Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hillary is going down.

The conservative forces are now coming for Hillary.  She has been hiding behind a corrupt FBI, CIA, DOJ and FISA deep state infrastructure but these organizations have been getting exposed to sunlight left and right and the cockroaches running them have been chased back into the shadows.  And that means they cannot any longer run interference for their paymaster, Hillary. 

All of her past corruption ranging from Benghazi to email gate and more are now coming home to roost.  Judicial watch is like the terminator which will absolutely positively never rest until they get her.  And the courts are using JW as an extra-governmental sword.  I can also see the FBI deep state caving given that a bunch of "newly found" emails have been released.  In other words, they tried to hold back what they could but they have weakened so much now that they will save themselves instead of protecting the queen bitch.

Predictably, Hillary is doing all she can to avoid being deposed but again, courts are siding against her.  Red Alert for Hillary.  In Star Trek terms, shields are down, hull breeches have been detected in engineering sections 2, 7, 13, and 20 and Klingon borders detected.  Life support is on auxiliary power.

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