Friday, February 19, 2021

The true measure of trump's success now on full display

Trump said he was going to WA in order to battle the deeply embedded and inbred deep state complex.  When he was in office you kind of expect the opposition to throw everything they have at him.  So the real metric for just how very successful he was at disrupting their status quo is best viewed as being what they do after he's no longer president. I think they will be after him for years now, perhaps until the end of his life with a non-stop series of accusations, lawsuits, etc.  One has to ask why this never happened to presidents before.  Why is trump the first to receive this kind of hate?  I was not fan of Obama and his tranny wife Michael.  I was not thrilled to see that homo lover represent the USA by lighting the white house in rainbow colors.  But one he was gone I just forgot about him.  And Bush 2?  He presided over the controlled demolition of WTC7.  I know this is true and I hope it comes back to haunt him but I pretty much don't think about him now that he's out of the picture.

But trump is somehow special and it is obvious by the fact that the demonic forces running this country can't seem to just let him fade out as a one term president.  The latest move is laughable if it wasn't so sad.  They so want to eradicate trump from presidential history that they have now even introduced a bill to ban him from being buried in Arlington national cemetery.  No, really.  You can't make this shit up.

H.R. 484 states that its purpose is to ban from interment in Arlington National Cemetery "any former President that has been twice impeached by the House of Representatives on or before the date of enactment of this Act or has been convicted of a State or Federal crime relating to actions taken in an official capacity as President of the United States.”.

Notice that it does not say "impeached and convicted".  It simply says "impeached" (which simply means "accused and tried") while requiring the actual conviction of a state or federal crime to eliminate presidential eligibility for an Arlington headstone. So this clearly targets trump and it basically says "don't let the guy falsely accused and tried unsuccessfully twice get that coveted Arlington headstone".  This is basically an attack on the US rule of law which, I'm afraid to say, is in very very bad shape right now.

Why an attack on rule of law?  Because our system of law is based on the presumption of innocence.  Let's be honest, anyone can accuse anyone of anything at any time.  Simply being accused is not the same as being found guilty.  And in fact if you are found not guilty, and thus acquitted, you are INNOCENT in the eyes of the law.  That is our rule of law.  So you can see how they are using Trump to get stupid people who have been talked into the notion that trump is hitler to agree to cutting their own throats in our legal system.  

I fear, rather gravely these days, that they will continue to play these games until it affects too many patriots personally and then a shooting war will begin which will break the USA down into faction states.  This is now a very real possibility.

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