Saturday, June 20, 2020

Elon Musk appears to be preparing for a deflationary crash.

The Global Debt Ponzi WILL collapse at some point and the time grows short as the elite makes their bets on the outcome.

One of two things MUST eventually happen.  Either all the assets that are priced sky high as denominated in fake bux will collapse in value as debt collapse kills the naked short on the USD dollar (for that is what debt actually is...) OR the dollar will begin to go worthless in a hyperinflation as people lose confidence in the con.

In case you don't get it still, this is how it works.  The federal reserve controls what we call base money.  It's not really money because it can be conjured from thin air (where as real money requires work in order to attain) but that's what we have been trained (like monkeys) to call it.

On top of that monetary base we have debt.  Debt is the "rubber band" portion of the money supply.  Special people are authorized to create new debt from thin air.  We call them banks.  Banks create this fake money called debt and then it spends into the economy just like it was base money.  But while base money is forever, debt comes and goes in waves.  As the debt grows, overall money supply grows.  If debt is paid off or defaulted on or forgiven then the money supply decreases by that amount.

When the herd is in a liberal mood it takes on debt and the money supply grows but when the conservatives take over, loans are eschewed, debts are paid down and unpayable debts are dismissed in personal bankruptcy.  In some cases the system can just agree that debts are forgiven along the lines of the jubilee.  Debts are forgiven when the system is ready to collapse.  It is essentially an admission that the amounts owed cannot be paid and that attempting to collect will have the working class up in arms.  And so the elite find ways to let them off so they can re-start the next debt Ponzi and continue profiting off the labor of the poor suckers who have no idea what is going on.

Right now, the debt is teetering.  We saw this in the Q4 2019 earthquakes that happened in the repo market.  We also saw it in Chase walking away from Canadian credit card debts.  And we certainly saw it in the global print fest that followed in the aftermath of the contrived shutdown of the entire global economy.

We are now at the point where the federal reserve has had to promise to begin buying obvously dodgy corporate debt so that market participants don't fear collapse.  IF they fear collapse the markets will go no bid and everything will just collapse in value.  IF that happens all the banks, who loaned out all this money so that gamblers could gamble in the markets, will BK.  And if that happens then the people will riot and kill because their personal worth will go down with the bank.  And so the fed is doing everything possible to kick the can down the road.

That is the unvarnished truth of where we are.

My view has always been that the supernova effect will be what happens.  First the great deflation which has already happened to oil, offshore drillers, global shipping, etc. will collapse asset prices.  And then government will respond by printing to oblivion.

So first massive deflation and then massive price rises that people normally think of as inflation or even hyperinflation.  IF you think deflation is coming then you want to sell assets now because the dollar will strengthen in the collapse.  Instead of it taking $3000 dollars to buy one unit of the S+P 500 which is what it costs today, after a deflationary crash it might cost $300 or even $150.  Deflationists believe that the reason gold and silver bullion coins have 1970s valuations stamped on them is because that is their actual value once all the debt deflation takes place.

Elon Musk is having a personal fire sale.  He suddenly announced he is selling everything.  And he is wasting no time in doing it.  He suddenly believes that real estate "just holds you down".  Well I call bullshit.  Musk is doing what anyone should do if they believe a deflationary crash is right around the corner and that it is inevitable: he's raising cash.  Let someone else take the 90% valuation hit and be cash rich when valuations collapse in a smoldering heap.

Another thing is this: if the herd is ready to tear cities down, why have real estate that could be affected?  Once the people realize just how badly the elite have fucked them, there WILL be weeping and gnashing of teeth.  And when that happens it could turn into open season on the rich.  It is possible that Musk is simply trying not to look like a nail when the hammer comes down.  His recent comments about tesla stock being too high come after many months of fighting against short sellers.  That is quite a turn around for Musk.  One day he says the stock can do no wrong but as soon as the economic shut down kicked off and he saw how bad it was getting, he suddenly wants to put on his pauper suit and spend more time working with children.  OK so  I made that last part up but you get the point.  Musk is doing what he is doing for a reason.  He's an engineer.  The reason is thus logical, not a gut reaction.  The reason is based on math.  I think Musk sees the next most likely thing to happen to be a global deflationary collapse.

Next thing you know he will be saying that he's buying gold because the color and weight of it make him feel good, not because he knows the fake money supply is on its last legs.

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