Friday, February 21, 2020

The common man is over it.

Listen to this guy give it to Pocahontas Warren for promoting moral hazard in order to get elected.  That guy is absolutely right.  He's not getting a refund for having done the right thing.  Only self-made victims will get a bail out for taking on college debt to go get a dufas degree in basket weaving and gender re-identification science.  That guy was fit to be tied.  If these mmt (modern monetary terrorists) don't stand down with their rabid plans to grab power and control, this nation is going to fall apart.  Look at warren.  She will literally do anything, say anything to get elected.  She makes Hillary look reserved and in control.

This is a far worse state of affairs than many people seem to realize.  The chances of the US splitting apart under this pressure are rising quickly.  Don't think it can't happen.  It happened to Russia in the early 90s and they were a superpower.  And I see many states seemingly making plans for it.  Texas built a state gold repository.  Gee, why did we need that?  Oh, that's right, in order to have gold so that Texas can create its own currency to compete with the greenback and then secede from the divided states of America.

There is no outside power in the world that is a credible threat to America today.  However, there are many credible internal issues that stand a better than even chance of cracking that egg.  Elizabeth Warren is a political terrorist.

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