Saturday, January 30, 2021

Moving closer toward violence on the congressional floor. Fist fights or more...

Liberal Cori Bush made a big scene about needing to move her office away from that of Marjorie Green out of fake safety concerns for her and her staff from the unhinged right.  But this is what Marjorie Green was doing when they yelled at her to put on a mask.  She was talking into a selfie camera away from everyone.  So it's more and more clear that everything the left says, all of their bombastic claims are just liberal hallucinations and mass insanity.  

 I'm specifically referring to the obviously fake accusation of trump colluding with Russia, the fake threat of the NRA taking over everything, the fake characterization of out of control protestors entering the capital building as "a siege" and "a coup" and that Trump "ordered" his supporters to do it thus making him culpable for their actions.  Nothing the left says can be taken at face value by anyone of even moderate intellectual honesty.  This does not make all GOP saints, not even close.  The vast majority of them are RINOs still.  But when the right as a group begins to make accusations, it has some kind of substantial evidence that should be looked at be it sworn affidavits from private citizens and other video evidence that led to 17 states to ask SCOTUS to overturn Biden's win  or physical evidence like "crack pipe hunter" biden's laptop which contained clear references to pay for access corruption on the part of joke biden.  Even joke biden admits that he used US loan guarantees as a hammer to get the Ukrainian prosecutor fired because he was going after hunter biden's corrupt burisma company.  Hunter biden was hired to the board of burisma as a political shield and paid very well for his corruption.

When the left accuses of something, they just make up whatever unfounded shit they want to but when the right levy accusations, there is always significant evidence, if not outright proof that would warrant a reasonable and intellectually honest person to not jump to judgement, but to at least demand a full and transparent investigation.  The left in turn, buries these stories in the media and then makes up a fake and unfounded counterclaim to distract everyone from the truth.

The picture below isn't just hunter with a crack pipe.  It's the battle cry of the entire left.  They are all smoking crack and expecting those of us who are not insane to believe their every word.  Not going to happen folks.  We will see those fist fights or other serious violence on the congressional floor because both sides and thrown down the gloves and are in full battle over the future of America.

And to those fools on the right who are cowering in their own shadows, afraid to speak out and do the right thing in the belief that G_d will make his presence obvious soon with the goal of saving you from your own cowardice, dream on.  When G_d returns to the public eye it will be to judge us, not to save us from our own pathetic weaknesses.

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