David Stockman knows nothing about market timing and he will be the first to say it. But he is absolutely correct on 95% of the other stuff he talks about, including his assessment of Trump, the scam which is the military industrial complex, etc.
If you have always been confused about why things are the way they are and have been looking for the explanation, this is a good place to start. With that said, people will always want to do things that don't make sense for the human race if it means that they will personally get ahead somehow. It turns out that you can't legislate morality. But just wanting something does not make it happen; you need an environment that is supportive of corruption for it to happen. And the prime supporter of corruption in the world is fake money.
At some point everyone will figure out that without a steady supply of debt money or inflation money the government military industrial complex will have to stop all of its criminal activity. I do not understand why more people do not see fake money (fiat currency) as the very engine of corruption. Maybe they just don't want to see it. Maybe they are too distracted with facebook and TV to see it. But it's so obvious that these are thin excuses. Any reasonably intelligent person can see it if they will only step back from their herding for a minute and think about it.
Thursday, January 31, 2019
South Dakota female governor signs permitless concealed carry law.
Kudos and applause go out to S. Dakota residents for selecting a governor who understands that good people with guns is a good thing and bad people with guns are unavoidable. Making it difficult and dangerous with respect to the law for good people to carry in any form, concealed or open, is only good for criminals. Just because you have a permit to carry does not make you a good person and just carrying does not make you more likely to commit gun crime. In fact, quite the contrary. It more likely puts you in a position to stop the crazies from shooting up the place.
But I digress. Governor Kristi Noem has now repealed the existing law in S. Dakota that required people who wanted to carry to have a permit. As I have said many times, "rights" which require government permission to exercise are not "rights" at all. They are allowances. The bill of rights is not called the bill of allowances or the bill of permissions for good reason and that is because it was always intended that common citizens should not have to kiss up or pay up to corrupt government in order to keep and bear arms.
Her move is also important in that it shows you don't have to be a man in order to understand the meaning and clear intent of the 2nd amendment. It was not put in place so people could go hunting for food or to go shooting for sport. It was put in place for protection from criminals be they in the private sector or whether they be part of the organized crime syndicate which exists in big government.
How much you wanna bet that gun crime actually goes DOWN as a result of Governor Noem's decision? As the fake money system disintegrates over the next decade, people need to understand that the cops will be fewer in number and more focused in their scope. They will protect the oligarchy. They don't give a shit about you or me. It is up to us to understand this fact and internalize it and to do something about it for the sake of our families. It's time to just write the police off as useless at best and corrupt at worst.
Thinking people don't need or want too many cops. Maybe 20% of the current number. The reason is that we don't want to and in many cases simply can't afford to pay for them. I mean, hiring armed security, even if said security is the warden to the jail you are living in, is expensive. Without the constant assumption of new debt at cheap interest rates we simply can't afford to pay all these cops the salaries, benefits and lifetime pensions that they have been promised. Do YOU get a lifetime pension? If not, why aren't you hopping made that you MUST pay for the lifetime pension of the very cops who trample your freedom?
For most people the reason is that they don't feel the pain because most of the cops are getting paid through debt issuance. When that game runs out I GUARANTEE you that government is going to come at you for money money in order to maintain THEIR status quo. If the people have any brains they will force their politicians to accept that we can take care of ourselves as long as we are not criminalized simply for being prepared to stop crime on our own. And I am not asking for any breaks for gun holders. If they shoot their gun by mistake, it should be a serious crime. IF they hurt someone without cause, it's a felony. And if they kill someone without cause, it's murder. NO breaks for gun holders even though cops usually get off very easy even if they hurt or kill someone by mistake (and many times even if simply out of malice).
But I digress. Governor Kristi Noem has now repealed the existing law in S. Dakota that required people who wanted to carry to have a permit. As I have said many times, "rights" which require government permission to exercise are not "rights" at all. They are allowances. The bill of rights is not called the bill of allowances or the bill of permissions for good reason and that is because it was always intended that common citizens should not have to kiss up or pay up to corrupt government in order to keep and bear arms.
Her move is also important in that it shows you don't have to be a man in order to understand the meaning and clear intent of the 2nd amendment. It was not put in place so people could go hunting for food or to go shooting for sport. It was put in place for protection from criminals be they in the private sector or whether they be part of the organized crime syndicate which exists in big government.
How much you wanna bet that gun crime actually goes DOWN as a result of Governor Noem's decision? As the fake money system disintegrates over the next decade, people need to understand that the cops will be fewer in number and more focused in their scope. They will protect the oligarchy. They don't give a shit about you or me. It is up to us to understand this fact and internalize it and to do something about it for the sake of our families. It's time to just write the police off as useless at best and corrupt at worst.
Thinking people don't need or want too many cops. Maybe 20% of the current number. The reason is that we don't want to and in many cases simply can't afford to pay for them. I mean, hiring armed security, even if said security is the warden to the jail you are living in, is expensive. Without the constant assumption of new debt at cheap interest rates we simply can't afford to pay all these cops the salaries, benefits and lifetime pensions that they have been promised. Do YOU get a lifetime pension? If not, why aren't you hopping made that you MUST pay for the lifetime pension of the very cops who trample your freedom?
For most people the reason is that they don't feel the pain because most of the cops are getting paid through debt issuance. When that game runs out I GUARANTEE you that government is going to come at you for money money in order to maintain THEIR status quo. If the people have any brains they will force their politicians to accept that we can take care of ourselves as long as we are not criminalized simply for being prepared to stop crime on our own. And I am not asking for any breaks for gun holders. If they shoot their gun by mistake, it should be a serious crime. IF they hurt someone without cause, it's a felony. And if they kill someone without cause, it's murder. NO breaks for gun holders even though cops usually get off very easy even if they hurt or kill someone by mistake (and many times even if simply out of malice).
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Lockheed is dumping its pensioners off along the roadside. [LMT]
After decades of loyal work, pensioners at Lockeed expected their company to follow through with its pension promises. But Lockheed knows the score same as I do - that the US has been running a global debt Ponzi and that in the coming deflationary crash, debts will get much harder to pay. And owing pensioners is debt. So today's news reads that Lockheed is going to dump its pension obligations off onto Prudential.
If I were a Lockheed pensioner I would be very pissed. Lockheed stated that the reason for the move was to reduce their risk. But what about the risk of the pensioners? All insurance companies have far more liabilities on their books than assets. I said this about AIG and everyone laughed right up until the day it collapse below $5 and needed a government bail out. Prudential is no different. The next collapse will take out all of the insurance companies. Why? Because they don't produce anything! All they do is make promises for a living even if there is no way they can keep all of the promises they made. The business of insurance companies is nothing more than gambling on the fact that not all of their promises will come due at the same time. But a Ponzi never lasts forever and when it collapses then most or all of Prudential's promises will be called in.
The only problem for the callers is that nobody will pick up the phone on the Prudential side. They will simply call it an unforeseeable act of g_d and will ask society to take on the burden of its failed promises as the employees walk away with all their pay and benefits. The gains will have been privatized and the losses, which are inevitable no matter what anyone says, will be socialized. This is the fundamental game that is played by the elite on the unsuspecting masses once the people have been fooled into accepting fake money as if it were real.
Lockheed pensioners should sue Lockheed to block this transaction. Why? Because while Prudential produces nothing and is therefore disposable (along with all of its obligations) Lockheed is not. Lockheed produces real things of value and as long as the pension plan is under their control, pensioners will get paid by the labor of the younger employees working there. In other words, before this deal the pensions were backed by labor. After the deal they will be backed by nothing except vacuous promises which cannot be kept. Prudential is the dumping ground of pension plans and anyone unlucky enough to get caught up in it will get stiffed.
If I can see this, do you really think Lockheed execs can't? The fucking scumbags are selling their aging ex-employees down the river. They are doing it with purpose and with malice. They know their pensioners will get stiffed and they are fine with it. After all, never give a sucker an even break, right?
If I were a Lockheed pensioner I would be very pissed. Lockheed stated that the reason for the move was to reduce their risk. But what about the risk of the pensioners? All insurance companies have far more liabilities on their books than assets. I said this about AIG and everyone laughed right up until the day it collapse below $5 and needed a government bail out. Prudential is no different. The next collapse will take out all of the insurance companies. Why? Because they don't produce anything! All they do is make promises for a living even if there is no way they can keep all of the promises they made. The business of insurance companies is nothing more than gambling on the fact that not all of their promises will come due at the same time. But a Ponzi never lasts forever and when it collapses then most or all of Prudential's promises will be called in.
The only problem for the callers is that nobody will pick up the phone on the Prudential side. They will simply call it an unforeseeable act of g_d and will ask society to take on the burden of its failed promises as the employees walk away with all their pay and benefits. The gains will have been privatized and the losses, which are inevitable no matter what anyone says, will be socialized. This is the fundamental game that is played by the elite on the unsuspecting masses once the people have been fooled into accepting fake money as if it were real.
Lockheed pensioners should sue Lockheed to block this transaction. Why? Because while Prudential produces nothing and is therefore disposable (along with all of its obligations) Lockheed is not. Lockheed produces real things of value and as long as the pension plan is under their control, pensioners will get paid by the labor of the younger employees working there. In other words, before this deal the pensions were backed by labor. After the deal they will be backed by nothing except vacuous promises which cannot be kept. Prudential is the dumping ground of pension plans and anyone unlucky enough to get caught up in it will get stiffed.
If I can see this, do you really think Lockheed execs can't? The fucking scumbags are selling their aging ex-employees down the river. They are doing it with purpose and with malice. They know their pensioners will get stiffed and they are fine with it. After all, never give a sucker an even break, right?
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Did Oslo Norway just turn its nose up at disabled people?
I wrote a long time ago that a major sign of the end of the liberal decades would be marked by many different signals and signs. I called them out so that when they happened in the future nobody could think I was just making up new theories to explain recent happenings.
To recap, the liberals push down workers and producers because doing so limits the power of the really important people in society. To do that, you have to uplift the weak, be they weak moral-ed, weak minded or physically weak. In this way you set yourself up to be able to take from the strong producers in order to buy votes from the weak non-producers who always look for someone to provide something to them so that they don't have to work for themselves.
It would be a mistake to think that I am judging the workers highly and the nonworkers must therefore be some kind of shit. No, that is not my place even if the logic of it does have elements of truth to it. For example, if all we had were freeloaders then civilization would die. That is just logic because if there are no producers then there can be no consumers either; there is no consumption without first there being production. But would we live in utopia if everyone was economically productive? I don't think that can be said. Keeping a rose garden is not economically productive yet I think the world is a better place for having some of them. So its all about the right balance. And all of us will be weak in our youth and in our old age. So there is clearly never going to be a world with 100% economic producers in it.
But I digress. My point was that liberal leadership seeks to take and retain power by pandering to the unproductive liberal members of society. And again, for new readers, your political leaning does not define whether you are liberal or conservative. There is a whole list of things that you do each day that are probably both conservative and liberal in nature. I am not conservative because I voted for Trump! Trump is a jerk in so many ways. And he is no conservative. But what were my choices? Liberal serial debt defaulter Trump or Career Criminal Clinton?
But I digress yet again. There have been many signs of how liberals pander to the weaker less productive (or unproductive) at the expense of the strong producers in order to gain votes and one of those signs that I mentioned some time ago was the number of handicap parking spaces that businesses had to have by law, even at places where handicapped are unlikely to go (like the gym, rock climbing center, etc). I wrote,
"You’ll know the die is fully cast (i.e. peak liberalism is in place) when they start getting rid of most of the handicap parking spots. The 90s explosion of making everything "accessible" at great cost to businesses is my poster child for forcing producers to work twice as hard in order to support the the weaker members of the herd. Not that I think there should be no support for the weak. But I think that is the role of the church, not the vote buying corrupt state. The state doesn't really care about the weak. It does care about controlling the hard workers.:"
So now let's see what is happening in Oslo, Norway. This article says that the city is removing 700 parking spots and getting rid of cars in the downtown city center. So instead of having a gazillion handicapped parking spots, there are now only a few and the city is being set up for use of and benefit by the young and the strong. Essentially, if you can't walk or ride a bike you are no longer on the top tier of the social scheme anymore because everything downtown has been converted for the best and highest use by the young and the strong.
Which is really as it should be because after all, all of this is being paid for by their labor. I see this trend as new but up and coming. The strong will again get their just due because government will need to make friends with them again in order to get them to continue working and paying taxes - something which was not very important in past years when everything was paid for by debt...
To recap, the liberals push down workers and producers because doing so limits the power of the really important people in society. To do that, you have to uplift the weak, be they weak moral-ed, weak minded or physically weak. In this way you set yourself up to be able to take from the strong producers in order to buy votes from the weak non-producers who always look for someone to provide something to them so that they don't have to work for themselves.
It would be a mistake to think that I am judging the workers highly and the nonworkers must therefore be some kind of shit. No, that is not my place even if the logic of it does have elements of truth to it. For example, if all we had were freeloaders then civilization would die. That is just logic because if there are no producers then there can be no consumers either; there is no consumption without first there being production. But would we live in utopia if everyone was economically productive? I don't think that can be said. Keeping a rose garden is not economically productive yet I think the world is a better place for having some of them. So its all about the right balance. And all of us will be weak in our youth and in our old age. So there is clearly never going to be a world with 100% economic producers in it.
But I digress. My point was that liberal leadership seeks to take and retain power by pandering to the unproductive liberal members of society. And again, for new readers, your political leaning does not define whether you are liberal or conservative. There is a whole list of things that you do each day that are probably both conservative and liberal in nature. I am not conservative because I voted for Trump! Trump is a jerk in so many ways. And he is no conservative. But what were my choices? Liberal serial debt defaulter Trump or Career Criminal Clinton?
But I digress yet again. There have been many signs of how liberals pander to the weaker less productive (or unproductive) at the expense of the strong producers in order to gain votes and one of those signs that I mentioned some time ago was the number of handicap parking spaces that businesses had to have by law, even at places where handicapped are unlikely to go (like the gym, rock climbing center, etc). I wrote,
"You’ll know the die is fully cast (i.e. peak liberalism is in place) when they start getting rid of most of the handicap parking spots. The 90s explosion of making everything "accessible" at great cost to businesses is my poster child for forcing producers to work twice as hard in order to support the the weaker members of the herd. Not that I think there should be no support for the weak. But I think that is the role of the church, not the vote buying corrupt state. The state doesn't really care about the weak. It does care about controlling the hard workers.:"
So now let's see what is happening in Oslo, Norway. This article says that the city is removing 700 parking spots and getting rid of cars in the downtown city center. So instead of having a gazillion handicapped parking spots, there are now only a few and the city is being set up for use of and benefit by the young and the strong. Essentially, if you can't walk or ride a bike you are no longer on the top tier of the social scheme anymore because everything downtown has been converted for the best and highest use by the young and the strong.
Which is really as it should be because after all, all of this is being paid for by their labor. I see this trend as new but up and coming. The strong will again get their just due because government will need to make friends with them again in order to get them to continue working and paying taxes - something which was not very important in past years when everything was paid for by debt...
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Your pain is in the interest of national security....
Well, the government teat suckers are getting what I expected they would get - screwed by the very government that they think is so all-powerful. But to add insult to injury, Lara Trump is apparently telling federal workers that their missed paychecks are sacrifices for the future of our country.
Wow. It almost has a national security ring to it. It's apparently patriotic and even stylish to let government fuck you over now. And of course others who are still getting paid are telling fed workers its a small price to pay. Of course people who are not affected can say that no matter how high the price. You making a sacrifice is ALWAYS going to be a small price for ME to pay.
Welcome to the future. This is but the first taste of what is coming as the American empire collapses into a heap of steaming dog shit as the Global Debt Ponzi that we have been running for > 100 years continues and accelerates its collapse.
These words offering your sacrifice will not just be directed at government workers as they get trimmed down in numbers, told to do more for the same pay if they want to keep their jobs while at the same time their pensions are defaulted on and eventually they are made to use the 401k system like the rest of us in lieu of a paid pension program. Government teat suckers will definitely be hit when government runs out of ways to fund the Ponzi. But government hacks won't be the only ones.
Big government is a living thing. As such it needs to consume vast amounts of wealth (i.e our labor) or die, and dying is not something it will do of its own will. No, you will die before government does if government has any say in the matter. The assholes in government will nuke the world before they voluntarily walk away from their power. They don't care about anything except staying in power. And when they do it they will tell you it's for the greater good and that it's a small price for you to pay. They know you will not be happy about it but men with guns will be standing there to ensure your prompt compliance.
Because of this I warn each and every one of you yet again: government is going to steal your money. It will steal it from bank accounts, retirement funds, pension plans and in any other way that is centralized and easy. It will also steal by inflating away the value of the dollar but they have been doing that for a long time now and only a putz doesn't get that.
No, its these new ways of "paying a small price" and "sacrificing for your country" that are the new, up and coming trend. With the stroke of a pen, pensions and 401k and bank accounts will be nationalized. Why? Because big government fucking thinks it needs your stuff more than you do, just like Rocket Racoon.
There is only one way to avoid getting robbed at gunpoint by big government and that is to get your wealth out of their system just as soon as you can. Get out of their banks, their stock market, their 401k, their pension plan. Cash out the best way you know how and then go buy gold and silver bullion coins. These make you your own central banker.
I started this blog in 2010 for one reason and with one main goal. The reason I started it was that I wanted to give something back to the world. That's why you have never seen any 3rd party ads on my site and you never will. No ads, ever, was part of the charter. It hopefully shows that I am sincere. So while that was the reason, the main goal was to tell enough truths that people would finally and eventually believe me when I say there is only one real problem in the world (fake money) and that your only protection from it was to acquire and store real money (gold and silver).
If you own paper assets I GUARANTEE you will get hair-cutted by the coming collapse. 100% for sure. They will take what they need first and ask questions later and if you don't like it then take it up with the useless but heavily armed police. They will see to it that you are re-educated. Or they will kill you. Your choice.
Wow. It almost has a national security ring to it. It's apparently patriotic and even stylish to let government fuck you over now. And of course others who are still getting paid are telling fed workers its a small price to pay. Of course people who are not affected can say that no matter how high the price. You making a sacrifice is ALWAYS going to be a small price for ME to pay.
Welcome to the future. This is but the first taste of what is coming as the American empire collapses into a heap of steaming dog shit as the Global Debt Ponzi that we have been running for > 100 years continues and accelerates its collapse.
These words offering your sacrifice will not just be directed at government workers as they get trimmed down in numbers, told to do more for the same pay if they want to keep their jobs while at the same time their pensions are defaulted on and eventually they are made to use the 401k system like the rest of us in lieu of a paid pension program. Government teat suckers will definitely be hit when government runs out of ways to fund the Ponzi. But government hacks won't be the only ones.
Big government is a living thing. As such it needs to consume vast amounts of wealth (i.e our labor) or die, and dying is not something it will do of its own will. No, you will die before government does if government has any say in the matter. The assholes in government will nuke the world before they voluntarily walk away from their power. They don't care about anything except staying in power. And when they do it they will tell you it's for the greater good and that it's a small price for you to pay. They know you will not be happy about it but men with guns will be standing there to ensure your prompt compliance.
Because of this I warn each and every one of you yet again: government is going to steal your money. It will steal it from bank accounts, retirement funds, pension plans and in any other way that is centralized and easy. It will also steal by inflating away the value of the dollar but they have been doing that for a long time now and only a putz doesn't get that.
No, its these new ways of "paying a small price" and "sacrificing for your country" that are the new, up and coming trend. With the stroke of a pen, pensions and 401k and bank accounts will be nationalized. Why? Because big government fucking thinks it needs your stuff more than you do, just like Rocket Racoon.
There is only one way to avoid getting robbed at gunpoint by big government and that is to get your wealth out of their system just as soon as you can. Get out of their banks, their stock market, their 401k, their pension plan. Cash out the best way you know how and then go buy gold and silver bullion coins. These make you your own central banker.
I started this blog in 2010 for one reason and with one main goal. The reason I started it was that I wanted to give something back to the world. That's why you have never seen any 3rd party ads on my site and you never will. No ads, ever, was part of the charter. It hopefully shows that I am sincere. So while that was the reason, the main goal was to tell enough truths that people would finally and eventually believe me when I say there is only one real problem in the world (fake money) and that your only protection from it was to acquire and store real money (gold and silver).
If you own paper assets I GUARANTEE you will get hair-cutted by the coming collapse. 100% for sure. They will take what they need first and ask questions later and if you don't like it then take it up with the useless but heavily armed police. They will see to it that you are re-educated. Or they will kill you. Your choice.
The global economy for you in a short 1 minute video.
They say a picture is worth 1000 words. A one minute video could therefore speak volumes.
Here's what happens when there is real gun control.
If governments had their way we would all be disarmed. This is just a win-win for their agenda on every level. First, if you don't have guns they can stand in your face and scream in your face what you are going to do, how to do it, when to live, and when/how to die. That's just the historical truth of it. Second, if you don't have guns then you are forced to outsource your personal safety to a bunch of trigger happy armed strangers, AKA police. If you want to be safe, they tell you, you better agree to more debt in order to fund fat salaries and pensions of cops.
Of course the cops are useless in most real world scenarios and today's proof point of this is that of a Houston Texas man who showed excellent gun control in gunning down 4 home invaders, killing three of them on the scene and putting the 4th one in the hospital.
One well armed man who was obviously proficient and ready with his weapon wiped 3.5 human stains out of existence, thus eliminating any chance that you or I will encounter these same hardened criminals in the future. I say give this guy a public award and force the police to attend and to clap at this man's ability to defend himself. Because folks, when seconds count, the cops are minutes away.
The police need to do a quick investigation and then, if nothing seems untoward about the circumstances, publicly proclaim this man to be free of any legal issues and in fact he should receive a certificate of achievement from the cops. And 10 points for any double taps found in the investigation. These home invaders simply do not deserve to live anymore and they got just what they deserved this time. The mayor should present this guy an award shaped in the form of a hand gun.
Folks, please pay attention. Government has addicted millions to debt based subsistence programs. The fact that the programs are based on debt means they are unsustainable. But the presence of these programs has massively increased society's carrying capacity for douche bag deadbeats. And so, their numbers have skyrocketed. Eventually these government programs will disappear. Not because anyone wants to be mean or heartless but rather as a matter of simple economics. Government's ability to pay using any means will evaporate and when this happens, the carrying capacity will fall rapidly.
Do you know what this means? It means millions of desperate fucks doing whatever they can or whatever they need to do in order to continue living. Do you think your life will matter when they come to take what you have? Hell no. They will take your stuff, if you are a woman they will take your body and your dignity if not sanity, and they will take your life. This is inevitable simply because of the math associated with the matter. There is no soft landing. When it all goes down, it will go down quickly. Don't sit there and be the fool who thinks the cops will be there to protect you when this happens! The cops will hover around their own homes to protect their own families.
Get guns, get ammo, get proficient and get ready. Desperate times are coming to the US just as they have arrived to every other smaller nation that has been infected by the disease of accepting fake money as if it were real. It leads to wealth divide which results in desperation to get along day to day. Desperation leads people to do very stupid and dangerous things. Most recent example being the attempted theft of gasoline by desperate and stupid Mexicans leading to a horrible explosion and nearly 100 people rapidly burned to death as a result. This the fault of fake money, and nothing else.
Of course the cops are useless in most real world scenarios and today's proof point of this is that of a Houston Texas man who showed excellent gun control in gunning down 4 home invaders, killing three of them on the scene and putting the 4th one in the hospital.
One well armed man who was obviously proficient and ready with his weapon wiped 3.5 human stains out of existence, thus eliminating any chance that you or I will encounter these same hardened criminals in the future. I say give this guy a public award and force the police to attend and to clap at this man's ability to defend himself. Because folks, when seconds count, the cops are minutes away.
The police need to do a quick investigation and then, if nothing seems untoward about the circumstances, publicly proclaim this man to be free of any legal issues and in fact he should receive a certificate of achievement from the cops. And 10 points for any double taps found in the investigation. These home invaders simply do not deserve to live anymore and they got just what they deserved this time. The mayor should present this guy an award shaped in the form of a hand gun.
Folks, please pay attention. Government has addicted millions to debt based subsistence programs. The fact that the programs are based on debt means they are unsustainable. But the presence of these programs has massively increased society's carrying capacity for douche bag deadbeats. And so, their numbers have skyrocketed. Eventually these government programs will disappear. Not because anyone wants to be mean or heartless but rather as a matter of simple economics. Government's ability to pay using any means will evaporate and when this happens, the carrying capacity will fall rapidly.
Do you know what this means? It means millions of desperate fucks doing whatever they can or whatever they need to do in order to continue living. Do you think your life will matter when they come to take what you have? Hell no. They will take your stuff, if you are a woman they will take your body and your dignity if not sanity, and they will take your life. This is inevitable simply because of the math associated with the matter. There is no soft landing. When it all goes down, it will go down quickly. Don't sit there and be the fool who thinks the cops will be there to protect you when this happens! The cops will hover around their own homes to protect their own families.
Get guns, get ammo, get proficient and get ready. Desperate times are coming to the US just as they have arrived to every other smaller nation that has been infected by the disease of accepting fake money as if it were real. It leads to wealth divide which results in desperation to get along day to day. Desperation leads people to do very stupid and dangerous things. Most recent example being the attempted theft of gasoline by desperate and stupid Mexicans leading to a horrible explosion and nearly 100 people rapidly burned to death as a result. This the fault of fake money, and nothing else.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Hilarous CNN fail.
Liberals just love to make shit up out of thin air and then use it to apply some kind of negative sounding label to another person in order to get that person to be ashamed of him/herself so that they will step aside and let the liberal bully have his/her way. It's exactly the same kind of verbal bullying tactics that they claim to hate. This is liberalism 101: "do as I say but not as a do. I will make up fake rules that apply not to me but only to you".
In the liberal playbook, if you have nothing intelligent to say, play the labeling card. You know, call someone a bigot or a racist or a woman hater or, more recently a "privileged" white male which is a term that rabid good for nothing liberals now use in the same context as those other negative labels. In fact, "white male privilege" is commonly used as a shorthand for calling someone ALL of those negative labels.
The liberal $hitfest which is CNN recently stepped in some hilarious do-do of their own creation when a black reporter dismissed the views of the person she was talking to by saying his views were driven by white male privilege. Unfortunately for the liberal fool of a woman, the guy she was talking to only sounded white-ish. In fact, he was black. Listen for yourself on YouTube here. When confronted with this she issued a fake apology and then blamed "her people" for misinforming her. Of course that is a load of horse shit too because pretty much everything this woman says is a lie. In fact, she thought the voice sounded white male and thus the guy was susceptible to the white male privilege attack vector. She obviously has no "people" at all. Maybe she was talking about the mouse in her pocket.
In the liberal playbook, if you have nothing intelligent to say, play the labeling card. You know, call someone a bigot or a racist or a woman hater or, more recently a "privileged" white male which is a term that rabid good for nothing liberals now use in the same context as those other negative labels. In fact, "white male privilege" is commonly used as a shorthand for calling someone ALL of those negative labels.
The liberal $hitfest which is CNN recently stepped in some hilarious do-do of their own creation when a black reporter dismissed the views of the person she was talking to by saying his views were driven by white male privilege. Unfortunately for the liberal fool of a woman, the guy she was talking to only sounded white-ish. In fact, he was black. Listen for yourself on YouTube here. When confronted with this she issued a fake apology and then blamed "her people" for misinforming her. Of course that is a load of horse shit too because pretty much everything this woman says is a lie. In fact, she thought the voice sounded white male and thus the guy was susceptible to the white male privilege attack vector. She obviously has no "people" at all. Maybe she was talking about the mouse in her pocket.
Monday, January 14, 2019
The return of real men
Fake men put up with liberal bullying and name calling by useless shits casting stones at the makers in this world while sitting on the sidelines. Fake men sat there and let a bunch of pseudo elite pansies belittle them for being "born this way" - as men - without saying a damned thing about it because of fear of political correctness. Fake men herded with the herd, became metrosexuals and stopped believing in the inherent leadership abilities of the male gender of our species.
And during the rise of liberalism, being a politically correct fake man was a good way to get ahead. But them days is over folks. And the proof positive of this is found in the herd's recent reaction to Gillette's attempt to play the "me too man-shaming" game. Men are inherently evil, says some ass clown loser in Gillette's marketing department who will soon be looking for a new job as the company tries to patch up the gaping wound that this horrible ad campaign just inflicted in the company.
This crap from Gillette is the same crap they are blaming men for! They are telling all men we are bad when there is just a portion of men who do these things. They are telling us we are all guilty if some other man crosses the line. How about fuck you Gillette? I am not my brother's keeper! I can lead by example and I can defend myself if some fool crosses the line toward me or mine, but those are my decisions to make, not yours. Save your message for the "it takes a village" crowd because I know damned well that village of sissies and women and children would starve on its own without the real men doing what we do.
And you will find that real women already freaking know this!! They already appreciate a good man when they find one. And they do not complain or try to change the basic male quality because it is those exact qualities which give men the horsepower to do incredible things, amazing things that sissies and women just don't want to go out and do by nature and in many cases due to physical limitations.
Real women bring their own special value to society, nobody is arguing that point. It's not just huge value, its essential value. There is no real society without women and without the family. But so do men and only a fool or someone who has been brainwashed by the liberal establishment which seeks to drain the population of all its real strengths so that it will be more docile and thus more easily controlled wants to demasculinize real men.
Anyone who wants to misinterpret this as some kind of attack against women can be my guest to live in their delusion. It's not my job to fix crazy. I'm just stating the obvious fact that 95% of women for what ever reason do not do the big jobs that real men excel at even though 30% of the women are probably physically capable of it. There is a lot more to taking on BHAGS (Big, Hairy Assed Goals) than just physical ability. There is a mental toughness, a built in genetically enabled aggressiveness towards building things, all go, no quit, no excuses that is just stronger in males and which real men do not try to apologize for.
Smart women know this, applaud this and freaking adore it because they get to benefit from the aggressive achievement of the man that they have chosen. And what real man doesn't love and cherish a real woman who respects his achievements and thanks him for going out into the world and bringing home the bacon (along with the financial security, nice house, nice car, boat, vacations and other nice rewards of doing the BHAG work)?
Of course, all of these things are just my opinion and so not really all that important to the reader. But what should be important is the herd's reaction to Gillette's misguided man-shaming attack on men because that shows that the conservative wave is rolling in stronger than ever now. Real change is coming soon and it's going to get ugly before it can get better.
And during the rise of liberalism, being a politically correct fake man was a good way to get ahead. But them days is over folks. And the proof positive of this is found in the herd's recent reaction to Gillette's attempt to play the "me too man-shaming" game. Men are inherently evil, says some ass clown loser in Gillette's marketing department who will soon be looking for a new job as the company tries to patch up the gaping wound that this horrible ad campaign just inflicted in the company.
This crap from Gillette is the same crap they are blaming men for! They are telling all men we are bad when there is just a portion of men who do these things. They are telling us we are all guilty if some other man crosses the line. How about fuck you Gillette? I am not my brother's keeper! I can lead by example and I can defend myself if some fool crosses the line toward me or mine, but those are my decisions to make, not yours. Save your message for the "it takes a village" crowd because I know damned well that village of sissies and women and children would starve on its own without the real men doing what we do.
And you will find that real women already freaking know this!! They already appreciate a good man when they find one. And they do not complain or try to change the basic male quality because it is those exact qualities which give men the horsepower to do incredible things, amazing things that sissies and women just don't want to go out and do by nature and in many cases due to physical limitations.
Real women bring their own special value to society, nobody is arguing that point. It's not just huge value, its essential value. There is no real society without women and without the family. But so do men and only a fool or someone who has been brainwashed by the liberal establishment which seeks to drain the population of all its real strengths so that it will be more docile and thus more easily controlled wants to demasculinize real men.
Anyone who wants to misinterpret this as some kind of attack against women can be my guest to live in their delusion. It's not my job to fix crazy. I'm just stating the obvious fact that 95% of women for what ever reason do not do the big jobs that real men excel at even though 30% of the women are probably physically capable of it. There is a lot more to taking on BHAGS (Big, Hairy Assed Goals) than just physical ability. There is a mental toughness, a built in genetically enabled aggressiveness towards building things, all go, no quit, no excuses that is just stronger in males and which real men do not try to apologize for.
Smart women know this, applaud this and freaking adore it because they get to benefit from the aggressive achievement of the man that they have chosen. And what real man doesn't love and cherish a real woman who respects his achievements and thanks him for going out into the world and bringing home the bacon (along with the financial security, nice house, nice car, boat, vacations and other nice rewards of doing the BHAG work)?
Of course, all of these things are just my opinion and so not really all that important to the reader. But what should be important is the herd's reaction to Gillette's misguided man-shaming attack on men because that shows that the conservative wave is rolling in stronger than ever now. Real change is coming soon and it's going to get ugly before it can get better.
Coward of Broward boss suspended
Scott Israel, the boss of the Coward of Broward in the Parkland school shootings, has been suspended by Fl. Gov Ron DeSantis. He might as well go looking for another job right now. He's done. The details and Israel's response are all noise; thinking people avoid noise so that they can receive and understand the underlying message that is being sent. And that message is just what I have said it would eventually be: the police are losing their air cover from the politicians who are being asked to "do something" about the problems with today's police force (abuse of force, abuse of power, too expensive for the benefit received, ineffective, etc.). It used to be that police could walk up, shoot some one in the face, and then get a paid 2 week vacation as his bosses and union lawyers papered the whole thing over at taxpayer expense.
Those days are over. First it began with individual cops getting fired. Then individual cops began getting convicted of crimes and going to jail as well. Now their bosses are getting fired. At some point, nearly entire police departments will be found to be criminal organizations and taken down by the DOJ. That's just how out of hand the whole thing got in the "dock rock the boat" liberal years of easy money. After all, if people have a lot to lose then they don't fight the status quo. But if they feel they are on the edge then they are more likely to fight the system that they now realize is not their friend and never has been.
Scott Israel is lucky he is being thrown out right now. If this happened 2-3 years from now the pendulum might have swung a bit further and the calls might not just be for his ouster but also for his imprisonment for gross dereliction of duty.
If this sounds crazy, just consider this: the debt Ponzi hasn't even split wide open yet and most people are still even in denial that it exists. Wait until the real crash comes. Everyone is going to want scapegoat for everything and in conservative thinking, the captain goes down with the ship.
Those days are over. First it began with individual cops getting fired. Then individual cops began getting convicted of crimes and going to jail as well. Now their bosses are getting fired. At some point, nearly entire police departments will be found to be criminal organizations and taken down by the DOJ. That's just how out of hand the whole thing got in the "dock rock the boat" liberal years of easy money. After all, if people have a lot to lose then they don't fight the status quo. But if they feel they are on the edge then they are more likely to fight the system that they now realize is not their friend and never has been.
Scott Israel is lucky he is being thrown out right now. If this happened 2-3 years from now the pendulum might have swung a bit further and the calls might not just be for his ouster but also for his imprisonment for gross dereliction of duty.
If this sounds crazy, just consider this: the debt Ponzi hasn't even split wide open yet and most people are still even in denial that it exists. Wait until the real crash comes. Everyone is going to want scapegoat for everything and in conservative thinking, the captain goes down with the ship.
[AGI] update - how many of you gave yourself a Christmas gift? [UGAZ]
In the backlink I provided the model below which included a chart that could only be viewed as bullish through the lens of the Elliott wave principle.

The price back then was $3.22. Current actual below is at $3.81. That's an 18% gain in 6 weeks. Not bad. But what's next? Will this really break out as shown above or is there an update with new guidance and things to look for based on the nature of the bounce so far?
For $39.95 per month you can keep up with this and many other very lucrative stock market plays, both long and short, in real time the the rest of the people who are making money in the stock market using Elliott waves. If you only have as little as $3k in the markets, this knowledge will far and away pay for the cost of access. In the case of AGI, investing 3K when the model told you to would have netted $540. Even after my monthly fee of $39.95 you would still be $500 to the good, and that's with just 3k in the game for 6 weeks.

Need more sport? AGI was a safe 18% but I cover other things which can move a heck of a lot faster. Most recently it was UGAZ. Does the chart below look in any way bullish to you? Would you touch it with a 10 foot pole?

If you are honest the answer to these questions are "no and Hell no" respectively. But if you read the text above you can see that I was looking for a strong reversal at $40.10. Now come on. Who in their right mind would think this collapse was the prelude to a likely "strong reversal"? This is not normal. It's simply not done by you or anyone you ever heard of. But that's because neither you nor nobody you know are Elliott wave experts. No disrespect intended but I do speak plainly and directly. The well documented truth is not open for debate.
But now look at current actual below. What was $40 is now $65. That's a 62% gain not in 6 months, 6 weeks or even 6 days. The model predicted nearly the exact bottom of this massive chart collapse and it had nothing to do with fake fundamentals that are unknown and unknowable. Sure maybe it was triggered by the big storm in the US north. But I didn't know about that storm! I live in Austin where the skies are clear and the low will be 39F while much of the country is blanketed in snow. We don't suffer from these crazy storms here in central Texas so I never check the weather. But the chart knew, and I know the charts.

Presented with this kind of hard data, what are you waiting for. Click subscribe for immediate access to the best Elliott wave marketing timing analysis value on the web.
The price back then was $3.22. Current actual below is at $3.81. That's an 18% gain in 6 weeks. Not bad. But what's next? Will this really break out as shown above or is there an update with new guidance and things to look for based on the nature of the bounce so far?
For $39.95 per month you can keep up with this and many other very lucrative stock market plays, both long and short, in real time the the rest of the people who are making money in the stock market using Elliott waves. If you only have as little as $3k in the markets, this knowledge will far and away pay for the cost of access. In the case of AGI, investing 3K when the model told you to would have netted $540. Even after my monthly fee of $39.95 you would still be $500 to the good, and that's with just 3k in the game for 6 weeks.
Need more sport? AGI was a safe 18% but I cover other things which can move a heck of a lot faster. Most recently it was UGAZ. Does the chart below look in any way bullish to you? Would you touch it with a 10 foot pole?
If you are honest the answer to these questions are "no and Hell no" respectively. But if you read the text above you can see that I was looking for a strong reversal at $40.10. Now come on. Who in their right mind would think this collapse was the prelude to a likely "strong reversal"? This is not normal. It's simply not done by you or anyone you ever heard of. But that's because neither you nor nobody you know are Elliott wave experts. No disrespect intended but I do speak plainly and directly. The well documented truth is not open for debate.
But now look at current actual below. What was $40 is now $65. That's a 62% gain not in 6 months, 6 weeks or even 6 days. The model predicted nearly the exact bottom of this massive chart collapse and it had nothing to do with fake fundamentals that are unknown and unknowable. Sure maybe it was triggered by the big storm in the US north. But I didn't know about that storm! I live in Austin where the skies are clear and the low will be 39F while much of the country is blanketed in snow. We don't suffer from these crazy storms here in central Texas so I never check the weather. But the chart knew, and I know the charts.
Presented with this kind of hard data, what are you waiting for. Click subscribe for immediate access to the best Elliott wave marketing timing analysis value on the web.
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