Friday, June 12, 2020

Collapse of the thin blue line

OK this is what I was looking for: some cops in the Minneapolis police dept who probably weren't that bad in their own right are now publicly condemning the cop that murdered G. Floyd.  This is normally way off limits.  When you are a cop you are either for all cops or you keep your fucking mouth shut.  OR ELSE.  But now 14 cops are outing themselves as supporters for a broad overhaul of police operations and this is big big big.

What we need now is for these 14 to stand back and let the supposedly "hundreds" of other pussy cops come forward and stand in the lime light and state their support for change as well.  You cannot have your cake and it it too, you pussy ass coward cops.  Come forward where we can all see your skulky little faces and publicly denounce violent interactions with unarmed citizens.  Vow to step into the meat grinder on camera under your own power if you kill an unarmed man, woman or child simply because you see no risk to yourself in doing so.  Show us you are willing to take the same risk with us that you demand we take with you.

Additionally, all cops must undergo steroid testing monthly.  We do not need armed, angry steroid pumped supercops around us and around our families.  That does not make us safer.  We also demand the elimination of prosecution for petty crimes such as jaywalking, etc.  There are just too damned may laws.  If I want to jaywalk or not wear a helmet or not wear a seatbelt then this is not police business.  You fucking cops are not the boss of we the people.  Get that through your skulls.  And any cop that is found using inappropriate force must not only be reviewed by a group of citizens with access to all evidence (we call it a jury don't you know) and that jury has the power to oust anyone showing excessive force from the police forever.   I don't mean from police in city A so he can go be a fucktard in city B.  I mean no more police work for you buddy.  Go learn to dig ditches or something you are better suited for.

Finally, enough of the pension bullshit.  Default on all cop pensions immediately.  I don't get one paid for by you.  You don't get one paid for by me.  Why should government workers get one paid for by everyone else.  I don't want to to fund your fucking retirement, cops.  Nor yours, firefighter.  Nor anyone else's.  Work for what you get and do not use the power of the gun (AKA taxation) to force me to make payments for something I don't even want.

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