Friday, January 15, 2021

Congressional fist fights coming soon.

Each time the rhetoric is ratcheted up on one side, the other side responds.  With each tit for tat, another level of diplomacy and decorum is surrendered.  The right impeached Clinton just for boffing Monica.  I think that having got caught for boffing Monica was punishment enough, but the right didn't let it go like they should have.  So now the left is on trump like white on rice.  Not one week's uninterrupted peace did trump receive from the left during his 4 years.

Unfortunately, this is not going to just be forgotten.  Especially when dealing with liberals who mistake a person's tolerance and lack of desire to fight for the traits of weakness and stupidity.  When liberals do something to you and you let them get away with it, they are empowered.  Liberalism is bully-ism.

And so now any hope of Biden getting a free ride should just be forgotten.  In fact its already starting with the right's version of AOC, Marjorie Taylor Greene, saying that she will be filing articles of impeachment against corrupt Joe on the day after he takes office.  What is it with these three name women anyway?

Mark my words: while the trump impeachments were little more than an ongoing smear campaign which essentially failed to convict, the Biden impeachment is not going to be so easy because Biden actually is a corrupt, two faced piece of shit.  Is trump perfect?  Hell no.  But his imperfections are those of a teenage boy who never grew up.  But Biden is a gangster.  He's part of Clinton, inc.  People think that the mob went away but no, it just began wearing suits and holding public office.  Why do you think Obama is from Chicago, the ancestral home of American gangsters?

I say again, each of the things that were tried on trump but failed will boomerang back around and become a very dangerous thing for biden and his son.

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