Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Hit piece on Trump falls short

The Guardian dropped its guard by allowing a blatant anti-Trump, Trump is Hitler, Trump is fascist "opinion piece" to print.  The author, Jason Nobody, packed every liberal anti-Trump theme possible into the title, the lead section, and the caption of the main picture.

The whole thing would be laughable if it weren't so blatantly crazy.  Trump has chosen to enforce laws that the left wanted to ignore in order to pad the polls with an immigrant demographic that it hoped would vote dem.  And the constant references to Hitler are so over the top that even centrist dems are rolling their eyes.  Does Trump set up official tattletale Nove-Stazi websites saying "if you see something say something"?  MO!  That bullshit was from the traitor Obama.  As this open mic video confession suggests, if anyone "colluded" with communist Russia it was him.

Another joke in this hit piece is that Trump is colluding with Modi on his abuse of the downtrodden.  Well, look at the picture.  Does that look like Trump is any kind of friend of Modi?  Trump looks like he is holding his breath as Modi tries to make it look like they are old buddies.  The expression on Trump's face is clearly one of tolerance more than of some kind of close tie.  You would have thought they could find a better photo to make their point than this, and I think if one existed then they would have used it.  This is as good as it gets between Trump and Modi.

I'm not big fan of Trump.  I think he is prolonging the Global Debt Ponzi by using more and more deficit spending.  I think his communications are childish at best.  But regardless of these shortcomings he's doing what he thinks is best for the USA regardless of what the globalists want, and he's in no way "Hitler".  All those comments by the left will do is drive centrist dems to vote for Trump in November.

Leftists, get over yourselves.

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