Tuesday, March 23, 2021

OK here is more UFO stuff coming at us

The System is now bringing more and more names into the open with respect to UFO stuff.  This time we see a twitter post breathlessly tell us that "Maria Bartiromo gets former DNI John Ratcliffe to talk about UFOs ahead a deadline for the government to disclose what it knows about them...".

OK let's be clear.  First: Bartiromo didn't "get" this guy to do anything.  She's part of the system as is he.  They are not breaking ground outside of the system which has made them rich and famous.  They are in fact reading from the script they were handed.  Second: where did this "disclosure deadline" come from?  Government doesn't have ANY deadlines or limitations.  Any limitations or requirements that it talks about are broken at will whenever it becomes convenient to do so.  Example: nixon broke convertibility of gold with the dollar, just like that.  Another example: we have this thing called the debt ceiling.  Not once in history has it EVER stopped ANY government from spending exactly what it wanted to spend.  That ceiling was for show, just like convertibility of dollars into gold used to be before they had to shut that act down.  So the notion that the government has "deadlines" is preposterous, only to be believed by children and idiots.

So, yeah, we are being set up.  Everything has become like a Hollywood script anymore.  And the acting just gets worse and worse.

I already told in these pages several times you the reasons why the government was eventually going to start pumping the UFO narrative but to recap it comes down to two main reasons:

1) each time they want to kick the can down the road they need an excuse for their reaction that is more bombastic than the prior one.  I mean, as the Global Debt Ponzi teeters and totters under its own huge weight and lack of balance, they need people to agree faster and faster to their proposals so that nothing has to undergo much scrutiny.  And if you use the same excuse over and over again then people will demand that the system be changed.  So you have to keep changing the narrative.  Years ago we had 9-11.  We needed to scare the sheeple into accepting overseas wars on oil producers who would not sell oil in dollars.  The main purpose of the dollar back then was to serve as a means of oil transactions between non-US actors.  Without that the dollar would go worthless as all of those actors would send their unwanted fakebux back to the US.  How would this work?  Simple: they would just come here and buy stuff using the cash that we had printed up and offshored.  That new influx of currency would chase up prices for everything.  Thus we had to go kill people abroad in order to cover up the collapse and to send the messages, a GW Bush clearly stated, that you are either with us or against us.

2) There are no more enemies that we actually want to fight on Earth.  All the smaller nations whose leaders were anti-US like Iraq and Libya have been conquered and their leadership has been displaced with US puppets.  So who does that leave??  Well, we exchanged a few words with n. Korea but China would not stay out of that fight and so we just stopped talking about them. Literally.  And Russia?  Listen to Putin.  That boy is very well behaved!  He NEVER comes out and threatens the USA.  He learned not to piss off the American people and that without being able to see anger to Americans it would be difficult to attack someone.  By the way, war is loved by the financial system.  In war you break things and so money must be spent to repair them, debt is repudiated and new money printing is easy to sell.  What the system does NOT want us to do is build things that last a long time so that we don't have to continuously spend spend spend.  They need and want that cash flow.  But back to enemies.  So we can't hit Russia because at least 1/3 of Americans if not more think Putin is better, smarter, more genuine and less criminal than Biden, Trump, Obama and Bush2 combined.  I listen to a lot of Putin speeches so I can "know my enemy" but what I found is that he always talks about the US either neutral or slightly positive.  He refers to us as Russia's "American Partners".  And then there is China.  Yes, the US would like to vilify, attack and kill Chinese in order to recover from the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) but China has done a fantastic job of building up advanced military capability.  Our top fighters and pilots probably still have an advantage but it would not be a snuff.  It would be a close battle.  And when China decides to build shit, watch out.  The US can build some stuff but in no way can we keep up with China's production machine.

And so we need someone else.  But who?  What we really need now is an enemy that is ethereal somehow.  Someone who we can claim is a threat in order to scare people into agreeing to go along with exponential corrupt printing and spending.  Someone who we can feign war with but can never win.  The UFO threat is perfect.  After all, they are ethereal and vague.  The public has some ideas about them but most people would be scared shitless if they saw real UFOs up close and personal.  I personally hope I get to do that someday because I have zero fear of them.  IF they wanted to wipe out human they have the tech to do it 1000 time over.  And they have been around for as long as history reports.

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