Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Socialist propaganda tells me they are trying to make their move

Liberal socialist tell us that they should never let a serious crisis go to waste.  The ridiculous socialist oversteps that have been pulled during the covid shutdown are so obvious.  While I live in TX, I live in an obviously liberal suburb.  During elections my neighborhood is a sea of dem blue signage.  I'm probably the only true conservative within gunshot range.

At the entrance to our neigborhood the socialists have put up a big sign thanking "essential" personnel.  This a national socialist theme.  You can tell the themes simply by the repetition.  Socialists know that stupid people, who are their main target, are swayed by the power of repetition.  If you say the same thing to a stupid person long enough, pretty soon they begin to think it is their own original thought.  Look at what comes up in google if you search for "thank you essential".

What I want to say is this:  if you are not labeled "essential" by the socialist establishment, what does that make you?  In a word and by definition, non-essential.  This is the same old liberal socialist game of picking winners and losers.  If your business was considered essential, even if it was completely non-essential to the task at hand, then you got to stay open and conduct business while others were forced at what would eventually be gunpoint if you cared to press it that far, not to conduct business.  If if most people can't conduct business for very long, their debts overwhelm them and they go out of business, thus enabling chosen people to take over.

I still don't know why people haven't begun shooting yet.  I'm guessing that will change as soon as those who know they are screwed but think it is only temporary, begin to realize it is not temporary at all.  Covid might not have been spread on purpose, but the liberal socialist democrats are absolutely trying to capitalize on the situation.

Don't be surprised to find that militias begin growing in strength, perhaps even recruiting overtly in the coming months and years.  Battle lines are being drawn even if most people are not observant enough to see it.

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