Sunday, April 5, 2020

Mike Maloney uses history to predict the obvious future.

Does this new video from Maloney sound anything like the supernova ending that I have been talking about for the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) for a long time now??? Wakey wakey eggs and bacey.
Watch your future perfectly predicted in his video.

Don't you see by now?  Janet Yellen infamously predicted that there would be no financial panic in her lifetime.  I completely mocked her at the time and encouraged disbelief on your part as well.  Last I checked, bitch was still alive.  So she was absolutely wrong.  This is totally a financial panic.  Is this "the big one"?  That remains to be seen as there are still two Elliott wave models that are most likely, and in this case one points down now while the other says we bottom soon and then actually reach a new all time high before the real bottom arrives. 

But whether sooner or later, this Global Debt Ponzi WILL collapse in the not distant future and there will be anarchy, chaos and panic.

Like Maloney says, wouldn't it be nice if people started actually listening to those who have been right for once?  I say, fat chance because such an outcome would have no historical basis. 


Drew said...

Do you have any advice about whether to sell, or hold, real estate leading into the 2023 Depression?

The Captain said...

Drew that is a big subject. Are you talking residential/primary residence or commercial (i.e. rentals)? Is your concern financial or for your physical security?

If commercial or revenue producing in any way, the government will likely demand rent controls, dispense with your ability to evict, no arrests or convictions for tenant vandalism, etc. Whatever is needed in order to buy votes (or to stop people from dragging them into the streets and killing them), history suggests that bureaucrats will do it

If residential, well everyone needs a place to live. But the value of housing in a depressed area is a function of bank loans and there won't be any at that time. So the value will be pennies on the dollar. Still, you need a place to live. I'd prefer someplace where my extended family could join me and we could all work together to produce what we needed to get by. Some place away from cities with enough land for crops, some livestock, etc. And don't forget the guns. When people from the city get hungry they are going to spread out like ants.

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