Saturday, January 30, 2021

Stupid is as stupid does.

I think all we have to do is let them continue to vaccinate themselves and the problem will be solved.  Another fool who was not sick took the vaccine and perished.

I think these two quotes from the article sum it all up.  First we will hear the last words of the winner of this years medical Darwin award speak for himself:

“Never been so excited to get a shot before,” he wrote on Jan. 5, above a photo of the Band-Aid on his arm and his COVID-19 vaccination card. “I am now fully vaccinated after receiving my 2nd Pfizer dose.”

Now to pile onto the stupidity, his wife, upon seeing her husband suddenly die, should have said "oh what a mistake, I rue the day he got that shot".  But no.  Instead she says:

The message is, be safe, take the vaccine — but the officials need to do more research. We need to know the cause.’

This is the mind of the liberal.  Despite the fact that the fool just died, taking the shot can't be a bad idea because she and her now dead husband so fervently believed in the omnipotence of their Godverment.  I have no words for this except that you can't fix stupid.  We humans are just experimenting here.  We really have no idea of the short or long term affects of taking these shots.  Enough people have died from this now that it counts as two major school shootings.  Who will be prosecuted for this?  And of all those who took the shots, they now consider themselves safe but they have zero real idea of the efficacy. We do know that one of the leading old guard drug manufacturers in the world, Merck, tried their asses off to cash in on the covid insanity and spent billions fast tracking a new drug only to simply cancel the program and give up saying that there was no evidence of efficacy over simply living life normally and letting our bodies deal with it the way they always have.

I think corona viruses are simply part of nature and that man is in no way sophisticated enough to take on nature, and it will take another 50-100 years before that changes in any substantive way.

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