Saturday, June 20, 2020

But what if I want it more than they do?

Movies often contain scenes that are only very loosely tied to the plot.  When I see this I know someone is putting their little message in which will go over the heads of most people.  In guardians of the galaxy there was one such scene in which Rocket Racoon questioned why couldn't he have someone else's stuff simply based on the the notion that he wanted it more than the owner did.  It was a clear reference to the question-ability of property ownership.  It was a clear jab at mob-driven socialism.

After all, the elite have known this day was coming for quite some time now, as discussed in this past post.  Even though he himself was clearly part of the problem, Nick Hanauer correctly stated that when the wealth divide gets too great, the result is a pitchfork revolution. This has been a long time coming.  In early 2018 I documented the fact that the UN was warning about a lack of civility coming.  That's elite speak for "we fucked 'em so hard that they are going to riot soon".

So it should not come as a surprise when we read about a lack of property rights in that liberal joke called CHAZ.  In that story, a protestor left $400 and some computer gear in his tent which was of course quickly stolen.  Upon complaining, fellow chadsters praised the victim for his "unplanned donation" to maybe a "disadvantaged resident" by saying "you did good today, I'm proud of you".

I find it hysterical to watch one liberal use liberal talk to try to convince a fellow liberal that he should just forget about his loss and move on with life.  With comedy like this who needs TV.  These people are literally insane and mentally defective.  Their brains are so fucked up that they can never live in a real productive society.  This experience is going to damage their brains for life.

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