The price back then was $3.22. Current actual below is at $3.81. That's an 18% gain in 6 weeks. Not bad. But what's next? Will this really break out as shown above or is there an update with new guidance and things to look for based on the nature of the bounce so far?
For $39.95 per month you can keep up with this and many other very lucrative stock market plays, both long and short, in real time the the rest of the people who are making money in the stock market using Elliott waves. If you only have as little as $3k in the markets, this knowledge will far and away pay for the cost of access. In the case of AGI, investing 3K when the model told you to would have netted $540. Even after my monthly fee of $39.95 you would still be $500 to the good, and that's with just 3k in the game for 6 weeks.
Need more sport? AGI was a safe 18% but I cover other things which can move a heck of a lot faster. Most recently it was UGAZ. Does the chart below look in any way bullish to you? Would you touch it with a 10 foot pole?
If you are honest the answer to these questions are "no and Hell no" respectively. But if you read the text above you can see that I was looking for a strong reversal at $40.10. Now come on. Who in their right mind would think this collapse was the prelude to a likely "strong reversal"? This is not normal. It's simply not done by you or anyone you ever heard of. But that's because neither you nor nobody you know are Elliott wave experts. No disrespect intended but I do speak plainly and directly. The well documented truth is not open for debate.
But now look at current actual below. What was $40 is now $65. That's a 62% gain not in 6 months, 6 weeks or even 6 days. The model predicted nearly the exact bottom of this massive chart collapse and it had nothing to do with fake fundamentals that are unknown and unknowable. Sure maybe it was triggered by the big storm in the US north. But I didn't know about that storm! I live in Austin where the skies are clear and the low will be 39F while much of the country is blanketed in snow. We don't suffer from these crazy storms here in central Texas so I never check the weather. But the chart knew, and I know the charts.
Presented with this kind of hard data, what are you waiting for. Click subscribe for immediate access to the best Elliott wave marketing timing analysis value on the web.
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