Thursday, February 6, 2020

How much do we really know about what's going on?

On a planet with billions of people there are billions of ideas, and not all of them very benevolent.  While we are distracted with stock market and super bowl, I guarantee you there are people out there who are thinking about ways to change everything in their favor.  Or to at least try.

In these pages I continue to lament the actions that were taken on 9-11.  I didn't lose any family.  My job was not affected.  Yes, as a business traveler I had to begin being treated like a criminal at the airport but we are only talking 6-10 times per year and it has been mitigated with prepaid security "services" (bribes) like

The reason I have been so impacted by 9-11 was because that is when I woke up.  That is when they jumped the shark so badly that they tipped their hand to me.  At the time that was not very easy to do because I was happy working long hours in high tech, inventing new things and then being allowed to manage teams of talented people to implement them.  That really was an amazing luxury and while that was my life I didn't think about much else.

In fact, it took some time to dawn on me what I had actually seen: 3 steel frame building all collapse just perfectly into their own footprints all within hours of each other, and one of the buildings, WTC7 wasn't even hit by a plane.  You see, the media conveniently failed to provide much coverage on WTC7, with all the focus and hysteria being aimed at the two stars of that theatrical production: WTC1 and 2.  But since they were hit by planes and since government paid their boys to come in and make up bullshit "science" to explain "pan caking" floors to a gullible public, WTC1 and 2 actually turned into just being noise for me.  WTC7 was where the clear signal was.  WTC7 was the reason I eventually woke up.

Now, it's possible to live life in a constant state of fear and after waking up to that kind of nightmare realization that government is evil. And you can go ahead and blame every little thing on that.  But I never did.  I just stepped back and said, what is happening?  Why is it happening?  Being evil just for the heck of it makes no sense.  There has to be the notion of profit in order for any kind of intelligence to act.

Profit takes many forms.  A man might profit financially from stealing from his neighbor but does he not also profit if he takes action that helps him evade being caught?  And so it was then that I realized that government is a living thing made up of cells, each acting in its own self interest but with an overarching spirit of evil.  Instead of working to get ahead, government takes what it needs from others to survive.  Government enslaves the governed for its daily bread.  It was this realization that helped me unpeel the onion and to understand the how and the why of the Global Debt Ponzi which is just another way to take from workers parasitically so that the few can have far more than they could ever have legitimately earned on their own.

And so it is with this understanding that I observe world events.  The coronavirus is a candidate for having been done by the hand of government which is why I began to discuss it in this recent post.  I'm not claiming it was done on purpose because I don't have any hard data that suggests it yet.  We certainly have motive though.  China has been the engine of global growth for several decades.  The US has printed fake money and China  agreed to accept it in exchange for bringing their workforce into the 21st century.  But China does not want to be the US slave forever and China can see that the decades long status quo is going to change anyhow simply because the fake money supply is dying.  So there is definitely motive on both sides to throw caution to the wind and usher safety out the door so that the world order can be rejiggered.

With that said, some evidence is now potentially showing up to suggest that mankind did in fact have a hand in the design and release of this agent of sickness.  One aspect is that this is a "novel" virus which means we don't have much immunity.  Another is that it is transmissible during asymptomatic phases- you can catch it from someone who is not displaying symptoms.  Also with a transmissive "R not" or R0 value of over 4, it is very, very transmissible and you can see that from the chart comparing its spread to SARS.  It is happening so quickly that people don't even know how much worse it is than SARS.  But it is much, much worse according to the data.

Unfortunately, the fingerprints of men are all over this as some web sites are reporting that the virus appears to have been engineered with "HIV-like" DNA insertions.  All of this is out of my experience realm but the authors were forced to take their paper back because they have been told it feeds conspiracy theories.  So you can be sure that they themselves were not making it up.  Nobody ever makes anyone retract lies.  Only inconvenient truths need to be recalled.

In addition, people associated with the Canadian lab where this virus was supposed to have been engineered are now suddenly dying of unnatural causes.  See Frank Plummer.   He didn't die in 2018 when he began getting brain stimulation treatments.  Nor did he die last quarter.  Nor did he die last month.  He died as soon as coronavirus was understood to be a global pandemic.  Sudden deaths of major players do not happen in paranoid delusions but it is pretty much the first thing to happen in actual conspiracies.  Tie off those loose ends before someone can go state's evidence and begin singing.

Coronavirus is a bigger deal than we are being told.  I am headed to Amsterdam next week for a trade show (ISE).  25% of the exhibitors are said to be Chinese and we are seeing several of the majors pull out right now.  I personally plan to wear a mask and will not be shaking hands with anyone.  And I plan to keep at least 7-10 feet between me and others in the booth.  I don't think its overreacting given that I know government has not been honest about the rate of transmission or the death rate of those who contract the disease.  We have all seen the videos of bodies piled in the halls of Chinese clinics and everyone knows that Hong Kong health care workers are threatening to walk off the job unless the border with China is closed.

I'll say it again.  I sure hope this coronavirus thing doesn't turn out to be be 9-11 2.0 where the government, like a serial killer who keeps getting away with murder, continues to commit bigger and more horrible atrocities in order to stay in power.   9-11 was at least contained.  Viruses on the other hand, are known for being "viral" with unintended and uncontrolled growth and spread.

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