It is no accident that the description of young liberal Tom Sawyer begins with "con". Liberals are intelligent but mischievous. The saying, "never give a sucker an even break" is liberalism 101. They value their own perceived wittiness and slick dick sophistry above all else.
Liberals like to talk about inclusiveness and but, like most things they say, the truth is exactly the opposite. Liberalism is quite based on doublespeak, greenspeak, fedspeak, do as I say and not as I do and the like. The medical industrial complex is the product of raging liberalism and thus quite exclusionary. They talk about wanting to provide great service but in artificially keeping the numbers that can pass their silly and unnecessary institutionalized hazing, they keep certified/legal doctors down and prices up.
The hazing that I am referring to starts with way too much schooling needed before being allowed to do anything in the field. And then there is residency. No other job on the planet takes a highly educated person and then tries to dissuade them from working in that field. This is liberal bullshit. There is no need for it to happen but that is the way things are when liberals are running the show.
But with the new conservative wave, these things are breaking down. Most recently, and quite shockingly if you ask me, NYU announced a plan that would enable free tuition to all participants regardless of need. That's $55k of after tax money that does not need to be spent PER YER for the entire length of med school. That is huge. Oh, sure, there are still expenses like room, board and some education fees. But they pale in comparison to the collapse of the tuition cost.
What this (and plans from others that will likely follow) will do is drastically collapse the student debt associated with getting a medical degree and that means that new doctors from this program will be able to break into the good old boy system in a big way by using price as a weapon when they graduate. They will not have huge student loans to pay off and so they can just undercut those who do.
These schools are not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts. They are doing it because the boomers now retiring will need a lot of lower priced medical care if our way of life is to be maintained. Otherwise there will be tons of old people dying in the streets in the next 20 years and that will be disruptive for everyone. Congrats to all the young people who are getting in on this deal, it is literally the deal of a lifetime for them.
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