Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Ghislaine Maxwell case testimony "too impure" for public to hear???

Jeffrey Epstein is dead, so we are told.  To this you and I might say "Good riddance, asshole. Shake hands with your boss when you see him".  But to Ghislaine Maxwell it has to carry other implications.  First off, it means that someone powerful killed him right under the nose of guards in jail.  It also means that she has lost her powerful, connected, rich ally.  So she can no longer expect that the DA will drop the case or that the paid off judge will throw the case out.  Ghislaine Maxwell has been thrown under the bus.  Her life isn't worth spit.  Interestingly, even if Epstein was still alive this would be the case.  It is a common tactic to single out the weak links in a criminal organization which know too much.  So it makes one wonder if Epstein is really dead and if so, who did it.  If someone wanted to isolate Maxwell so that she felt exposed and helpless then faking Epstein's death would make sense.  Why keep him alive though?  Why not just kill him.   Disappearing him and killing him have the same effect on Maxwell's motivation to speak truth.  The only reason to keep Epstein alive is for political leverage.  If you can interrogate him over time and get enough info to prove that, for example, Bill Clinton raped young boys then you would really have something on the Clintons.  Then you could use their power to do very many things.

Now keep in mind what I have said so many times: these criminal organizations (and Epstein was just the entertainment division) always collapse when the money runs out and when someone who knows too much for their own good falls into the hands of the police.  And when people who used to live the elite life feel the walls closing in, the cop that is asking them to cooperate for their own good keeps sounding better and better.  I mean, if you know enough and tell enough then you can even avoid prison and get put in witness protection.  Ghislaine Maxwell is the perfect rat.  She knew everything in intimate detail.  She was the recruiter, she was the organizer, she was essentially the business manager.  She knows where all the damned skeletons are buried, literally.

So now Ghislaine Maxwell is being questioned under oath.  The prosecutors are not asking these questions to incriminate her.  We know that because if the things she was saying were self incriminatory then there would be no point in saying them. You can't commit horrible crimes and then turn state's evidence on yourself and then get into witsec!  You have to tell tales out of school about the OTHER kids.  

And Ghislaine must be telling some stories that might be beyond belief because a judge agreed that "certain details" of her testimony would be "too sensational and impure" for general public release.  Now let's think about this for a while.  What things would be "too impure" for public release?  I mean, the public has seen a lot of things in the past 50 years.  It can't just be details about sex, even weird sex.  I mean, nobody had any problem with releasing the fact that Bill Clinton boffed Monica in the oval office or that she kept a semen stained dress as proof.  And it was publicly released that 14 year old Elizabeth Smart was "raped repeatedly" for 9 months during her capture.  Disgusted and angered maybe, but the simple multiple rape of a kidnapped minor girl apparently did not rise to the level of "too sensational and impure".  We were also entitled to know that Jeffrey Dahmer exposed himself to children in the park, was a cannibal and also kept the decapitated heads of some of his male victims.  Heck, they even released details of a mother who tortured he 8 year old child because she thought he was gay.

Is none of this "impure"?  At what point do facts about the elite cross over from being simply details about criminal activity to "impure and sensational"?  Well, I have a guess and it has to do with Satanic ritual sacrifice involving children.  If you read the elite literature such as found on jstor and other academic sites as well as the highly propagandized Wikipedia you see the same tracks as you would find on something like the current political "fact checking" sites.  Essentially, unless it meets the terms of the liberal narrative it is "debunked".  It's not the debunking that is the tell but rather the way it is done.  Create a title that will attract truth seekers and then pepper the text with terms like "panic", "unproven", "no evidence" and of course "conspiracy theory".  The debunking is just a series of unbacked statements.

Of course plenty of evidence from credible sources is in fact available. One notable example was that of Ted Gunderson who was 1977 the head of the Los Angeles FBI office and was once in the running (interviewed) for FBI director. After his honorable retirement from the FBI, Gunderson was quite outspoken about the presence of secret underground Satanic pedo slavery and ritual killings.  I became aware of his work regarding the McMartin preschool trial. While everyone else played down the Satanic aspect, Gunderson talks about it a bit in this video.  

More than a decade ago Gunderson stated that there is "an illegal government rogue criminal enterprise that is active 24 hours a day within the U.S. ... whose administrators can instantly initiate surveillance, phone taps and harassment against any individual in the country".  People think all of this began with the QAnon foolishness but I think that was a psyops job.  Gunderson is actually the real deal.  In that 2011 video he stated a few of the 25 top level goals of the Illuminati:

- control the press

- corrupt the youth with sex and drugs

- elect corrupt people to all government positions

None of these things were thought to be prevalent back then but look now.  Street drugs are decriminalized in several places.  Pot is legal in many states.  The press is nothing but one big propaganda machine and yes, they've even stolen the presidential election. When someone like Gunderson tells you in advance what is going on even though it is not obvious yet, it pays to listen.  At this point it should be obvious to everyone what is going on.  The Satanic pedo elite are running this show and Mammon Money is their source of power over the minds of men.

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