Thursday, June 18, 2020

Buffett says markets are "insanely disconnected" from reality.

Just last year Buffett was telling Becky Quick that he loved stocks, he loved the S+P 500 and that you should buy and hold forever.  And then stocks cratered.

And now stocks are showing remarkable resilience and Buffett is trying to talk them down so he can get back in calling them insanely disconnected from reality. Of course, stocks are not trading on fundamentals unless you want to realize that the new fundamental, and in fact the only one that matters, is the Powell Put.

As long as the fed is allowed to pick the pockets of all dollar holders domestically and abroad in order to create new fake bux from thin air, he can pick all the winners and losers that he wants to.  The whole thing is completely amoral and it benefits cronies at the expense of entrepreneurs and hard workers.

Sooner or later the herd will get wise to it.  I have always said that you know the trust Ponzi is in the collapse phase when the herd no longer outsources its leadership.  Instead, it begins to think for itself and to self organize.  This is only done once the herd wakes completely and realizes that big government is nothing more than an organized crime syndicate.  That awakening is CLEARLY happening right now as we can see police forces across the nation are now being held accountable and clearly warned that the old ways of doing things won't work going forward.  It's going to be taken to a ridiculous degree at some point.  Instead of being called heroes whose word is always taken above the common citizen, the future fat old liberal white ladies who get pulled over for a ticket will complain that the cop exposed himself during the traffic stop and propositioned their ugly ass for sex.  And the people /courts will side with the liars over all common sense just like the system used to side with the cops no matter what.

The Ponzi that is collapsing is the trust Ponzi and the collapse of trust in the cops was rapid and obvious.  Cops are marginal in the pyramid of big government.  The loss of trust will continue to spread exponentially as more and more skeletons flop out of the closets.  And oh, are there a lot of skeletons just waiting to flop out.  Tons of them. Low hanging fruit as it were.

Within 3 years, the loss of trust will be obvious at the level of the us treasury and the federal reserve and of course congress and the president.

And then, pretty much as quickly as trust was lost in the bastard cops, confidence will be lost in the fake money and everyone holding the fake green paper will wish they had signed up for that quarterly gold and silver and platinum purchase program (AKA cost averaging into physical metals) that I have been writing about for 10 + years now.

It's coming.  Don't say you weren't warned.  Don't say the signs were not there and that the eventual outcome was 10000% predictable and predicted by people who have been right headed if not mostly right for the past decade.  Yeah, I'm talking tough. I know it.  It's not because I want to be a dick, believe me.  It's because I want as many of you to act now in your own self interest before it's just too damned late.  You have some time but you do not have forever.  3 years.  BEST case. Tick fucking tock.

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