Monday, June 1, 2020

A teaching moment if you will allow me

Many times I have warned on both this legacy blog and my paid website that when the end days come to the Global Debt Ponzi, ETNs and ETFs could explode and go worthless overnight.  Well folks, it's happening.  ETNs are not safe and neither are ETFs.  Many of them will blow up because they made financial assumptions which are now being violated by these unprecedented times.  Look at this poor fool who lost his entire retirement of 800k.  Yeah, I'm sure he thought he was pretty fucking smart when 18% annual gains were clinking into his tip jar.  But it was ALL FAKE WEALTH and it's all gone now.

You know why???

Because this FOOL gambled with his entire fucking retirement fund in the stock market casino, that's why.  He didn't know he was gambling.  He believed the bullshit marketing material that Wall Sheet puts out. Complete bullshit like "make your money work for you".  Money can't work, only people can.  And this guy is now left old and without the years to start over again.  He's just plain old fucked.

And I am here to RE-TELL any of you who will listen that this whole stock market shooting match is nothing but a figment of fake wealth.  This is why ALL my retirement funds are OUT of these Paper Ponzi markets and into pure gold and silver and platinum coins which I alone hold and which nobody can just take from me without a blazing gun battle which I am quite prepared to fight.

Can't you see it coming?  Didn't you listen even a little bit to the man who warned you well in advance that they were coming for your retirement money?  Yeah I 'm talking about George Carlin even though I was saying it before he did.  But he's George Carlin.  Um. Was George Carlin.

But I digress.  If you have any common sense AT ALL you will begin moving it into gold and silver bullion coins on a steady basis, but with clear intent and a strong will.  Get the fuck out of that stupid 401k.  It's a honey trap, I done told you son.  Get out! Get out!  Listen to the guy who has been right with the big picture.

Or don't.

But never say I didn't try to warn you.  The shit that is coming is not far off.  All you have to do is look around.  Don't be that frog that feels things warming up and just fucking sits there.

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