Saturday, February 6, 2021

It's hard for thinking people to really hate Trump.

Emotional people hate trump.  That is a fact.  They hate his guts and want him dead.  They want his DNA extinguished from the universe.  Period.  And that's just to start.  When you see this kind of hate against someone who is clearly not a pol pot, mao, hitler,etc. level murdering, rights stomping rabid dictator then you can be quite sure most of it is just liberal emotionalism.  People who have never had any real hardship now believe that a 1 day mob break in by unarmed people represents "a coup" or better yet, "a siege".  By that metric, yes, trump is hitler.  But by normal non delusional sane people, trump did a lot of good things even if he racked up a ton more of exponential debt in the process.

And many who are not delusional are giving him fair credit at this point.  For example, Jaco Booyens of SHAREtogether, a religious organization which targets "the global crisis of sex trafficking", recently said that before Trump “we’ve never had an office in the White House designated and dedicated to fighting sex trafficking. No former president in the history of this country has used his or her platform to denounce the exploitation of children and then appropriate funding. So we’ve seen an incredible impact over the years, over the last four years, particularly towards the support for law enforcement.”.

Does this sound like a "dumpster fire"?  No, not to me.  It sounds like real action on a real problem and it sounds like nobody before Trump gave it two second's notice.  Not even our savior, that Pulitzer peace prize winner (before taking office in hope of change) Obama.

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