Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Creey Joe under investigation for creepiness

Creepy Joke Biden is now under official investigation for sex crimes.  Oh ouch!  The third rail of liberal ire is now threatening the front runner of the dem party.

I wonder if this is how Hillary and Obama get Biden out of the running so that Obama can run for prez and Hillary for VP?  About the only way Hillary will eventually evade jail is to end up somehow in the white house.  No way can she be prez, but veep??  With Obama?  Now that could happen.  Centrist dems still haven't awakened to what a criminal Hillary is.  If dems don't try that option then they will get eviscerated at the polls.  They keep claiming trump did a bad job with corona bullshit but centrist dems who are not as emotional and in fact more intellectually honest are not going along with that attack.

I sometimes get the feeling that these leftists are an alien species.

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