Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Corrupt government pays bankers with another 2.2 trillion pulled out of our collective weath

Idiots and fools rejoice as corrupt government robs us once again, this time to the tune of  2.2 trillion with a T fakebux that they just created from thin air in order to bail out their leveraged gambler buddies.

"The funds add to the $2.2 trillion relief package initially Congress passed in late March."

Look at this folks.   They bandy about the world trillion like they used to do with the word billion.  Government has no money of its own.  When they print up more for this rip off bail outs, all they do is reach into your bank account and steal part of the buying power of your savings.  They also steal the buying power of your wages.

I hope you see what is happening here.  Exactly as I said would happen, the amounts involved are rising exponentially.  In 2-3 years they will be talking about needing 10 trillion as stimulus.  How much longer until people realize that the only thing to be fearful of is government gone mad?

If you are not making some kind of plan to deal with this I swear you are insane.  With my help you have seen this coming, progressing steadily for a decade.  And now it is on our doorstep.  Time is running out on this con and when it collapses it is not going to be some walk in the park.  It is going to be very, very ugly.  Very dangerous.  And unless you are prepared, perhaps even deadly.

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