Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Biden's in and so now he wants us to all just get along.

Biden is out trying to unify the country with his inaugural speech.  Now that his side has stolen the election with obvious shady election tricks and statistically impossible election reversal numbers, he wants us all to heal and just get along.

"To all those who did not support us, let me say this, hear me out as we move forward, take a measure of me and my heart," he urged in his address. "If you still disagree, so be it, that's democracy, that's America, the right to dissent peacefully. Here me clearly: Disagreement must not lead to disunion. And I pledge the to you, I will be a president for all Americans. And I promise you I will fight as hard for those who did not support me as for those who did."

So what am I doing?  In a word, nothing.  Sure, Biden is a career criminal member of the Clinton Cartel.  But Bush presided over the destruction of the WTC.  What's new.  Same old shit, different day.  Nothing that they say or do is going to change the fact that the Global Debt Ponzi is long in the tooth and at some point it will collapse.  So if Biden can avoid caving to AOC's leftist agenda and if he can just ignore most of his own campaign promises to attack gun rights then I don't care who sits in the chair.  I do think we need to fix the election system so that 1/3 of the state's leadership doesn't overtly come out and say that the elections were a scam.

I personally think Biden was signalling that he was actually worried about dis-unification (disunion) of this country.  I think he is right to be worried.  And I think that if he pushes the leftist agenda AT ALL that this is what he is going to get, and that he knows it.  So what I expect to see is a lot of infighting within the left.

That's right.  The liberals will begin eating their own right before our very eyes.  The senate is 50R 48D and 2 Independent.  With Harris as the tie breaker, the dems are within a stone's throw of control.  The congress is controlled by the dems and the executive branch is controlled by the dems.  So the dems have it right now and so the left is going to demand "progress".  But Biden's calling for everyone to heal and promising the deplorables that they will get a fair shake.  Normally I would say good luck with that but Biden probably wants to go out on a high note and that's not going to happen unless he gets control of his own rabid attack dogs.

There are clear 3rd rail issues here.  Go after the guns and the result will probably be civil war.  Yes, really.  But something in Joe's dim and soul-less eyes tells me he knows this.  As long as they don't go for the guns he has at least a chance of keeping the Debt Ponzi going another few years.  The minute that changes, everything changes because the credible threat of counterforce is the only thing that keeps a population which is so divided from one side making the other side subservient by force.  If people are so stupid to give up their guns without a fight, how long until the left makes good with their communist fascist agenda?  You know, making lists, turning each other in, rounding up people and putting kids through re-education camps like Project Veritas recorded a PBS lawyer as saying?

I know these things sound over the top and bombastic but since they have happened all over the world all throughout history, it is actually childish not to consider them a real threat.  And just because you might not believe it is possible doesn't stop people like the PBS lawyer from having considered it well enough to let it come out his mouth on tape.  Do you think this is the first time he has said it to someone?  Do you think he is the only leftist who is power mad right now?

ONLY guns in the hands of conservatives will keep this kind of crazed lunatic in their place.  PERIOD. If you don't own a gun and ammo and know how to use it, you are in fact part of the problem.  This is intended for Americans where the only thing that makes us exceptional is that the founders of this country considered guns a key element of the right to self protection from bullies, and the right to self protection to be G_d given, not something granted at the pleasure of the state.  Without that we are ZERO different than anyone else, period.  People are people no matter where they live.  This is un-defeatable, inarguable logic.  Those who think they will use force to remove my arsenal from me are going to get killed trying.  100%.  This is what the founders mandated and they proved by their own actions that their thinking was clear and their sacrifice and risks taken were genuine.  If Biden crosses the line on guns then it will be our turn to water the tree of liberty for the next generation to enjoy.

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