Sunday, June 7, 2020

It's different this time

I'm not smart enough to know exactly what sequence of events have triggered the herd this time but something big is happening.  I know that the root cause of it all is that the herd is waking from its liberal slumber wherein its wits were dulled to events like a person on drugs.  I've known it would eventually happen.  I've often said that you can sometimes shoot a gun in the ear of the herd and it will look at you like cows at a passing train.  That was what happened during 911.  The herd just sat there stupid looking, drugged by the heroin of fake prosperity brought on by fake money.  The herd blindly accepted a ridiculous fantasy story from NIST about "pancaking floors" which had no basis in reality.  It was a story specifically made up to be believable by non-engineers.  No actual practicing structural engineers ever believed it.

But sometimes a fly will bite one of the herd members in the ass and then all Hell will break loose.  Only a fool looks at the fly bite and says "this caused it".  The cause is cumulative.  It happens over time.  At some point enough is too much, that final straw is laid on the camel's back and then the camel will no longer work for master until the load is removed.  That is where we are this time, and again, George Floyd is not the reason.  His situation was just the last straw.

Big changes are afoot and police reforms that I told you would be coming are only step one.  Other reforms will also be coming and that will certainly include big changes in the money supply.  Look at the freaking debt.  It looks like the space shot of a Falcon booster.  This is in no way sustainable yet it MUST continue to go up or the debt Ponzi will collapse.  The events will just keep happening closer and closer together until the dollar system stumbles and then tumbles.  Don't get caught underneath it.  Get your wealth into metals over time.  Do it in stages so that near term volatility doesn't have you buying at a local high.  When the dust settles, gold and silver physical metals will be the big winners.  That day is not far off.  A few years, not decades.  You still have time but you don't have forever.

One more thing on Floyd.  The usual actors are out there trying to control the herd.  We are told to "honor Floyd".  I say, "for what"?  I am as disgusted by the way the cops murdered him as anyone else but this is not a reason to "honor" him.  And I never knew the guy so I personally cannot mourn him either.  People die all the time.  It is part of the cycle of life.  If I mourned the loss of every person then that is all I would be doing 24/7/365.  Life is for the living.  Mourning is for the family, not strangers.

The correct response is anger and outrage at the cops and at the system which protects corrupt and calloused cops when they treat a person like a bag of dirt.  The correct response is a public execution of the guy who did it and the other 3 should get life in jail without parole.  The correct response is to send a message loud and clear that not only do police do not have the right to handle individuals like dirt but also that they will receive triple jeopardy punishment if they do.  This whole notion that they can do whatever they like and then hide behind the skirts of the police benevolent association, public prosecutors and public officials must end.

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