According to one talking head, the Eurozone is no longer in any danger…
Notice that the guy that they trotted out to pump up confidence is not a current official. The people seem to think that all of their problems are due to short sellers and others making speculative bets against the region (which includes pulling so called “hot money” out). Of course it couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that they have spent themselves into oblivion with government “programs”.
I have to laugh at the quote they used:
“For Greece, the problem is completely over,” said Prodi, who was also Italian prime minister, in an interview in Shanghai today. “I don’t see any other case now in Europe. I don’t think there is any reason to think the euro system will collapse or will suffer greatly because of Greece.”
I wonder if he could be any more sure of his assessment.
LOL at the scammers squirming.