Sunday, January 24, 2021

Sooner or later even the dullest tools in the shed will figure it out.

A standard manipulation tactic of liberals is moving the goal posts.  Conservatives believe in absolute truths, absolute right and wrong, absolute goals.  But liberals are well known for getting their way by pushing a little and then a little more and then a little more. Liberals invented the "boiling frog" scenario where the heat of the water gets turned up in slow enough increments that the frog says "well it's just a little more than I am already used to so I will not jump out of the pot" right up until the point where he realized he has been weakened too much to jump out and thus eventually dies in the pot.  Conservatives, true conservatives, have real lines in the sand which, if crossed, will cause us to come out swinging and then not stop until the threat has been pounded into oblivion.

The US declaration of independence was very clear about this:

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are suffer-able, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

It clearly says that you don't just revolt on a whim.  Armed revolt must ONLY be used after the people observe a long train of of abuses and usurpations whose goal is absolute despotism.  This does not tell us what the exact limit is or where the red line has been drawn but it does tell conservatives that it cannot go on and on forever.  In fact, it implies that we must be vigilant as a matter of duty.  So the only intelligent way to handle this is to create scenarios that, if they happen, would constitute a red line.  And for me the big one is any attempt at the use of armed thugs going door to door to search homes and confiscate the means of self defense - guns.  That to me is a declaration of war on all conservatives and only morons and idiots see otherwise.

So we must remain vigilant because you can see that the liberals  are clearly creeping forward with their rights reduction agenda by constantly moving the goal posts on the covid Plandemic.  It used to be, wear a mask, social distance, and flatten the curve until the vaccine arrives.  OK so the "savior" vaccine has arrived and now they are suggesting that even after you take their two doses of mystery juice, you could still be a contagious carrier.  No matter that a significant number of people are dying simply for having taken the vaccine.  But DON'T worry because in this latest case Placer County  authorities are trying their best to figure out why it happened.  Gee, I hope that makes the family of the dead person feel better, that completely unknown bureaucrats in Placer County are working with second rate scientists there to figure out why their rushed concoction kills people.

The link to Bloomberg above states that no less than 33 have been killed by taking the shot.  To me that sounds like at least 2-3 massive school shootings worth of killings.  Why is nobody being tried for murder here?  What, does being a liberal academic somehow absolve you of responsibility for your stupidity and incompetence?  Oh but not to worry, the article states, they were pretty much all old people.  So I guess it doesn't matter.

Yet still, they will sooner or later tie the acceptance of the vaccine to basic activity like travel.  And yes, the elite will use their power and money to achieve vaccine certification without actually taking the damned shot.

"Do as I say, and not as I do; the rules aren't for us 'cause we made them for YOU".

--Liberalism 101

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