Wednesday, February 5, 2020

What if you had to choose?

Let's say you have to choose between someone infected with corona virus entering your state or  someone who is fleeing California entering your state.  Which would you let in?

It's not as easy a choice as you would think.  On the one hand, people with corona virus either survive and are good to go in a couple weeks or they are dead.  You could simply quarantine the infected person and wait it out.

With a Californian, not so much.  They come with pockets full of cash from having sold their shoe box home for 1.2 million and so they are kind of like Greeks bearing gifts because many of them too are infected with leftism.  Problem is, quarantine wouldn't help because those who are died in the wool leftists will never recover from their illness.  They've been immersed in it all of their lives and they just don't know anything else.

Maybe you laugh and say, well there he goes again with hyperbole but then how do you explain a  mayoral candidate for Boise Id wanting to build a wall to keep them out?  You can't make this stuff up.  And furthermore, I even mentioned that Boise might be a target for fleeing Californians in this post from December of last year.

So, no, it's not hyperbole.  Californians are now seen as being socially blighted, a group that sat there as the rabid liberal left took the fucking place over and let homeless, shit and needles pile up in the streets of San Fran (which use to be one of my fav cities).  It's not like this is new news. I reported on the flight of business from San Fran back in 2018 as well.  So it's no secret what is going on.  THE CA GOVERNMENT JUST DOESN'T FUCKING CARE.  That's the bottom line.  They have imported shitty low end voters who simply keep the socialists in power so that they can vote free shit for themselves and it is now turning into an increasingly obvious case of capital flight.  The writing is on the wall.  The leftist disease is a much bigger threat to cally than corona virus is.

And now it is spreading, just like any other disease.

And so now you see how, slowly but predictably, the Hitlers of the world got to become the Hitlers of the world.  They come into power in order to take out the trash but in some cases they take it too far.  Well, the liberal trash is piling up.  Either the people do the dirty work or some strongman is going to step up and the people will back him doing the dirty work.  It is just amazing to be able to watch all of this unfold in real time with a clear understanding of what is happening and how it evolved into this condition over time.

Importantly, NONE of this could happen without the energy source that enables it.  A forest fire cannot burn without wood and tinder and a spark to get it started.  Likewise none of this out of control debilitating leftism could have risen up without the energy source of fake money consisting of fiat currency and fractional reserve banking which is like a nutrient laden Petri dish for growing unwanted human behavior.

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