Friday, February 7, 2020

People who think there is no stopping big government should watch this vid

I keep telling people that big government will not win its quest to take, on a broad basis, the gold or guns of American citizens.  So many people just can't believe that.  They actually think government is all powerful.  But what happens when the people first lost all respect for the government, and then lose all fear of the government?  And what happens when their enforcers won't enforce?  What happens when the pressure from the people pushing back against the drooling bureaucrats is palpable? 

Watch this vid and you will understand.

The good cops know right from wrong and so they will side with the people for reasons of honor.  I think the cop in the vid is one of the good ones.  But even the shit cops with any brains can read the writing on the wall.  They can see that the bureaucrats have lost control of the herd and they don't want to be stampeded.  Anyone who is more fearful of the government than they are of an angry citizen mob is a fool.  Mobs can get very ugly very fast.  When mobs lose fear of their overseers, it happens with exponential speed, just like a stampede. 

I have written many anti government things without even one care about sneaking around or who might hate me for it.  The reason is that I truly don't care what they think.  I have a G_d given right to say what I want and I won't be shy about defending it.  If they want to come and take me down then they can bring it.  But they won't be finding someone who is afraid of them or intimidated by them.  For me, big government has lost its moral compass and therefore its legitimacy. That makes it nothing more than a mob.  I also know that they would not be coming to negotiate.  They would be coming to dictate.  Odds are that I would have to shoot them on my front porch.  If they are reading this then they know that so it is unlikely they will do it on a whim.  And so I will go on exposing their corruption and telling people that resistance is the right thing to do once you awake to the fact that organized crime has taken control of our country.

They act like they don't care because they know if they show fear it will only get worse faster.  But history shows that you simply do not want any part of Americans who are legitimately and righteously angry.  It's just dumb.  Years ago when I first began referring to George Carlin's rant about big evil government, I pointed out that one of his tag lines "nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care" was reminiscent of Don Henley's lyrics, "like cows at a passing train".  I predicted that this attitude would continue until it didn't and then boy wouldn't it.  In other words, the herd would suddenly transform from a cud chewing, seemingly stupid bunch of easily fooled and controlled animals into a cunning, viscous pack of velociraptors who would tear the living shit out of the oppressors.

When exactly that will take place I do not know.  But look at the way that group of rednecks all broke out cheering in unison when the cop said he didn't care what the bureaucrats decided because he was not going to enforce corrupt gun laws upon the people.  The cop himself is clearly a bit taken aback by it.  Things are reaching a tipping point and we probably don't have as much time left as many people think before the situation escalates dramatically.

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