Tuesday, May 28, 2019

I said it would happen. Now it's happening.

At the peak of liberal cycles the officialdom is kind of like a very drunk person. They lose sight of reality, judgement is impaired and delusions of grandeur and importance fill the heads of bureaucrats.  They actually believe they are running things.  They think that the people are just along for the ride and that what we think is of no consequence.  You know, just like the lions thought right before the water buffalo tore them new assholes at the battle of Kruger.  The arrogance of these useless ass hats is unbelievable.

They feed their delusion by using concentration of force on small targets to show everyone how badass they are.   Some in the herd are intimidated.  Others are not intimidated but they get killed or in other ways marginalized (like prison) because they are not prepared.  Cops love to kill anyone who will not immediately break into tears and bow before their greatness.

In order to ensure compliance, they travel in packs and use pack hunting techniques.  They attack at 5am and shoot the dog as a matter of policy before they threaten the occupants of the raided house with being murdered on the spot and essentially without oversight.  They never want a fair fight against an armed and defiant opponent.  Waco they loved.  Ruby Ridge they loved.  Those were not fair fights.  But Bundy Ranch they hated.  That was where well armed private militia stationed themselves on bridges and other smart sniper locations thus presenting the real threat that if shooting started the cops would all die on the spot.  And so they ran away.  They just packed up their shit, abandoned their "enforcement activity", turned tail and ran the fuck out the same way they came in.

I've described this arrogant aggressiveness many times using police behavior as an example but it's not just the police.  It's economically unproductive social parasites that exist and thrive in all layers of the debt-fed bureaucracy.  But the police are easy to catch doing it and so they serve as the best example.  And the best example among police is the creation of mini SWAT forces for every podunk town, every government agency.  Did you know that the national park service has its own fucking SWAT team?  No, really.  And they are proud of it like they are the private military of a 3rd world leader.  What a bunch of wankers!  And they want me to believe this is normal and usual?  It's NEITHER.  And it's long in the tooth.  All of it.

But at a lower level closer to main street, the schools go into student indoctrination mode.  They know your kids have to be sent to them or else the truancy officer will be paying a visit.  And if that doesn't scare you, then they sic child protective services on you.  They play fast and loose with people's lives because, well, just like Bill Clinton said on why he boffed Monica in the oval orfice (sic), "because I could". "Because I could" should be the name of the liberal anthem.

But back to child indoctrination.  The parents are like the water buffaloes as the lions are trying to kill the baby buffalo.  They are making their voices heard and moving closer and giving the lions the stink eye.  But the lions just keep acting like its all a bluff by the water buffalo.  They growl and redouble their efforts to kill the baby (again, go watch battle of Kruger if you have not done so before).  The lions have pushed the water buffalo around so much that they now actually believe they are stronger.  Forget the fact that 50 tons of animal bone and muscle is descending upon you; act tough and maintain the bluff.

But like Kruger, the human herd is now over it with the teachers and their attempted normalization of what is most definitely not normal - LGBTQ-EIEIO.  This group is trying to act as leadership for the whole here and so far the silent majority has been silent and tolerant.  Because of this, Liberalism and Gaydom has come to believe that it is in charge.  It doesn't care that the parents do not want this shit being taught to their kids as if it were anything other than a contagious mental illness.  And so, the parents have had enough.  LeadPatriot recently reported that hundreds of parents have pulled their kids from class in order to remove them from homosexual and other deviant indoctrination.

When establishment cowards attack a small number of people who are not prepared to defend themselves, they get away with it and it feeds their delusion.  But when the herd begins to rise up en masse, it's game over for the social parasites.  All of this deviant behavior indoctrination in our schools will stop over the next decade because conservative parents want to conserve the mental state of the children and not see them infected with contagious liberal mindset disease.  More and more people are growing a set of balls and recognizing that the government is not the boss of them.  This realization is going to spread and it is going to lead to major, major changes.  Our system is so upsidedown anymore.  Conservatives have been too tolerant.  It's time to set things right in an orderly but firm manner, same as you would fix bad behavior in a child.

And if the liberals won't listen then I predict that conservative parents are going to absolutely spank them.  ALL of these things are part of my long standing predictions because all of them are cyclic in nature.  The bubble in markets is the same bubble that is in social liberalism.  Both of them will pop and deflate very badly.

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