Sunday, February 14, 2021

Cuomo is toast

The liberals know that Cuomogate, which is essentially the careless treatment of many thousands of elderly resulting in many thousands of unnecessary covid deaths has mortally wounded the political career of elitist Andrew Cuomo.  So now they are gunning for his job so that some other piece of shit leftist can assume the role of leftist in chief over dying New York state.

Bye bye Cuomo,  Your days are numbered because your own side is after you now. Liberal do eat their own. You will be very lucky now if you are not brought up on criminal charges of reckless endangerment leading to loss of many lives.  You mandated all those old folks be concentrated in their death camps and locked down.  It was a death sentence for old people and you didn't care.  I hope they run your ass up the flagpole for this Andy.

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