Thursday, February 4, 2021

Could you pass this test?

Here is a guy going around trying to spend fake $20 bills as a social experiment.  He's damned lucky that no cop is standing there for the times when the cashiers hand the money back saying its fake because they would definitely put him into custody for passing fake currency.   It would not matter that he can point to a camera person who would authenticate his story.  The cops would say a crime is a crime even if done in jest and it would cost that guy a big legal bill for his foolishness.

OK, here's another social experiment for you to consider where it's not just one guy but actually a gang of criminals that are going around passing fake money.  But these guys never tell anyone it's fake and somehow they get away with it over and over again.  Very clever!  One day they will get caught but so far they've fooled everyone.

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