Thursday, April 30, 2020

Trump unloads on Flynn accusers

The liberal hit job on General Flynn was simple: attack every appointee of Trump and make it clear that siding with Trump was signing up for an ass whupping. That was the real message that the corrupt FBI was trying to send in "investigating" (railroading) Flynn.

Well, like all other attacks on Trump, this too has ultimately failed.  Barr has ordered the release of formerly sealed documents which clearly show collusion and conspiracy on the part of the FBI to bring Flynn down simply because he had accepted a position on Trump's staff.

Trump's response may seem typical Trump but there is more to it.  If you and I are having a war of words in front of an audience, name calling will ensue.  Accusations will ensue.  There will be people on my side and people on yours because it's he said she said, your word against mine.  That standoff continues until it is no longer your word against mine.  Once it turns into your lies against my truths, something happens that is very important.  Prior supporters of the lying side begin to realize that they themselves have been lied to.  They have been used by the liar in order to backstop their cause and to give breadth to the words of the liar.  And when that happens, especially to a liberal, their intelligence is insulted.  They end up very upset not at the injustice done to the real victims, Flynn and Trump, but more so at having to admit they were gullible fools and that someone pulled a fast on on them.

This will NOT be forgiven at the voting polls.  And the next time Trump calls someone fake, or he calls something a hoax or calls someone scum, those who have just awakened to the stupidity of their liberal bias will not just write it off as the ranting of the red hair man.  They will begin to look with open eyes and think for themselves....

.... Finally.

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