Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Something that the centrist dems are doing that is good....

A couple of dem senators have introduced legislation to end qualified immunity for cops.  The notion that cops should ever have been immune to accountability for their actions is beyond me.  All that did was let them use all the bad judgement in the world and get away with murder over and over and over again.  This is the beginning of the end of the police state in the US IMO.  When cops begin to roll under the bus hard for being so quick to kill people, even unarmed people, THAT is when the cops will begin to change.  And not one second before.  This is what I have been saying from day 1.  Cops have to be be penalized individually, not just with the city paying fines, etc.  And simply being fired is not good enough because we all know they just move to a small town and get re-hired as a cop and then when the noise has died down they go back to another big city and pick up their corruption right where they left off.

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