Saturday, January 30, 2021

Amazing to see the insanity of the left.

An article in google news caught my eye as I was scanning through.  Since its google I have to assume it will be pushing the liberal viewpoint but unlike most conservatives I will read it anyway in order to know the mind of the delusional left and to avoid drinking any kool-aid either left or right, too much.

So I click on the article and its from Psychology Today.  The title is "why your abusive narcissistic mate claims to be the victim".  OK so we have a link provided by google which means there is 85% chance it will have a strong liberal lean.  Then it's from some woman writing for the liberal Psychology Today mag.  Add 10% more chance that it will be strongly left leaning.  But then we have a title that projects leftist behavior (being the narcissistic asshole but claiming victim hood).  OK so now we are up to 100% chance that it will be yet another leftist man hater propaganda article.

The article leads with this intro:

"Have you ever wondered why so many narcissists devalue and humiliate their mates and then claim to be the real victim in the relationship?  Some of them even accuse their non-narcissistic mate of being the real narcissist.  Many of my clients report that during a fight their narcissist mate will lie and mischaracterize what is going on in an attempt to seize the high ground.  These abusive mates conveniently forget the many nasty things that they said and did during the argument and instead fixate on the one harsh thing that their abused mate said in their own defense.  Let me give you a few examples so you can see what I mean and then I will explain what is really going on."

And then of course her first example is a guy, Carlos the Complainer.  The second example is another guy because, of course, men are just the only problem in the world.  His name is Walk Away Will.  The final example is the shortest word count and weakest argument and it is saved for Janet the Cheater. You always need one weak example in order to claim that you have no bias.

And so there it is in a nut shell.  The insane left use victimhood and mischaracterizations of everything in order to try to mind fuck their opponents and gain a more strategic attack point (high ground).  I want to thank the leftist fool with the cereal box top Ph.D. Elinor Greenberg for laying it out so clearly.  

I also want to say this: conservatives need the left as much as ants need the grasshopper.  Life is one big act of consumption.  That's the way it is.  The very first book in The Bible, Genesis, makes this very clear as it explains how animals and plants on the ground along with fish in the sea and birds in the air were all put on the planet for use as food by mankind.  We must consume to survive.  Conservatives know that in order to actually consume something, most people are going to have to produce something FIRST.  Not eventually.  Not someday.  But FIRST.  The ants know this.  Its the liberal grasshoppers who think the world owes them a living.

The best thing a conservative man can EVER do for himself is to find a good conservative woman to live life with.  It is the gift that keeps on giving or at the very least the absence of a cancer that keeps on growing.  Young liberal women can be very tempting but the risk of them growing into a useless liberal old lady is too high.  Find someone who is not highly likely to turn openly crazy on you in their 40s and you will live a much happier life.  Don't think that you can change them.  You can't.  It will be a lifelong struggle that you will eventually lose.  Avoid the path from the get go.

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