Monday, February 24, 2020

Harvey will either die or go to the slam for the rest of his life now.

My oh my, how the mighty have fallen.  Do you recall all those years ago when I clearly stated what we would see as Peak Liberalism brought with it the end of the Global Debt Ponzi?  I have been very clear and unwavering the whole time: we would see mighty elite brought down by the herd.  Skeletons would be falling out of closets and it would no longer be paid for with money by the elite.  Instead, real jail time would result.

Well, its official now, Harvey Weinstein is now convicted of not one but two sex crimes, both major felonies, with a possible sentence of up to 29 years.  And I can tell you right now he will be made an example of.  They will hit him with enough time that it is effectively a death sentence in jail.

Truth be told, Harvey probably didn't commit any real crime.  What he most likely did was use his power and influence to coerce women into consenting to sex otherwise they would be blackballed from access to Hollywood.  Had he actually forcibly raped anyone they would have busted him a long time ago.  The wiki on this matter say "As early as 1998, Gwyneth Paltrow said on Late Show with David Letterman that Weinstein "will coerce you to do a thing or two.""  That's probably the stone cold truth of it.  And in response many weak minded women went along with it because they wanted to be stars so badly.  Had those women had any personal honor they would have told Harvey to go fuck himself.

Back then workplace laws were not as strict as today.  Today the coercion portion of what Harvey did would certainly be illegal sexual harassment.  And of that he is certainly guilty.  But laws are not supposed to be retroactive.  You should not be able to pass a new law and then point to pre-law behavior that is not repeated post law and then put a man in jail for life.  And the whole rape narrative is bogus as well.  It was only rape because those doing the complaining didn't become a star.  They thought they paid their entry fee on the casting couch and it turns out that those with lack of talent still don't get acting jobs.

The main difference between then and now is that fake money is losing its power over the minds of humans.  During the liberal heyday, people would have done absolutely anything for cash, even those who really didn't need it.  It had become a contest of he who dies with the most toys wins, no matter the fact that when you have 30 cars in your collection most of them just sit there rusting and collecting dust.

And so this is the real take away for all my readers to understand.  Who gives a shit that Harvey is going to jail?  That is just a symptom of the bigger issue which is that all the liberal bullshit which has screwed this country over for the past 50 years is now on the verge of collapse.  The markets are chief among them.  It is a liberal notion that you can earn some money and put it in a magic box and come back later to assuredly find more money than was initially input.  Also, government doing amoral things in direct opposition to the will and benefit of the people is also amoral behavior which is nothing more than organized crime.  They want your stuff more than you do as Rocket Racoon would say.  Workers and producers getting screwed over while posers and politicians and liars and gamblers get ahead is also liberal behavior.  ALL of these things will now reverse.

And finally, fake money is the most liberal of all things.  It is the open theft of working people's labor.

The reason you need to care about Harvey is because I was right and each month that goes by my world view is reinforced by unfolding events.  And my world view necessarily requires that eventually the mass corruption will fail en masse.  It will be exposed.  We will know the truth about 911.  Everyone will know what I have known for 20 years about what is and is not real money.  There will be no room for the cockroaches to hide.  The system will collapse into chaos before it can be reborn into something better.  There will likely also be war and massive public unrest, food shortages and supply chain interruption of all kinds, including electricity and perhaps even clean water.  This is the reason you should not look at my statements as braggadocio.  I gain nothing by doing that.  But unless I can get people to open their eyes and see the truth of what I have been saying, all of my insight and understanding is spent on me and mine alone.  And that would be a truly sad thing for me because I don't have the means to do for everyone what everyone right now needs to be doing for themselves.

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