Sunday, February 14, 2021

Corruption will never end until we get to the root cause of it

Look at all the little pockets of corruption and injustice that exist in the world today. It is dumb to protest and to fight these causes 1 by 1. Doing so is allowing them to divide us into pushing back on a bunch of small but unwinnable causes. The best outcome you can achieve using this strategy is stalemate of the status quo.  To use the recent Gamestop example, lots of stocks are naked shorted but there are too many for justice seekers to drive short squeezes into.  But the kids on reddit put a big finger into the eye of wall street and caused a real upset. The lesson here is that we need to band together and there are too many symptoms to effectively attack so everyone needs to address the root cause.  But what is the root cause?  Here I lay it out as simply as anyone needs to see it, in engineering logic that is so impeccable that even the most corrupt con men on this planet can't break down. That's because the truth is elemental.

And the truth is that money is power. Also, power corrupts. And absolute power eventually corrupts absolutely. Thus the best way to have absolute power is to have access to infinite money. But since the need to work for money limits how much anyone can have, the need to work for money limits the amount of power that can be concentrated. All of this should be very easy to follow.

But what if you got access to money without working for it? What if you stood next to the fountain of free money that comes out of a hole in the ground without anyone actually having to work to earn it? Does it not stand to reason that they would have great, and eventually, absolute power? 

What I have just described is the federal reserve. And that is why the working class has gone down a hole and all the wealth is in the hands of the very few. The system is rigged and this is the fundamental way in which it has been corrupted.  What we call money nowadays is not money.  It's currency.  True money must have at its origin the concept of labor.  Why?  Because true money is nothing more than a representation of stored labor.  Trust me when I tell you that if new money is conjured into the system without having done work to achieve it then that new money is not true money.  It's either counterfeit money if done by members of society trying to cheat the system, or fake money if done by the system trying to cheat the workers of society.

So the wealthy liberal elite have ascended on the back of the workers using fake money and now they are worried because the debt has gone exponential.  They know that this shortens the time between events exponentially and that sooner or later the GDP (Global Debt Ponzi) will be exposed. When that happens they fear that the conservative gun owners will no longer be pushed around. So they are using their growing power to silence the conservatives, attack their guns and thus seal the left in power once their tool of ascension, the fake money supply, explodes. 

 IF we allow them to do this at a time of their choosing then we will be screwed. But if we collapse the fake money supply now then the elite and all their fake paper wealth come tumbling down. If we wait too long it will have to come to civil war but if we all move now then it will collapse without firing a shot. And the mechanism for doing this has already been demonstrated by the Gamestock millennials. 

All we have to do is band together and take all of our excess cash, which is not needed immediately for food, rent, paying bills, etc. and store it in physical gold and silver in our personal possession. If we all just do that, which is 100% legal, then the price of these metals will skyrocket and the dollar will collapse. When that happens the cash that spews forth from the a-hole of the federal reserve will lose its buying power.  

History shows that when the cash flow of criminal enterprise runs out that they begin to get desperate.  Criminals do not work for free because their entire world is supported by cash flow.  If those in the corruption chain do not get their monthly payment the organization collapses quickly.  First the bigger fish eat the smaller ones (or the wounded ones) but at some point one of the small ones gets worried that he is not part of the team but really just tomorrow's lunch.  And so they begin ratting each other out.  So our goal is to cut off the spending power of the new fake money being spewed out the cash-hole of the fed.  Once that is done the system will collapse at a time of our choosing in a chain reaction of domino events.

It will be ugly but anyone who thinks we are going to rid ourselves of cancer without some kind of harsh medical treatment is a fool. It's going to hurt a lot if we move now but it will hurt a lot more if we let it happen at a time of their choosing, when they can blame some event on it happening, maybe blame china or Russia or anything except the truth which is that we, the gullible people of America, have accepted fake money, Mammon Money, as if it were real. We are the architects of our own downfall.  

Patriots will STOP putting money into the 401k system right now. They will instead store their retirement wealth in constitutional money which is gold and silver. Anyone who puts part of their paycheck into their honey trap 401k / Roth IRA system is a complete moron. When the government printed up 6 trillion of new fake money, where do you think the spending power of that came from? It came from YOUR SAVINGS. It is the modern day version of coin clipping which occurred back in Roman times and many times since. Monetary debasement has always been a tool of the elite to trick the working class out of their labor

Think about it: money is simply a representation of labor. Money is stored labor. IF they steal your stored labor it is RETROGRADE SLAVERY. They are criminals and it spills over into everything which is why all 3 letter government agencies are now compromised.  

Do your part to bring them down. Store your excess labor not in their banks, not in their CDs, not in their stock market but rather in physical metals. 

Anything that is virtual, including bitcoin and cryptos can and will be confiscated by the collapsing government when they need to get more money in order to redistribute your wealth with the intent of weakening everyone to the point of needing to be a ward of the state. IF they come for your physical metals in person then stack them up on your front lawn and if you have no spine to do this should they be so bold to kick in doors in order to take metals then just give up and get on their train car right now because you are already dead.  

Notice that there is no message of violence in this. Let the leftists burn police stations and lay siege to city blocks. Let the leftists attack strangers in restaurants and force them to leave their dinner table under threat of violence.  That is their thing, not ours. But you do have the right to defend yourself from thieves. And so anyone who kicks in your door for the express purpose of taking your metals is a thief and a traitor and must be put down. Self defense is not violence nor is it illegal. In fact, it is heroic.

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