Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Well well well. And people thought that 9-11 was a dead issue.

I'm on record many times in these pages predicting that when the energy source of leftism, which is fake money, collapses and the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) crumbles, all the past skeletons will come flopping out of the closets into full view of the herd and then everyone will know what I have known for many years, which is that 9-11 was an inside job.  All you have to know is that WTC7 collapsed at freefall speed of gravity into a cloud of pulverized concrete along with the fact that it was not hit by any plane and was in fact barely on fire when it just suddenly fell to the ground.  It's just amazing to me how many fools will ignore their own eyes just to avoid having to step out of the herd and think independently.

Well, the next step in the coming 9-11 disclosures is happening right now and it is being championed by none other than Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch.  In his latest disclosure on this matter, Fitton tells us that the FBI lied and hid evidence.  Gee, I wonder why.  Mark my words, the truth will come out eventually. Not because anyone really wants to say it but rather because honesty is the first step toward regaining confidence.  And without confidence, the herd is going to stop following the corrupt government.  This is coming as sure as I type it.  There are just too many like me who will never, ever trust government again until there is a full and truthful accounting of 911. I will never trust their fake money, their daily lies or their long term motives.  I will work against them in any way I can and I will continue to speak against them at every opportunity.  I can never be silenced, not without a gunfight.  Never going to happen.  And if they want a gun fight then they can have one.  I am completely unafraid of them.  Quite the contrary.  I will never start anything, but anyone they send to shut me up using any kind of force should be deathly afraid of me.  I'd likely die in the deal but ohh, would it be public and expensive for them.  Besides, in 15  maybe 20 years TOPS I will be dead of natural causes anyhow.  How can you intimidate someone who understands this essential truth.  In short, you can't.

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