away by the order and logic and precision that has to happen at the molecular level in order for us to exist. This is not random. This is not evolution from nothing or from a pile of raw chemicals. Even Darwinists are now admitting that Darwin himself would, with hindsight and based on current knowledge, disavow his own work. They are now abandoning Darwinism in droves based on the new data that we have about how our bodies work and how life itself works.
And so, let's consider the other side of the coin, the creationist side. Man was created by a superior being. Let's call him G_d. I don't know much about all the non-western creationist religions but many of them say similar things, just using different characters. In the case of Judeo-Christianity, The Bible is the historical accounting and rule book. In Genesis 9:3 it says, "Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything." That seems pretty clear and unequivocal to me. Several other references exist as well and all of them indicate that all living things on Earth are fair game for use as food for humans.
So what Phoenix is really selling is the same old liberal bullshit that we should be ashamed of our nature and by extension ashamed of our creator. Sorry Joaquin, intelligent people aren't buying crazy. Sell crazy someplace else. We are all stocked up here.
Friday, February 21, 2020
The common man is over it.
Listen to this guy give it to Pocahontas Warren for promoting moral hazard in order to get elected. That guy is absolutely right. He's not getting a refund for having done the right thing. Only self-made victims will get a bail out for taking on college debt to go get a dufas degree in basket weaving and gender re-identification science. That guy was fit to be tied. If these mmt (modern monetary terrorists) don't stand down with their rabid plans to grab power and control, this nation is going to fall apart. Look at warren. She will literally do anything, say anything to get elected. She makes Hillary look reserved and in control.
This is a far worse state of affairs than many people seem to realize. The chances of the US splitting apart under this pressure are rising quickly. Don't think it can't happen. It happened to Russia in the early 90s and they were a superpower. And I see many states seemingly making plans for it. Texas built a state gold repository. Gee, why did we need that? Oh, that's right, in order to have gold so that Texas can create its own currency to compete with the greenback and then secede from the divided states of America.
There is no outside power in the world that is a credible threat to America today. However, there are many credible internal issues that stand a better than even chance of cracking that egg. Elizabeth Warren is a political terrorist.
This is a far worse state of affairs than many people seem to realize. The chances of the US splitting apart under this pressure are rising quickly. Don't think it can't happen. It happened to Russia in the early 90s and they were a superpower. And I see many states seemingly making plans for it. Texas built a state gold repository. Gee, why did we need that? Oh, that's right, in order to have gold so that Texas can create its own currency to compete with the greenback and then secede from the divided states of America.
There is no outside power in the world that is a credible threat to America today. However, there are many credible internal issues that stand a better than even chance of cracking that egg. Elizabeth Warren is a political terrorist.
Sweden ditchs NIRP, now targeting ZIRP
Sweden has officially admitted that Negative Interest Rate Policy has failed by abandoning the policy and moving back up to the next level which is Zero Interest Rate Policy (ZIRP). The underlying reason will never be admitted but the truth is their banks can't make enough new money at these low rates based on the hoped potential for increased transactions. Instead, the policy is lowering their capital base by incentivzing people to withdraw their capital in order to avoid having to pay what are essentially storage fees for their cash.
So that's it. The great experiment that everyone thought could go on forever has made its own weather so to speak causing the Swedes to give up on it. They won't be the last to do so. In the coming years we will see all kinds of excuses on why a collapse occurred and what could have been done differently to avoid it but at the end of the day the nature of a thing cannot be avoided. It can only be pushed out. Like for an aging human, each time some condition arises that threatens the life, exponentially more expensive measures must be taken if the life is to be extended. Each time there is an extension it is not a new rebirth but rather the kicking of a can down the road. And each time it is kicked it simply means that the next medical episode will be worse.
At the end of the day, medical people like to say, joe blow died of liver failure or of heart failure or of disease. But when the patient is 96 let's just get real: he really died of old age and everything else was just a symptom. And so will it be for our dying fake money system. Each time it gets sick there is exponentially more effort put into saving the good old boy system but at some point it will die anyway and have to be replaced with something younger and better. Our fake money system is about 105 years old in human years. It's reaching the very limit of what is possible IMO. The body is held together with duct tape, bailing wire, spit and hope. When the breakdown comes it will be historic in nature. Biblical even, perhaps.
So that's it. The great experiment that everyone thought could go on forever has made its own weather so to speak causing the Swedes to give up on it. They won't be the last to do so. In the coming years we will see all kinds of excuses on why a collapse occurred and what could have been done differently to avoid it but at the end of the day the nature of a thing cannot be avoided. It can only be pushed out. Like for an aging human, each time some condition arises that threatens the life, exponentially more expensive measures must be taken if the life is to be extended. Each time there is an extension it is not a new rebirth but rather the kicking of a can down the road. And each time it is kicked it simply means that the next medical episode will be worse.
At the end of the day, medical people like to say, joe blow died of liver failure or of heart failure or of disease. But when the patient is 96 let's just get real: he really died of old age and everything else was just a symptom. And so will it be for our dying fake money system. Each time it gets sick there is exponentially more effort put into saving the good old boy system but at some point it will die anyway and have to be replaced with something younger and better. Our fake money system is about 105 years old in human years. It's reaching the very limit of what is possible IMO. The body is held together with duct tape, bailing wire, spit and hope. When the breakdown comes it will be historic in nature. Biblical even, perhaps.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
You gotta be f-ing shitting me....
I find this new overstep by Canadian government un-fucking believable. Under the pretense of trying to save lives, they have implemented a vending machine for addictive opioid narcotics so that druggies have access to "safe" , pharma grade drugs with which to feed their habits. This would normally be something I would expect to be a hoax but it seems to be reported in several news sources, none of which have domains of "".
This is just another case where government says it is helping people when in fact it is controlling them, drawing them into their own destruction, using their own human weakness to bring them down. I wonder how many stupid liberals actually think government is doing this to help people? You cannot help a drug addict by giving them easy drugs. This is nothing more than yet another control mechanism. Someday when shit gets bad I would not be surprised to see government making these people do things that they do not want to do in order to get their next drug fix. Maybe shoot up an arena someplace in order to provide false flag reasoning for the next gun grab, etc. Maybe kill their political opponent. There is no end to what addicts will do in order to get their next fix. And government fucks know this.
Whoever is behind this should literally be shot. What they are doing is a crime against humanity. It's disgusting.
This is just another case where government says it is helping people when in fact it is controlling them, drawing them into their own destruction, using their own human weakness to bring them down. I wonder how many stupid liberals actually think government is doing this to help people? You cannot help a drug addict by giving them easy drugs. This is nothing more than yet another control mechanism. Someday when shit gets bad I would not be surprised to see government making these people do things that they do not want to do in order to get their next drug fix. Maybe shoot up an arena someplace in order to provide false flag reasoning for the next gun grab, etc. Maybe kill their political opponent. There is no end to what addicts will do in order to get their next fix. And government fucks know this.
Whoever is behind this should literally be shot. What they are doing is a crime against humanity. It's disgusting.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Gay scouts of america about to get cleaned out.
As with anything where the fox is left to guard the hen house, the liberals infiltrated what used to be an honorable American tradition, the Boy Scouts of America, and totally fucked it up with their gay lust antics. I first wrote about it here and indicated that "rumors" of bankruptcy were no doubt true because there was no saving something that was so badly infected with mental disease.
Now we see that I was right when I predicted even before these lawsuits emerged that Boy Scouts was doomed. No, really. I believe I was alone in stating this view that you can read from this 2017 article.
Little did I know that 15 years was way too conservative an estimate. It's only been just over 2 years and BSA is going BK. But the eventual demise was very easy to predict because everything the leftists touch dies in the fullness of time. They suck the life out of everything, all the while with a smile on acting like a friend.
We are not talking about isolated instances of gay pedo here. The lawsuits are for literally hundreds of cases. Homo pedo was institutionalized in BSA. Young men with raging hormones are easy targets and these bastards took full advantage of the human nature of their victims. As far as I'm concerned, gay pedo is death penalty material. If someone did that to my son and the state was going to give them a hand slap sentence it would be a death sentence for them once they got out. But more than likely I'd just make sure the other inmates knew he was in the slam for gay pedo and then let them take the trash out.
Now we see that I was right when I predicted even before these lawsuits emerged that Boy Scouts was doomed. No, really. I believe I was alone in stating this view that you can read from this 2017 article.
Boy Scouts signals that it is not going to be around in 15 years
I wrote, "15 years from today I predict that Boy Scouts of America will be a broken shell of its former greatness. When you see that, thank the liberals for making it happen. Liberalism isn't bad, it's simply not appropriate everywhere and trying to force the agenda into all aspects of life is as likely to fail as driving an oversized square peg into an undersized round hole".Little did I know that 15 years was way too conservative an estimate. It's only been just over 2 years and BSA is going BK. But the eventual demise was very easy to predict because everything the leftists touch dies in the fullness of time. They suck the life out of everything, all the while with a smile on acting like a friend.
We are not talking about isolated instances of gay pedo here. The lawsuits are for literally hundreds of cases. Homo pedo was institutionalized in BSA. Young men with raging hormones are easy targets and these bastards took full advantage of the human nature of their victims. As far as I'm concerned, gay pedo is death penalty material. If someone did that to my son and the state was going to give them a hand slap sentence it would be a death sentence for them once they got out. But more than likely I'd just make sure the other inmates knew he was in the slam for gay pedo and then let them take the trash out.
Friday, February 7, 2020
People who think there is no stopping big government should watch this vid
I keep telling people that big government will not win its quest to take, on a broad basis, the gold or guns of American citizens. So many people just can't believe that. They actually think government is all powerful. But what happens when the people first lost all respect for the government, and then lose all fear of the government? And what happens when their enforcers won't enforce? What happens when the pressure from the people pushing back against the drooling bureaucrats is palpable?
Watch this vid and you will understand.
The good cops know right from wrong and so they will side with the people for reasons of honor. I think the cop in the vid is one of the good ones. But even the shit cops with any brains can read the writing on the wall. They can see that the bureaucrats have lost control of the herd and they don't want to be stampeded. Anyone who is more fearful of the government than they are of an angry citizen mob is a fool. Mobs can get very ugly very fast. When mobs lose fear of their overseers, it happens with exponential speed, just like a stampede.
I have written many anti government things without even one care about sneaking around or who might hate me for it. The reason is that I truly don't care what they think. I have a G_d given right to say what I want and I won't be shy about defending it. If they want to come and take me down then they can bring it. But they won't be finding someone who is afraid of them or intimidated by them. For me, big government has lost its moral compass and therefore its legitimacy. That makes it nothing more than a mob. I also know that they would not be coming to negotiate. They would be coming to dictate. Odds are that I would have to shoot them on my front porch. If they are reading this then they know that so it is unlikely they will do it on a whim. And so I will go on exposing their corruption and telling people that resistance is the right thing to do once you awake to the fact that organized crime has taken control of our country.
They act like they don't care because they know if they show fear it will only get worse faster. But history shows that you simply do not want any part of Americans who are legitimately and righteously angry. It's just dumb. Years ago when I first began referring to George Carlin's rant about big evil government, I pointed out that one of his tag lines "nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care" was reminiscent of Don Henley's lyrics, "like cows at a passing train". I predicted that this attitude would continue until it didn't and then boy wouldn't it. In other words, the herd would suddenly transform from a cud chewing, seemingly stupid bunch of easily fooled and controlled animals into a cunning, viscous pack of velociraptors who would tear the living shit out of the oppressors.
When exactly that will take place I do not know. But look at the way that group of rednecks all broke out cheering in unison when the cop said he didn't care what the bureaucrats decided because he was not going to enforce corrupt gun laws upon the people. The cop himself is clearly a bit taken aback by it. Things are reaching a tipping point and we probably don't have as much time left as many people think before the situation escalates dramatically.
Watch this vid and you will understand.
The good cops know right from wrong and so they will side with the people for reasons of honor. I think the cop in the vid is one of the good ones. But even the shit cops with any brains can read the writing on the wall. They can see that the bureaucrats have lost control of the herd and they don't want to be stampeded. Anyone who is more fearful of the government than they are of an angry citizen mob is a fool. Mobs can get very ugly very fast. When mobs lose fear of their overseers, it happens with exponential speed, just like a stampede.
I have written many anti government things without even one care about sneaking around or who might hate me for it. The reason is that I truly don't care what they think. I have a G_d given right to say what I want and I won't be shy about defending it. If they want to come and take me down then they can bring it. But they won't be finding someone who is afraid of them or intimidated by them. For me, big government has lost its moral compass and therefore its legitimacy. That makes it nothing more than a mob. I also know that they would not be coming to negotiate. They would be coming to dictate. Odds are that I would have to shoot them on my front porch. If they are reading this then they know that so it is unlikely they will do it on a whim. And so I will go on exposing their corruption and telling people that resistance is the right thing to do once you awake to the fact that organized crime has taken control of our country.
They act like they don't care because they know if they show fear it will only get worse faster. But history shows that you simply do not want any part of Americans who are legitimately and righteously angry. It's just dumb. Years ago when I first began referring to George Carlin's rant about big evil government, I pointed out that one of his tag lines "nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care" was reminiscent of Don Henley's lyrics, "like cows at a passing train". I predicted that this attitude would continue until it didn't and then boy wouldn't it. In other words, the herd would suddenly transform from a cud chewing, seemingly stupid bunch of easily fooled and controlled animals into a cunning, viscous pack of velociraptors who would tear the living shit out of the oppressors.
When exactly that will take place I do not know. But look at the way that group of rednecks all broke out cheering in unison when the cop said he didn't care what the bureaucrats decided because he was not going to enforce corrupt gun laws upon the people. The cop himself is clearly a bit taken aback by it. Things are reaching a tipping point and we probably don't have as much time left as many people think before the situation escalates dramatically.
They couldn't take down the Teflon Don. So what's next.
In boxing when you take a big swing and miss your target, you leave yourself open to counterattack. Politics are no different, it is constant sparring. Generally, bad shit is happening all the time on both sides of the aisle. This guy is a known pedo, that one is running guns, the other one is selling access, another one is embezzling. All of them are in it to win it for themselves and both sides know there is a ton of dirt on the other side.
This leads to a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) scenario which is why most of the sparring is just political theater. They insult each other on camera for their adoring sheeple and then behind closed doors have a good laugh about how stupid the people are. This is how it works when the debt Ponzi is in the growth phase because there is plenty of cheese to go around. Everyone is getting rich off of the corruption and organized crime and nobody is going to jail.
But we are coming to the end of this cycle for the fake money. Debt is going up exponentially and its starting to get too much attention. Thus, some of the play fighting has become real. The elite are battling each other now because there are only so many suckers to fleece and there are just too many con men trying to fleece them. Someone has to go.
The dems have literally pulled out all the stops after Trump bumped Hillary off a cliff in the 2016 race. She literally did not see it coming which is why the shock was so massive. Everyone thought she had it in the bag (except me) and when he won it was the gut punch of the century to the dems. In their attempt to regain a position of relevance to society, they went after Trump with everything they had. It has been nothing more than a series of political attacks, each one pressed more urgently than the last.
But for Trump, this impeachment thing went too far. They were going for his political jugular. They wanted him to be disgraced and removed from office in a publicly humiliating way. This was not just politics, it was personal. And Trump is rightfully taking it personally. After having withstood the best that the dems could dish out, he has never been better positioned to deliver a massive counter punch that could send the dems reeling even harder than before.
I mean, look at the facts. With Trump's acquittal, all the dems have is the ability to say "you were put on trial and you can't take that away". Well, that is really a dumb shit position for them to take. It is so weak because first off, in this country we don't blame people for being put to trial. We judge them based on the outcome. If someone tries me for murder and I am acquitted of all wrongdoing by the process that is set up to judge me, that is a conviction of those who falsely accused me, not a conviction of me. Centrist dems have to be rolling their eyes each time they hear Pelosi make her claim that being put on trial is a stain on Trump when in fact it is a stain on her. Furthermore, if GOP retakes the house in the next elections, they are going to expunge Trump's impeachment from the official record, thus nullifying even that little joy for the dems.
When slick willie got impeached he had to apologize and do the mea culpa shuffle. He had to grovel. But Trump is taking the "acquittal" front page and slapping it upside the heads of all dems involved. I can assure you that this is not over. Trump was under full attack, no play games there. And so the only thing he can do is return the favor. And like a lion who was surrounded by hyenas but managed to fight his way free, Trump is going to go after one of the political oligarchs and fucking ruin them. That's what has to be done now in order to solidify his primacy.
The logical target will be baby Biden since he is so obviously dirty with the Ukrainian corruption machine. Joe Biden will be damned lucky to avoid being taken down as well and he might well be taken down if he steps in to try to shield his son from the investigation that is certainly coming for him now. Hunter Biden should change his name to Hunted. The dems took a swing at the Teflon Don and he withstood their attack. Watch how badly he fucks over Hunter Biden in retaliation. It's coming. He literally has to do something like this in order to show he's king of the trash heap.
This leads to a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) scenario which is why most of the sparring is just political theater. They insult each other on camera for their adoring sheeple and then behind closed doors have a good laugh about how stupid the people are. This is how it works when the debt Ponzi is in the growth phase because there is plenty of cheese to go around. Everyone is getting rich off of the corruption and organized crime and nobody is going to jail.
But we are coming to the end of this cycle for the fake money. Debt is going up exponentially and its starting to get too much attention. Thus, some of the play fighting has become real. The elite are battling each other now because there are only so many suckers to fleece and there are just too many con men trying to fleece them. Someone has to go.
The dems have literally pulled out all the stops after Trump bumped Hillary off a cliff in the 2016 race. She literally did not see it coming which is why the shock was so massive. Everyone thought she had it in the bag (except me) and when he won it was the gut punch of the century to the dems. In their attempt to regain a position of relevance to society, they went after Trump with everything they had. It has been nothing more than a series of political attacks, each one pressed more urgently than the last.
But for Trump, this impeachment thing went too far. They were going for his political jugular. They wanted him to be disgraced and removed from office in a publicly humiliating way. This was not just politics, it was personal. And Trump is rightfully taking it personally. After having withstood the best that the dems could dish out, he has never been better positioned to deliver a massive counter punch that could send the dems reeling even harder than before.
I mean, look at the facts. With Trump's acquittal, all the dems have is the ability to say "you were put on trial and you can't take that away". Well, that is really a dumb shit position for them to take. It is so weak because first off, in this country we don't blame people for being put to trial. We judge them based on the outcome. If someone tries me for murder and I am acquitted of all wrongdoing by the process that is set up to judge me, that is a conviction of those who falsely accused me, not a conviction of me. Centrist dems have to be rolling their eyes each time they hear Pelosi make her claim that being put on trial is a stain on Trump when in fact it is a stain on her. Furthermore, if GOP retakes the house in the next elections, they are going to expunge Trump's impeachment from the official record, thus nullifying even that little joy for the dems.
When slick willie got impeached he had to apologize and do the mea culpa shuffle. He had to grovel. But Trump is taking the "acquittal" front page and slapping it upside the heads of all dems involved. I can assure you that this is not over. Trump was under full attack, no play games there. And so the only thing he can do is return the favor. And like a lion who was surrounded by hyenas but managed to fight his way free, Trump is going to go after one of the political oligarchs and fucking ruin them. That's what has to be done now in order to solidify his primacy.
The logical target will be baby Biden since he is so obviously dirty with the Ukrainian corruption machine. Joe Biden will be damned lucky to avoid being taken down as well and he might well be taken down if he steps in to try to shield his son from the investigation that is certainly coming for him now. Hunter Biden should change his name to Hunted. The dems took a swing at the Teflon Don and he withstood their attack. Watch how badly he fucks over Hunter Biden in retaliation. It's coming. He literally has to do something like this in order to show he's king of the trash heap.
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Charles Hugh Smith on coronavirus.
Charles Hugh Smith is the author of well known blog In his latest post he laments the herding nature of people which lead to mass gullibility with respect to lying government and coronavirus.
Smith is a close confidant of Dr. Chris Martenson. So you can see that behind closed doors Martenson is very, very worried about the potential for global sickness and death from coronavirus. Ever since Martenson has been warning that we are not getting the full story on coronavirus, government and those beholden to government for their existence, including the likes of wiki have been trying to shut him down.
For example, here is is the brief that a google search brings up for Martenson. This shows he once had a wiki page and that page showed he had a doctorate in disease pathology.

But he left the medical field long ago because he was not a go along to get along kind of guy and so the fact the he did not owe his living to the medical field AND YET he was a highly trained person in the nature of disease transmission moved him from the ranks of conspiracy theorist to informed outsider. Conspiracy theorists do not have to be shut down because government knows the herd has a built in aversion to following sources that have not been anointed. But with the conservative wave comes more critical thinking by the herd which is why Hillary lost and Trump won. Trump won as an informed outsider who was telling tales out of school.
They tried like Hell to shut him down but the conservative wave has gained escape velocity and people are now waking up in exponential numbers. You can see it everywhere from Trump having teflon Don status (no shit sticks to him even when flung by the best shit flingers ever to have walked the Earth) to droves of people getting the fuck out of disgusting California and even the likes of Oracle moving their major trade show out of San Fran. These are major things, they cannot be undone easily and so they were not done on a whim. Enough just got to be too much.
But I digress, back to Martenson whose Wiki page has been deleted suddenly. This is not a theory. It's a conspiracy. Wiki was told to stop helping this guy spread information. Having a wiki page that informs people that Martenson is a trained medical pathologist (i.e. one who studies the transmission mechanism for disease) was not good. It gave the man fair credit for what he knows and the powers that be do not want their systems being used to spread truths that would expose the official propaganda.
It's just more evidence that government doesn't give a fuck about you or me or anyone but itself. Knowing the truth would cause people to hunker down and consume less for a while, perhaps months. They worry that this could be enough to collapse the fake money system. If half the people died of coronavirus but the oligarchs were left in power, they would all have some fake bullshit emotional memorial in order to act like they care and then they would get right back to the business of extracting value from the enslaved population.
As George Carlin clearly stated, THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. AT ALL. AT ALL. AT ALL. They want obedient workers. They want slaves.
Smith is a close confidant of Dr. Chris Martenson. So you can see that behind closed doors Martenson is very, very worried about the potential for global sickness and death from coronavirus. Ever since Martenson has been warning that we are not getting the full story on coronavirus, government and those beholden to government for their existence, including the likes of wiki have been trying to shut him down.
For example, here is is the brief that a google search brings up for Martenson. This shows he once had a wiki page and that page showed he had a doctorate in disease pathology.
But he left the medical field long ago because he was not a go along to get along kind of guy and so the fact the he did not owe his living to the medical field AND YET he was a highly trained person in the nature of disease transmission moved him from the ranks of conspiracy theorist to informed outsider. Conspiracy theorists do not have to be shut down because government knows the herd has a built in aversion to following sources that have not been anointed. But with the conservative wave comes more critical thinking by the herd which is why Hillary lost and Trump won. Trump won as an informed outsider who was telling tales out of school.
They tried like Hell to shut him down but the conservative wave has gained escape velocity and people are now waking up in exponential numbers. You can see it everywhere from Trump having teflon Don status (no shit sticks to him even when flung by the best shit flingers ever to have walked the Earth) to droves of people getting the fuck out of disgusting California and even the likes of Oracle moving their major trade show out of San Fran. These are major things, they cannot be undone easily and so they were not done on a whim. Enough just got to be too much.
But I digress, back to Martenson whose Wiki page has been deleted suddenly. This is not a theory. It's a conspiracy. Wiki was told to stop helping this guy spread information. Having a wiki page that informs people that Martenson is a trained medical pathologist (i.e. one who studies the transmission mechanism for disease) was not good. It gave the man fair credit for what he knows and the powers that be do not want their systems being used to spread truths that would expose the official propaganda.
It's just more evidence that government doesn't give a fuck about you or me or anyone but itself. Knowing the truth would cause people to hunker down and consume less for a while, perhaps months. They worry that this could be enough to collapse the fake money system. If half the people died of coronavirus but the oligarchs were left in power, they would all have some fake bullshit emotional memorial in order to act like they care and then they would get right back to the business of extracting value from the enslaved population.
As George Carlin clearly stated, THEY DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOU. AT ALL. AT ALL. AT ALL. They want obedient workers. They want slaves.
How much do we really know about what's going on?
On a planet with billions of people there are billions of ideas, and not all of them very benevolent. While we are distracted with stock market and super bowl, I guarantee you there are people out there who are thinking about ways to change everything in their favor. Or to at least try.
In these pages I continue to lament the actions that were taken on 9-11. I didn't lose any family. My job was not affected. Yes, as a business traveler I had to begin being treated like a criminal at the airport but we are only talking 6-10 times per year and it has been mitigated with prepaid security "services" (bribes) like
The reason I have been so impacted by 9-11 was because that is when I woke up. That is when they jumped the shark so badly that they tipped their hand to me. At the time that was not very easy to do because I was happy working long hours in high tech, inventing new things and then being allowed to manage teams of talented people to implement them. That really was an amazing luxury and while that was my life I didn't think about much else.
In fact, it took some time to dawn on me what I had actually seen: 3 steel frame building all collapse just perfectly into their own footprints all within hours of each other, and one of the buildings, WTC7 wasn't even hit by a plane. You see, the media conveniently failed to provide much coverage on WTC7, with all the focus and hysteria being aimed at the two stars of that theatrical production: WTC1 and 2. But since they were hit by planes and since government paid their boys to come in and make up bullshit "science" to explain "pan caking" floors to a gullible public, WTC1 and 2 actually turned into just being noise for me. WTC7 was where the clear signal was. WTC7 was the reason I eventually woke up.
Now, it's possible to live life in a constant state of fear and after waking up to that kind of nightmare realization that government is evil. And you can go ahead and blame every little thing on that. But I never did. I just stepped back and said, what is happening? Why is it happening? Being evil just for the heck of it makes no sense. There has to be the notion of profit in order for any kind of intelligence to act.
Profit takes many forms. A man might profit financially from stealing from his neighbor but does he not also profit if he takes action that helps him evade being caught? And so it was then that I realized that government is a living thing made up of cells, each acting in its own self interest but with an overarching spirit of evil. Instead of working to get ahead, government takes what it needs from others to survive. Government enslaves the governed for its daily bread. It was this realization that helped me unpeel the onion and to understand the how and the why of the Global Debt Ponzi which is just another way to take from workers parasitically so that the few can have far more than they could ever have legitimately earned on their own.
And so it is with this understanding that I observe world events. The coronavirus is a candidate for having been done by the hand of government which is why I began to discuss it in this recent post. I'm not claiming it was done on purpose because I don't have any hard data that suggests it yet. We certainly have motive though. China has been the engine of global growth for several decades. The US has printed fake money and China agreed to accept it in exchange for bringing their workforce into the 21st century. But China does not want to be the US slave forever and China can see that the decades long status quo is going to change anyhow simply because the fake money supply is dying. So there is definitely motive on both sides to throw caution to the wind and usher safety out the door so that the world order can be rejiggered.
With that said, some evidence is now potentially showing up to suggest that mankind did in fact have a hand in the design and release of this agent of sickness. One aspect is that this is a "novel" virus which means we don't have much immunity. Another is that it is transmissible during asymptomatic phases- you can catch it from someone who is not displaying symptoms. Also with a transmissive "R not" or R0 value of over 4, it is very, very transmissible and you can see that from the chart comparing its spread to SARS. It is happening so quickly that people don't even know how much worse it is than SARS. But it is much, much worse according to the data.
Unfortunately, the fingerprints of men are all over this as some web sites are reporting that the virus appears to have been engineered with "HIV-like" DNA insertions. All of this is out of my experience realm but the authors were forced to take their paper back because they have been told it feeds conspiracy theories. So you can be sure that they themselves were not making it up. Nobody ever makes anyone retract lies. Only inconvenient truths need to be recalled.
In addition, people associated with the Canadian lab where this virus was supposed to have been engineered are now suddenly dying of unnatural causes. See Frank Plummer. He didn't die in 2018 when he began getting brain stimulation treatments. Nor did he die last quarter. Nor did he die last month. He died as soon as coronavirus was understood to be a global pandemic. Sudden deaths of major players do not happen in paranoid delusions but it is pretty much the first thing to happen in actual conspiracies. Tie off those loose ends before someone can go state's evidence and begin singing.
Coronavirus is a bigger deal than we are being told. I am headed to Amsterdam next week for a trade show (ISE). 25% of the exhibitors are said to be Chinese and we are seeing several of the majors pull out right now. I personally plan to wear a mask and will not be shaking hands with anyone. And I plan to keep at least 7-10 feet between me and others in the booth. I don't think its overreacting given that I know government has not been honest about the rate of transmission or the death rate of those who contract the disease. We have all seen the videos of bodies piled in the halls of Chinese clinics and everyone knows that Hong Kong health care workers are threatening to walk off the job unless the border with China is closed.
I'll say it again. I sure hope this coronavirus thing doesn't turn out to be be 9-11 2.0 where the government, like a serial killer who keeps getting away with murder, continues to commit bigger and more horrible atrocities in order to stay in power. 9-11 was at least contained. Viruses on the other hand, are known for being "viral" with unintended and uncontrolled growth and spread.
In these pages I continue to lament the actions that were taken on 9-11. I didn't lose any family. My job was not affected. Yes, as a business traveler I had to begin being treated like a criminal at the airport but we are only talking 6-10 times per year and it has been mitigated with prepaid security "services" (bribes) like
The reason I have been so impacted by 9-11 was because that is when I woke up. That is when they jumped the shark so badly that they tipped their hand to me. At the time that was not very easy to do because I was happy working long hours in high tech, inventing new things and then being allowed to manage teams of talented people to implement them. That really was an amazing luxury and while that was my life I didn't think about much else.
In fact, it took some time to dawn on me what I had actually seen: 3 steel frame building all collapse just perfectly into their own footprints all within hours of each other, and one of the buildings, WTC7 wasn't even hit by a plane. You see, the media conveniently failed to provide much coverage on WTC7, with all the focus and hysteria being aimed at the two stars of that theatrical production: WTC1 and 2. But since they were hit by planes and since government paid their boys to come in and make up bullshit "science" to explain "pan caking" floors to a gullible public, WTC1 and 2 actually turned into just being noise for me. WTC7 was where the clear signal was. WTC7 was the reason I eventually woke up.
Now, it's possible to live life in a constant state of fear and after waking up to that kind of nightmare realization that government is evil. And you can go ahead and blame every little thing on that. But I never did. I just stepped back and said, what is happening? Why is it happening? Being evil just for the heck of it makes no sense. There has to be the notion of profit in order for any kind of intelligence to act.
Profit takes many forms. A man might profit financially from stealing from his neighbor but does he not also profit if he takes action that helps him evade being caught? And so it was then that I realized that government is a living thing made up of cells, each acting in its own self interest but with an overarching spirit of evil. Instead of working to get ahead, government takes what it needs from others to survive. Government enslaves the governed for its daily bread. It was this realization that helped me unpeel the onion and to understand the how and the why of the Global Debt Ponzi which is just another way to take from workers parasitically so that the few can have far more than they could ever have legitimately earned on their own.
And so it is with this understanding that I observe world events. The coronavirus is a candidate for having been done by the hand of government which is why I began to discuss it in this recent post. I'm not claiming it was done on purpose because I don't have any hard data that suggests it yet. We certainly have motive though. China has been the engine of global growth for several decades. The US has printed fake money and China agreed to accept it in exchange for bringing their workforce into the 21st century. But China does not want to be the US slave forever and China can see that the decades long status quo is going to change anyhow simply because the fake money supply is dying. So there is definitely motive on both sides to throw caution to the wind and usher safety out the door so that the world order can be rejiggered.
With that said, some evidence is now potentially showing up to suggest that mankind did in fact have a hand in the design and release of this agent of sickness. One aspect is that this is a "novel" virus which means we don't have much immunity. Another is that it is transmissible during asymptomatic phases- you can catch it from someone who is not displaying symptoms. Also with a transmissive "R not" or R0 value of over 4, it is very, very transmissible and you can see that from the chart comparing its spread to SARS. It is happening so quickly that people don't even know how much worse it is than SARS. But it is much, much worse according to the data.
Unfortunately, the fingerprints of men are all over this as some web sites are reporting that the virus appears to have been engineered with "HIV-like" DNA insertions. All of this is out of my experience realm but the authors were forced to take their paper back because they have been told it feeds conspiracy theories. So you can be sure that they themselves were not making it up. Nobody ever makes anyone retract lies. Only inconvenient truths need to be recalled.
In addition, people associated with the Canadian lab where this virus was supposed to have been engineered are now suddenly dying of unnatural causes. See Frank Plummer. He didn't die in 2018 when he began getting brain stimulation treatments. Nor did he die last quarter. Nor did he die last month. He died as soon as coronavirus was understood to be a global pandemic. Sudden deaths of major players do not happen in paranoid delusions but it is pretty much the first thing to happen in actual conspiracies. Tie off those loose ends before someone can go state's evidence and begin singing.
Coronavirus is a bigger deal than we are being told. I am headed to Amsterdam next week for a trade show (ISE). 25% of the exhibitors are said to be Chinese and we are seeing several of the majors pull out right now. I personally plan to wear a mask and will not be shaking hands with anyone. And I plan to keep at least 7-10 feet between me and others in the booth. I don't think its overreacting given that I know government has not been honest about the rate of transmission or the death rate of those who contract the disease. We have all seen the videos of bodies piled in the halls of Chinese clinics and everyone knows that Hong Kong health care workers are threatening to walk off the job unless the border with China is closed.
I'll say it again. I sure hope this coronavirus thing doesn't turn out to be be 9-11 2.0 where the government, like a serial killer who keeps getting away with murder, continues to commit bigger and more horrible atrocities in order to stay in power. 9-11 was at least contained. Viruses on the other hand, are known for being "viral" with unintended and uncontrolled growth and spread.
Bernie Madoff thinks he's suffered enough
Bernie Madoff got 150 years in jail for screwing thousands of people, many of them permanently, with his Ponzi scheme. He's spent less than 10% of that sentence in the slam but now he wants to be let free on humanitarian reasons. His excuse: he has terminal kidney disease and would like to die a free man with his family.
Many don't know it but Peter Schiff's father, Irwin Schiff, died in jail. His crime? He had convinced himself that the government had no legal basis for collection of taxes. And since they could not provide actual laws to prove they had the right, he stopped paying. And so at the age of 78 they slapped him with a 12 year 7 month jail sentence. Well of course that was a death sentence. Schiff's only real crime was telling big government to fuck off. Loudly. And repeatedly. And unabashedly in print. Schiff didn't sneak around about anything. He didn't hurt anyone. He just told the government to fuck off and the government responded by sending armed men to escort him to jail. Had he not complied they would have killed him. So Schiff got to die in jail for not paying his taxes.
When you are 78, you are already terminally ill regardless. If your heart gives out first then you died of heart disease and if your liver gave out first then liver disease. But the real issue is old age. And so by Madoff's logic, anyone who is old should be able to do whatever crime they want to and then get out of jail as they get old on "humanitarian reasons".
I'm sorry Madoff, the answer is no. No you do not get better treatment than Irwin Schiff. No we don't care that you have kidney disease because that is what is expected of old people. You are going to die because you are old. And you are going to die in prison because letting you out would not only send the wrong message but you wouldn't live 2 months anyhow because one of those thousands that you fucked out of their life savings would take a baseball bat to you.
And that would be no less than you deserve. So rot in jail, but thanks for begging for your life like that because it reminds others that there will be no mercy for them if they do a similar crime. Now shut up and take it like a man because when you were running your Ponzi you took it like a thief.
Many don't know it but Peter Schiff's father, Irwin Schiff, died in jail. His crime? He had convinced himself that the government had no legal basis for collection of taxes. And since they could not provide actual laws to prove they had the right, he stopped paying. And so at the age of 78 they slapped him with a 12 year 7 month jail sentence. Well of course that was a death sentence. Schiff's only real crime was telling big government to fuck off. Loudly. And repeatedly. And unabashedly in print. Schiff didn't sneak around about anything. He didn't hurt anyone. He just told the government to fuck off and the government responded by sending armed men to escort him to jail. Had he not complied they would have killed him. So Schiff got to die in jail for not paying his taxes.
When you are 78, you are already terminally ill regardless. If your heart gives out first then you died of heart disease and if your liver gave out first then liver disease. But the real issue is old age. And so by Madoff's logic, anyone who is old should be able to do whatever crime they want to and then get out of jail as they get old on "humanitarian reasons".
I'm sorry Madoff, the answer is no. No you do not get better treatment than Irwin Schiff. No we don't care that you have kidney disease because that is what is expected of old people. You are going to die because you are old. And you are going to die in prison because letting you out would not only send the wrong message but you wouldn't live 2 months anyhow because one of those thousands that you fucked out of their life savings would take a baseball bat to you.
And that would be no less than you deserve. So rot in jail, but thanks for begging for your life like that because it reminds others that there will be no mercy for them if they do a similar crime. Now shut up and take it like a man because when you were running your Ponzi you took it like a thief.
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
What if you had to choose?
Let's say you have to choose between someone infected with corona virus entering your state or someone who is fleeing California entering your state. Which would you let in?
It's not as easy a choice as you would think. On the one hand, people with corona virus either survive and are good to go in a couple weeks or they are dead. You could simply quarantine the infected person and wait it out.
With a Californian, not so much. They come with pockets full of cash from having sold their shoe box home for 1.2 million and so they are kind of like Greeks bearing gifts because many of them too are infected with leftism. Problem is, quarantine wouldn't help because those who are died in the wool leftists will never recover from their illness. They've been immersed in it all of their lives and they just don't know anything else.
Maybe you laugh and say, well there he goes again with hyperbole but then how do you explain a mayoral candidate for Boise Id wanting to build a wall to keep them out? You can't make this stuff up. And furthermore, I even mentioned that Boise might be a target for fleeing Californians in this post from December of last year.
So, no, it's not hyperbole. Californians are now seen as being socially blighted, a group that sat there as the rabid liberal left took the fucking place over and let homeless, shit and needles pile up in the streets of San Fran (which use to be one of my fav cities). It's not like this is new news. I reported on the flight of business from San Fran back in 2018 as well. So it's no secret what is going on. THE CA GOVERNMENT JUST DOESN'T FUCKING CARE. That's the bottom line. They have imported shitty low end voters who simply keep the socialists in power so that they can vote free shit for themselves and it is now turning into an increasingly obvious case of capital flight. The writing is on the wall. The leftist disease is a much bigger threat to cally than corona virus is.
And now it is spreading, just like any other disease.
And so now you see how, slowly but predictably, the Hitlers of the world got to become the Hitlers of the world. They come into power in order to take out the trash but in some cases they take it too far. Well, the liberal trash is piling up. Either the people do the dirty work or some strongman is going to step up and the people will back him doing the dirty work. It is just amazing to be able to watch all of this unfold in real time with a clear understanding of what is happening and how it evolved into this condition over time.
Importantly, NONE of this could happen without the energy source that enables it. A forest fire cannot burn without wood and tinder and a spark to get it started. Likewise none of this out of control debilitating leftism could have risen up without the energy source of fake money consisting of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking which is like a nutrient laden Petri dish for growing unwanted human behavior.
It's not as easy a choice as you would think. On the one hand, people with corona virus either survive and are good to go in a couple weeks or they are dead. You could simply quarantine the infected person and wait it out.
With a Californian, not so much. They come with pockets full of cash from having sold their shoe box home for 1.2 million and so they are kind of like Greeks bearing gifts because many of them too are infected with leftism. Problem is, quarantine wouldn't help because those who are died in the wool leftists will never recover from their illness. They've been immersed in it all of their lives and they just don't know anything else.
Maybe you laugh and say, well there he goes again with hyperbole but then how do you explain a mayoral candidate for Boise Id wanting to build a wall to keep them out? You can't make this stuff up. And furthermore, I even mentioned that Boise might be a target for fleeing Californians in this post from December of last year.
So, no, it's not hyperbole. Californians are now seen as being socially blighted, a group that sat there as the rabid liberal left took the fucking place over and let homeless, shit and needles pile up in the streets of San Fran (which use to be one of my fav cities). It's not like this is new news. I reported on the flight of business from San Fran back in 2018 as well. So it's no secret what is going on. THE CA GOVERNMENT JUST DOESN'T FUCKING CARE. That's the bottom line. They have imported shitty low end voters who simply keep the socialists in power so that they can vote free shit for themselves and it is now turning into an increasingly obvious case of capital flight. The writing is on the wall. The leftist disease is a much bigger threat to cally than corona virus is.
And now it is spreading, just like any other disease.
And so now you see how, slowly but predictably, the Hitlers of the world got to become the Hitlers of the world. They come into power in order to take out the trash but in some cases they take it too far. Well, the liberal trash is piling up. Either the people do the dirty work or some strongman is going to step up and the people will back him doing the dirty work. It is just amazing to be able to watch all of this unfold in real time with a clear understanding of what is happening and how it evolved into this condition over time.
Importantly, NONE of this could happen without the energy source that enables it. A forest fire cannot burn without wood and tinder and a spark to get it started. Likewise none of this out of control debilitating leftism could have risen up without the energy source of fake money consisting of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking which is like a nutrient laden Petri dish for growing unwanted human behavior.
Trump's "state of union" was a joke.
Trump took 20 victory laps in his state of the union address today, claiming his 3 year as president has transformed the nation from a loser into a winner, blah blah blah. It amazes me just how long he can go on bragging about the bubble that was already in effect with Obama. Trump tells us everything is rosy but fails to mention one small point: it's all paid for with debt. Debt is going up at 6.5% per annum and GDP is only going up at 2%. And that's only if you forget about the fake CPI.
It's nothing but a giant shell game of debt, ridiculous on its face to anyone who understands economics yet Trump went on and on and on about how great he was. One thing is for sure: Trump knows how to needle the competition. Pelosi was so pissed that she ripped the SOTU speech in half in a show of disdain. While it's all good theater to watch, be mindful that the bulb burns brightest before it goes out. TSLA stock nearly hit $1000. Of course, now its just as likely to pull back to the mid $500s again. All of this wild volatility is not healthy for markets. This is the kind of thing that makes derivatives blow up. The so called fat tail/black swan events.
But I do have to give Trump credit for one thing: despite all of his bullshit economic lies, he again took a hatchet to big government, this time even going so far as to say that those being forced to go to public schools were "trapped in failing government schools" and spoke about them very negatively. That's the unions he's attacking there. That's government bureaucracy.
Additionally, he went on the war path against socialism while pointing out that a huge number of our reps were all for it. He went on to say how the US was against the socialist leader Nicolas Maduro and even Pelosi clapped for it. While she might be thinking that Maduro is a twit, she failed to realize that it looked like she was clapping for attacks on socialism. Trump closed that segment by saying "always remember, socialism destroys nations", another well placed dig at the congressional left. Of course, crony capitalism always destroys nations as well and as proof that this is happening, the UN chief declared that "a wind of madness is sweeping the globe". Of course, it's really the wind of conservatism which is beginning to push back against all the liberal bullshit that has pushed the world into a huge corner on the back of liberal monetary and fiscal policies whose only goal is to make the rich richer and keep bullshit leaders in power longer.
Bottom line is that while Trump is an ass, at least it's entertaining and of course the enemy of my enemy is at the very least, better than having yet another enemy. As such, I wish Trump would tone down such loud ownership of this massive debt infused bubble because otherwise he is going to take all the blame when the bubble finally pops. Best bet for Trump would be if coronavirus got out of hand and could then be legitimately blamed for a global economic crash. Which of course makes one wonder about the timing of this "novel" (meaning new, almost as if made up in a lab) virus. But that is a topic for future posts.
It's nothing but a giant shell game of debt, ridiculous on its face to anyone who understands economics yet Trump went on and on and on about how great he was. One thing is for sure: Trump knows how to needle the competition. Pelosi was so pissed that she ripped the SOTU speech in half in a show of disdain. While it's all good theater to watch, be mindful that the bulb burns brightest before it goes out. TSLA stock nearly hit $1000. Of course, now its just as likely to pull back to the mid $500s again. All of this wild volatility is not healthy for markets. This is the kind of thing that makes derivatives blow up. The so called fat tail/black swan events.
But I do have to give Trump credit for one thing: despite all of his bullshit economic lies, he again took a hatchet to big government, this time even going so far as to say that those being forced to go to public schools were "trapped in failing government schools" and spoke about them very negatively. That's the unions he's attacking there. That's government bureaucracy.
Additionally, he went on the war path against socialism while pointing out that a huge number of our reps were all for it. He went on to say how the US was against the socialist leader Nicolas Maduro and even Pelosi clapped for it. While she might be thinking that Maduro is a twit, she failed to realize that it looked like she was clapping for attacks on socialism. Trump closed that segment by saying "always remember, socialism destroys nations", another well placed dig at the congressional left. Of course, crony capitalism always destroys nations as well and as proof that this is happening, the UN chief declared that "a wind of madness is sweeping the globe". Of course, it's really the wind of conservatism which is beginning to push back against all the liberal bullshit that has pushed the world into a huge corner on the back of liberal monetary and fiscal policies whose only goal is to make the rich richer and keep bullshit leaders in power longer.
Bottom line is that while Trump is an ass, at least it's entertaining and of course the enemy of my enemy is at the very least, better than having yet another enemy. As such, I wish Trump would tone down such loud ownership of this massive debt infused bubble because otherwise he is going to take all the blame when the bubble finally pops. Best bet for Trump would be if coronavirus got out of hand and could then be legitimately blamed for a global economic crash. Which of course makes one wonder about the timing of this "novel" (meaning new, almost as if made up in a lab) virus. But that is a topic for future posts.
Monday, February 3, 2020
How do you know that a major trend is approaching an end?
One good indicator is that everyone is in on the act. Some like to discuss this in terms of shoe shine boy giving daddy Kennedy stock advice back before the crash of '29-32 and ensuing great depression. Another analogy I have used is the Asian Ferry where everyone moves to one side of the boat to see the whale and it makes the ship capsize.
Bottom line is that not everyone can get uber wealthy at the same time. But look at those who are wealthy right now. In a recent yahoo finance article, the focus is New Zealand's richest man who lays out strategy for up and comers as “Be bold. That means buy as big as you can, borrow as much as you can and then work the asset as hard as you can.”
And so there you have it. The secret to wealth is unveiled for us all: just use as much leverage as you can get your hands on. Be "bold". In fact, be reckless. Fear not that you might go bankrupt because there is no debtor's jail. Leverage up to the hilt before the other guy does and puts you out of business. This is the advice and experience of the high school dropout auto repair guy who learned the dirty secret of fake money: use leverage on everything and when it all goes bust just walk away leaving the mess for the next person, or the next generation even.
This guy is not lying. That is exactly how the rich and systemically dangerous got rich and dangerous. They are gambling with the well being of an entire global community, of our species even. But who cares about that? They have their 300' mega yachts and submarines and all manner of toys. So what if it's all guaranteed to implode someday with the potential for dire global consequences, perhaps even nuclear or biological war.
As I have explained many times, this is what living in a fake money system drives you to. IF you don't do it, someone else will. A man working honestly to get ahead cannot compete with ridiculous leverage like that. None of this will end well. The fake money supply will eventually collapse and for exactly the reasons I said it would: everyone gets in on the act. Everyone is massively leveraged. Leverage becomes table stakes instead of a competitive advantage.
I don't know when the bust will happen but I know for sure that it will because too many people are now getting in on the act. The Asian ferry is listing badly to starboard.
Bottom line is that not everyone can get uber wealthy at the same time. But look at those who are wealthy right now. In a recent yahoo finance article, the focus is New Zealand's richest man who lays out strategy for up and comers as “Be bold. That means buy as big as you can, borrow as much as you can and then work the asset as hard as you can.”
And so there you have it. The secret to wealth is unveiled for us all: just use as much leverage as you can get your hands on. Be "bold". In fact, be reckless. Fear not that you might go bankrupt because there is no debtor's jail. Leverage up to the hilt before the other guy does and puts you out of business. This is the advice and experience of the high school dropout auto repair guy who learned the dirty secret of fake money: use leverage on everything and when it all goes bust just walk away leaving the mess for the next person, or the next generation even.
This guy is not lying. That is exactly how the rich and systemically dangerous got rich and dangerous. They are gambling with the well being of an entire global community, of our species even. But who cares about that? They have their 300' mega yachts and submarines and all manner of toys. So what if it's all guaranteed to implode someday with the potential for dire global consequences, perhaps even nuclear or biological war.
As I have explained many times, this is what living in a fake money system drives you to. IF you don't do it, someone else will. A man working honestly to get ahead cannot compete with ridiculous leverage like that. None of this will end well. The fake money supply will eventually collapse and for exactly the reasons I said it would: everyone gets in on the act. Everyone is massively leveraged. Leverage becomes table stakes instead of a competitive advantage.
I don't know when the bust will happen but I know for sure that it will because too many people are now getting in on the act. The Asian ferry is listing badly to starboard.
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Liberals eat their own.
Trending politics is calling what is unfolding on the left a "Dem Civil War" with the blatant leftists now hating on Hillary like she was right wing. What you are looking at is a governmental system that is entering a collapse phase. Rule of law is going out the window. You can see it all over. Laws are now widely understood to have been weaponized. The sheeple are awakening to this fact all over the world. This is why very few have complied with the semi auto ban in New Zealand and nobody at all has complied with the large mag ban in New Jersey. In California you have sanctuary counties which do not enforce immigration laws and in the house you have leftists using impeachment as a political weapon. Sheriffs across the country say they will not comply with gun bans. You get the point - everyone is losing confidence in the system. They are beginning to see that under the current unjust system that might makes right and that laws are just a control mechanism to keep the elite in place at the expense of everyone else. I predicted this would happen and the signs have now become unmistakeable.
The upshot of important to everyone is that the reason behind all this is that peak liberalism has already arrived and is now fading into the rear view and with that will come an sudden understanding that the money supply that the liberals put in place was just as much a scam as their self serving laws.
Remember, fiat currency doesn't die because of money printing per se. It dies when the people who labor under this con game lose confidence in the issuing authority. Only 1 in 10,000 probably understands this. And because confidence can be lost very quickly, there is not very much holding this scam money supply up.
Stop contributing to government controlled accounts right now. They will fucking steal your money as soon as they need it. It is no different than the fake gold standard that was in place 1945-'71. It was a con game designed to give confidence to suckers while the elite ripped them off but as soon as there was a mass awakening and a run on the gold window, Nixon had no choice but to shut it down and tell everyone the contract was null and void.
Anyone who thinks government will not do this to the people as well is a complete idiot. They will keep everyone calm as long as possible but when people begin pulling too much of their wealth out of the corrupt system the government will have NO CHOICE but to shut that down and place capital controls on your wealth that is stored in THEIR SYSTEM. Those will just a little gold and silver today will be richer in fact than those with lots of fake paper wealth that they no longer have access to or which is simply nationalize "in the name of national security".
People are still worried about government confiscation of gold but that is fighting the last war. The next confiscation will occur, but not in physical assets. It will occur in PAPER ASSETS because the cost of nationalizing digitized paper assets is zero but the cost of coming for my gold will be someone's life AND THEY KNOW IT.
I'm very sorry that few if any besides me are presenting these facts so bluntly. I wish more people would just speak plainly. I expect that to increase going forward because fancy talk is the tool of the liberal left whereas plain speak is the norm for real conservatives. But look at the progression of events since I began predicting them in 2010 in these pages and you will have to concede that many of those predictions have come true and that the trend is in fact in line with my world view.
Get gold if you have a lot of fake paper money.
Get silver if you don't.
It's the easiest way to reduce the pain that is certainly coming for us all in the next few years.
The upshot of important to everyone is that the reason behind all this is that peak liberalism has already arrived and is now fading into the rear view and with that will come an sudden understanding that the money supply that the liberals put in place was just as much a scam as their self serving laws.
Remember, fiat currency doesn't die because of money printing per se. It dies when the people who labor under this con game lose confidence in the issuing authority. Only 1 in 10,000 probably understands this. And because confidence can be lost very quickly, there is not very much holding this scam money supply up.
Stop contributing to government controlled accounts right now. They will fucking steal your money as soon as they need it. It is no different than the fake gold standard that was in place 1945-'71. It was a con game designed to give confidence to suckers while the elite ripped them off but as soon as there was a mass awakening and a run on the gold window, Nixon had no choice but to shut it down and tell everyone the contract was null and void.
Anyone who thinks government will not do this to the people as well is a complete idiot. They will keep everyone calm as long as possible but when people begin pulling too much of their wealth out of the corrupt system the government will have NO CHOICE but to shut that down and place capital controls on your wealth that is stored in THEIR SYSTEM. Those will just a little gold and silver today will be richer in fact than those with lots of fake paper wealth that they no longer have access to or which is simply nationalize "in the name of national security".
People are still worried about government confiscation of gold but that is fighting the last war. The next confiscation will occur, but not in physical assets. It will occur in PAPER ASSETS because the cost of nationalizing digitized paper assets is zero but the cost of coming for my gold will be someone's life AND THEY KNOW IT.
I'm very sorry that few if any besides me are presenting these facts so bluntly. I wish more people would just speak plainly. I expect that to increase going forward because fancy talk is the tool of the liberal left whereas plain speak is the norm for real conservatives. But look at the progression of events since I began predicting them in 2010 in these pages and you will have to concede that many of those predictions have come true and that the trend is in fact in line with my world view.
Get gold if you have a lot of fake paper money.
Get silver if you don't.
It's the easiest way to reduce the pain that is certainly coming for us all in the next few years.
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