Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gold and silver rise as the reality of theatrical budget cuts is exposed

I recently posted about how the supposed $38 billion budget cuts were mainly theatrics but little did I know how right I actually was.  After all the flash and bang of the budget headlines faded, the stodgy accountants at the US Congressional Budget Office admitted that the actual cuts this year would amount to only $352 million with an "m".  To put that into perspective, here is a table of actual debt interest since 1988.  In 2010 we paid $413 billion for the year just in interest payments. 
It looks to be increasing by about $30-40 billion per year of late so let's assume 2011 will be $450 billion or about $1.2 billion per day.  That means that the $352 million that our "leaders" agreed to cut this year amounts to about 8 hours worth of interest accrual.  Eight stinking hours!  Look how long and loud they fought over eight measly hours of savings on just the debt interest!  In other words, nobody gave anything up at all.  The budget theatrics themselves probably cost more than the supposed savings!  Heck the warmongers even got their budgets increased in this deal by 8 billion!  If this is the best that we can expect from our "leaders" then it should come as no wonder that gold and silver continue to rise.  It's not that gold and silver are becoming worth more, folks.  It's that the dollar is becoming worth less in the minds of people.  The value of any fiat currency is intrinsically zero and unless these clowns get serious real soon they are going to ruin the confidence of the patsies (I mean people) in the value of the dollar.  How many articles like this one can the people stomach before they start to lose faith in our currency en masse?  Bernanke wants to avoid deflation at all costs in the belief that he can remove the stimulus just in time to avoid the onset of massive inflation or even hyperinflation.  But if Congress won't agree to cut spending dramatically then it's very questionable as to whether Bernanke will be able to ever stop printing money because the money for all this congressionally approved spending has to be gotten from somewhere.  Congress actually seems to be trying to hyperinflate our way out of debt.

My fellow Americans, let me tell you right now who is really to blame for all of this.  We are.  We the people sit here and argue about Dem vs. GOP when both sides are just debt addicted con men.  Very few people complain to their congressmen.  Very few people even seem to care.  I promise you that the day will come when complacency turns to panic and history suggests that such turns often occur with exponential speed.  We the people are ignoring all the warning signs.  We are busy thinking good thoughts about peace and light while the country is literally burning down around us, fueled by the economic apathy of the citizens. 

Anyone who thinks they have savings in stocks, bonds, annuities, 401ks or other paper holdings is simply watching the buying power of those things erode at an ever increasing rate.   When it all collapses, do yourself a favor.  Don't blame your neighbor or the guy in the other political party.  Blame yourself because you are part of the "we" who didn't vote for people like Ross Perot and Ron Paul who clearly warned us of what is happening and gave us the painful message of what we needed to do about it.  They didn't have the Hollywood good looks and strong speaking voices to get the votes.  Their logic and math wasn't good enough for us.  We needed charismatic speakers with strong facial profiles even though all they ever did was lie, lie, lie to us.  They in fact told us what we wanted to hear.  So now we have nothing but useless liars running the country and we the people are still just watching, hoping beyond hope for an economic miracle to save us.  Sorry if the truth hurts but we either take our pain now or it is going to be much, much worse later.
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