Sunday, July 15, 2012

This is how the Ponzi crumbles.

The US government has been running a decades long debt Ponzi.  It fueled rapid US growth and it kept the world at bay but the Ponzi is in the end game.  Not necessarily the last days, but if you look carefully you can see the beginning of the end on the horizon.  In short, people are getting tired of having their labor stored within a corrupt money supply which is hyper controlled by a corrupt government. 

People know that the salary they earn for the work they do is first partially confiscated by government mandates before the people have access to their own money.  Don't like it?  Too bad.  Didn't vote for it?  Too bad.  Don't want to comply with it?  Well, government would like you to believe there is no alternative but there certainly is.  The bottom line is that it is way too expensive to track each individual and what they do.   Government has been trying to use computers to help with this but they are losing control. 

Government still holds the winning hand as long as people use their money because it means government benefits from the daily activity of the economy.  Each transaction is another "ring the register" moment for the tax man.  Unfortunately for the government, too many people are just barely making it by these days and so they are getting very, very weary of supporting the system by the sweat of their brows.  Once the herd gets tired of its conditions, such conditions will not just accept that forever.  They know their labor is being stolen by government via inflation and via direct taxation.  They know that government pensions are far better than the normal day to day worker will ever see.

The only way out of the scam is to remove oneself from the grip of the government's fraudulent money system which is based on the con of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking. It's not easy to do because it's all most people have ever known.  But, once people begin to prosper by avoiding the laborious burden of big government, the herd will start to move with it and when it does then it's game over for the Lighthouse Crowd.  There have already been some attempts at creating new local money supplies (such as the Liberty Dollar) but government has made a federal case of them using stupid technicalities and then punishing those involved very harshly.  But the government can only attack something that has not reached critical mass of public acceptance.  For example, it seems that the Berkshares currency does not have the feds attacking them yet as they cannot come up with some technicality to attack with.

Berkshares may or may not make it over the long term but what is important is that many people, both domestic and foreign, are looking for dollar alternatives and trying to build new economies  around them.  Never forget that economies are really all about the exchange of labor and that money is only a proxy for that labor.  Maybe someday someone will come up with a currency called workshares.  That would really send the message that new wealth cannot be created simply by printing new paper markers, only by engaging in productive labor.

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