Thursday, January 28, 2021

This is just perfect.

Well geez folks, isn't this funny.  In yet another blazing proof point that we the intelligent conservatives of the world are not crazy, Merck recently announced that they are discontinuing their covid vaccine.  While I did not do a bunch of research here, I did check Merck directly and yes they did shut it down.

So basically their shot is useless and they don't feel comfortable perpetrating this fraud on the American people any further now that the covid political agenda of electing Biden has been accomplished.  Gee what a shock.  Collapse the economy for the democrat class (i.e. the service economy) and rabble rouse them to vote since they don't have to work and are getting a paycheck for staying home.

It was pure evil genius on the part of the dems. I just hope it doesn't backfire into civil war.  If that happens then all of a sudden it might not seem so clever any more.

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