Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Liberals eat their own...

Well I told you it was going to happen and here it is.  Now for who knows what reason, liberals have begun to attack asians in a most disgusting and cowardly way.  And look how the people in the building just sit there and watch it before closing the door.  No way would a Christian conservative patriot stand there and let those head kicks happen over and over and over again on the old lady.  At the very least they would yell at them to stop and if they were armed like they should be, they would draw down on the attacker and order him to the ground and then tell the other sheeple there to call the cops.

Why all the hate on Asians?  Why did Antoine Watson, a young black man, feel compelled to kill an 84 year old Asian guy?  I mean, I know why cra cray Robert Long went and shot up some Asians - they were supplying him with hand jobs and he felt guilty about it.  Sorry if it sounds stereotypical but hand jobs are part of Asian culture.  So is prostitution.  I don't condone it but it is what it is.  And I don't condone or excuse in any way cra cra long for killing all those people.  I think that he should be dropped into one of those big car grinding machines on camera and then have it livecasted over the Internet.  He's a crazy murdered and deserves no better.  But at least I understand his motivation.

But there is now a rash of horrific Asian beatings like this one where a young black man feels compelled to pound the living shit out of an elderly Asian, in this case, an old woman.  Each one of those head kicks was a potential life ending blow.  I find it very sad that the woman didn't produce a 9mm hand gun and proceed to clip dump into his stupid ass.

And why did black man Sean Jeremy Holdip feel compelled to sucker punch a Japanese woman and her white companion?

"According to police records, the suspect attacked Nasu (the Japanese liberal school teacher), striking her in the face with a hard, solid object wrapped inside a sock. She was knocked unconscious and suffered a fractured nose and several chipped teeth.

"She has three fractures in her nose right here. Her cheek and her mouth are super bruised. She’s got two black eyes and several teeth in the bottom are broken," said Poffenbarger (the white guy who was attacked along with Nasu), a registered nurse.  He was struck in the head and needed eight stitches following the attack.  Nasu said Thursday that she is still dizzy from her concussion, but added that the swelling in her face is going down.

The attack occurred as several cities, including Seattle, Oakland and New York, have reported a sharp upswing in the number of attacks on Asian residents.  According to Poffenbarger  the man didn’t say a single word during the attack."

Who knows, maybe the liberals among the minorities (not all are liberal of course) are starting to see other liberal minorities as competition for the largess being promised by big government.  It is broadly surmised that Asians in general are hard working and tend to be high achievers.  Maybe that is viewed as a threat.  Of course, I'm from Texas and I think the hardest working minority is the Mexican roofer so I will say in advance, watch your backs Amigos because liberals will always end up eating their own.

I guarandamn T you that if someone sucker punches me like in the way they hit those Asians that I am putting a 9mm round between their dim little eyes. 

1 comment:

BeckyBT said...

Tennessee agrees

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