Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Gay scouts of america about to get cleaned out.

As with anything where the fox is left to guard the hen house, the liberals infiltrated what used to be an honorable American tradition, the Boy Scouts of America, and totally fucked it up with their gay lust antics.  I first wrote about it here and indicated that "rumors" of bankruptcy were no doubt true because there was no saving something that was so badly infected with mental disease.

Now we see that I was right when I predicted even before these lawsuits emerged that Boy Scouts was doomed.  No, really.  I believe I was alone in stating this view that you can read from this 2017 article.

Boy Scouts signals that it is not going to be around in 15 years

I wrote, "15 years from today I predict that Boy Scouts of America will be a broken shell of its former greatness.  When you see that, thank the liberals for making it happen.  Liberalism isn't bad, it's simply not appropriate everywhere and trying to force the agenda into all aspects of life is as likely to fail as driving an oversized square peg into an undersized round hole".

Little did I know that 15 years was way too conservative an estimate. It's only been just over 2 years and BSA is going BK.   But the eventual demise was very easy to predict because everything the leftists touch dies in the fullness of time.  They suck the life out of everything, all the while with a smile on acting like a friend. 

We are not talking about isolated instances of gay pedo here.  The lawsuits are for literally hundreds of cases.  Homo pedo was institutionalized in BSA.  Young men with raging hormones are easy targets and these bastards took full advantage of the human nature of their victims.  As far as I'm concerned, gay pedo is death penalty material.  If someone did that to my son and the state was going to give them a hand slap sentence it would be a death sentence for them once they got out.  But more than likely I'd just make sure the other inmates knew he was in the slam for gay pedo and then let them take the trash out.

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