Friday, January 29, 2021

This is the stuff secession is made of.

In the past it was always government against groups of citizens or against individual citizens.  Government mainly won because it had essentially unlimited funds to hire lawyers, etc.  It could also make arbitrary and unfair rules which they call "laws" in order to tilt the playing field in their direction.  But things have now devolved in the US where states are now individually or in groups banding together against the federal government.  The first volley was the Texas led opposition to the fraud election.  That having failed, Texas is now publicly defiant of the new federal administration and has ordered its legal team to go to war with Biden's corrupt, asinine leftist agenda to bring down America so that his Chinese pals can step up.  Or perhaps even step in.

"Abbott signed an executive order during a press conference in Odessa on Thursday, which directed all state agencies to sue the Biden administration for any federal actions that threaten the Lone Star state’s energy sector."

If Texas were a sovereign country its economy, as of 2016, would be the 10th largest in the world, about equal with Russia.  Texas is currently #2 in the US but I see that changing over the next decade as California's big high tech earners escape en masse.  All of cally's wealth is in San Fran finance and San Jose high tech.  Los Angeles used to be an industrial hub but it is in freefall because of high taxes and other liberal politics. High tech is the first to escape California but high finance will exit too because, after all, liberals eat their own and no it won't be different this time.  They are greedy, lawless, amoral and power mad.  Nobody will be safe until they get to a better state.

I will say one more thing.  When sovereigns can't get their way via talking they always fall back to using force.  In the case of USA v Texas we might find that Texas just ignores federal edicts about the use of oil based energy, etc.  In that case, the US might start sanctions against Texas as if it were a different country.  That kind of thing could lead to a decline in the quality of living in the state, for that is the precise goal of sanctions - attack the rank and file people who are just trying to live their own lives so that they overthrow their own government.

Biden should be very careful about such things.  Conservatives are conservative because their playbook is based on Biblical laws, turning the other check, etc.  But if such rules are suspended because of so large an attack that it cannot be ignored then conservatives can be just as mean and destructive as any other human, sometimes worse because they had to keep it bottled up so long.  And let me remind that Texans are armed to the teeth.  Not with hunting rifles but with full military gear, body armor, military grade gas masks and in many cases even armored vehicles with gun mounts.  What do you think those big ranch owners do all day on their 300 acre spreads with multiple equipment buildings on them anyway?

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