Monday, March 8, 2021

Famous last words... "This would be at no cost to taxpayers...."

I wonder how someone ever earns the title "expert" these days.  We hear about expert this, expert that but we never get much expertise from them.  The message always devolves, in some way shape or form, to taking on more debt to paper over the existing debt lest it all collapse in a heap.  In today's installment of this $hit show, "an expert" says we should just issue retirement bonds when a baby is born.  

The article leads with "the government bond program would aim to solve two crises plaguing Americans: retirement savings and wealth inequity."  So here is another example of how the elite say one thing while meaning exactly the opposite.  Anytime you hear that more government debt is the answer to something you must realize that government debt is the REASON there is no retirement savings and government debt is the REASON for wealth inequality.  You cannot put out a fire with a flame thrower FFS.

Here is the body of this corrupt "expert's" plan, "The federal government would issue and sell savings bonds to fund a retirement savings fund for each baby born in the U.S. Investors would buy the bonds and redeem them 20 years later, while the money used to purchase the bonds would grow for 70 years untaxed. This would be at no cost to taxpayers."

Folks, how is issuing more debt in the name of specific citizens any kind of solution or guarantee of anything?  And why would "Investors" want to buy such a piece of $hit?  "Investors" have already abandoned the US treasury bond. 

A bond is a debt note.  The government creates this promise and then sells it to the highest bidder (which really means the person who will accept the lowest interest rate).  In the past everyone around the world would buy our debt and so we could just create endless debt with no consequences in terms of rising prices.  But those days are over now.  The Chinese and the Russians have been dumping US treasuries and that is why the balance sheet of the federal reserve has gone exponential.

You see, someone has to buy those bonds with funds.  If it is a foreign entity then the funds come from foreigners and thus the federal reserve does not have to print up more currency in that case.  But if others don't want our worthless promises then someone still has to come up with the cash to buy them.  If not then the government cannot sell the bonds and thus has no funds to carry out its corruption and vote buying and war mongering and Satanic activities with.  So in that case, the federal reserve creates the new fake money out of thin air and the amount shows up as an entry on the fed's balance sheet.

So you can really think of the fed's balance sheet as an indicator of how much money the government is spending above and beyond tax receipts but for which foreigners are no longer footing the bill.  So that is what the massive spike in fed balance sheet really means - the world no longer trusts us when it comes to repayment of our debts.  Thus, the fed is not just the buyer of last resort but the buyer of only resort.  So while that "expert" says "investors will buy these bonds" "leading to no cost to the taxpayer" it is just a brazen lie.  Each time the fed prints another fakebuck to give to the government in exchange for a debt note (treasury), that new currency waters down and dilutes the currency supply.  That is why sugar and wheat and wood and soy and silver and gold and nickel and iron and copper have all skyrocketed in the last 12 months.

Never, ever let some mealy mouthed f-tard say to you again that you can have some benefit without having to pay for it.  It's all just a shell game of debt and sooner or later every single dollar holder will have to pay the piper in the form of lost purchasing power. 

THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH.  FFS stop asking for it, stop hoping for it, stop looking for it.  It does not exist.  Anyone who says differently is a con man and you are their mark.


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