Friday, January 29, 2021

If you want to destroy a country, destroy its currency.

With the debt going up exponentially the liberals seem to be going for the kill shot on our country.  They are now talking about recurring $2000 "survival checks".  Yes folks, Biden's team knows that the useless covid lockdowns have collapsed the US economy and now they want to take the currency down as well.  How much longer until they begin asking their communist pals for "humanitarian aid" and giving away more of the country in exchange?

If I wanted to destroy a country I could not think of a better way than to offer its slave working class rabble a subsistence living without having to work but only when that living is paid for by the debasement of the currency thus guaranteeing that the rabble fall deeper and deeper into poverty.

Look at what is happening folks.  And look at the rate of progression.  Does it feel like the timing between major events is quickening?  Of course it does and for the very reasons I have been predicting that it would happen: exponential events have the basic characteristic of compressing time between events.  This is an exponential collapse in progress yet people still don't see it coming and nobody is acting to save themselves.  Everyone is just sitting there like it was a show that doesn't involve them.  

This too shall change.  If you haven't made any preparations by now, don't bother because it's probably too late. Most people simply don't have a pile of ready cash they can throw at newly perceived (but long present) problems.  It took me years to come up with my plan and to actually execute it.  Now yes, some if not many of you are better, faster and smarter than I am so maybe it won't take you as long.  But history shows that most people will just settle back into a shitty life of austerity and fear because they didn't have the willpower to stand up and take charge of their own destiny.  But don't worry, if you sit paralyzed long enough you too can begin receiving your survival check from the Godverment.  But then don't complain when it comes with strings attached.

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